URBN Surf to clear important remnant Banksia Woodland for its sh**ty Perth park

LMAO. your entire state is built off destroying land.

Fellow burleigh crew back up when WA crew step up...Salute! MutantPig...say the word.
March / April 2023
Death by 1,000 cuts.
22 Nov 2023 Clearing Permit 14 Dec 2023 - 14 Dec 2032
Dec : Site Map (Clearing)
23 Jan 2024 Waves of Destruction > 24th Jan Cockburn Central Station
23 Feb 2024
3 March
7 March 2024

Banksia Woodside Telethon

12 April Waves of Destruction
Last - ditch bid to stop $100m Perth Surf Park
Enviro Groups Gathered to Appeal the Clearing Permit.
Beeliar Group Dr MJ : "Surf Park is a travesty from Start to Finish, not just for Wildlife but Perth's Drinking Water Supply (Aquifer), with Plans for more than 100m L of water for the Park!"
Urban Bushland Council WA Volunteer HH : "The fact the Surf Park was Approved was Symbolic of what's wrong with our Planning & Environmental processes and laws!"
Save The Black Cockatoos handed a letter to Enviro' Minister R Whitby to intervene.
"Please repeal the clearing permit recently issued for the Surf Park in Jandakot as it will have unacceptable. long term consequences for Endangered Wildlife and the Community!"
Premier / Aventuur (Prepared Responses) re: News Article.
News Video
Appeal Perth Surf Park Clearing Permit Online Petition has 8,789 signatures
Bonus Protest - Props (Quite a lot more detail here)
3rd May Surf Park Defends it's Location...


Fomofroth wrote:Depressing.
Fomofroth. How’s things ?
I concur wholeheartedly. I was in that location where the pool is proposed in January this year.
The area near and around there has already been raped and pillaged by urban sprawl, ugly was my first impression. Way too much house on a small block. Crap.
Cardboard boxes in fools paradise.
How much more of that Banksia sp. Xanthorrhoea sp coastal flora woodlands do we need to keep mowing down. Carnaby’s Cockatoos and other birds are reliant on medium to large seeds. No seeds no birds, we’ve already screwed over the habitats of Carnaby’s , Baudin and Red-Tailed Cockatoos.
Ecological mess that corridor, for what, a wave pool, fuck the ocean is very close by.
Dont get me started on that ecological scar on the landscape, the ‘Wheatbelt’ , aborrhent is the word which came to mind when I drove through it. Poor indictment on our nation and especially the Government of WA.
The same process was unfolding on the Sunshine Coast last year and now the one south of Adelaide. The one for Sydney is to commence construction later this year, more clearing of vegetation, we are going to fry this nation, removing vegetation that assists with cooling and solar reflectivity.
I’m not opposed to development, but I’m always opposed to inappropriate developments, where it’s the want of greedy developers first and foremost.
They don’t sit around thinking , let’s build a wave pool for the people who may or may not need it , they plan it as a financial concern and nothing else.
Were the communities of the Sunshine Coast, South of Perth, South of Adelaide
consulted as to whether they needed or wanted a pool, I doubt it.
Just gets slapped on the landscape, full stop.
This syndrome of clearing what developers call just a ‘small’ piece of land is ongoing nationally, bit by bit we are dismantling our continents vegetation and related ecologies, it all adds up, before you know it , it’s gone for good.
These pools are short focused projects that’ll end up as white elephants in a couple of decades.
Take a look at the first wave pool in Snowdonia in Wales, gonsky.
Couldn’t keep up with repetitive mechanical breakdowns and repairs, lack lustre type waves etc.
I was surfing with a guy at LanceR last year, he was from Wales, he commented that surfers simply just got bored with it in the end.
Lastly a win for sustaining some of our national ecology.
The ridiculous Toodah Harbour Marina at the south end of Moreton Bay shopping precinct proposal endorsed and given the go ahead by Frydenburg the loser and given to the Walker Group to develop is now NOT going ahead.
Thanks to organisations who collect data , field naturalist clubs etc and concerned general public.
For fuck sake it’s a RAMSAR listed world body of water and ecological system.
Frydenburg was going to excise the proposed area from the protected zone.
Just a modern day Joh Bjelke Peterson
If it did go ahead, we’d have created another Shopping Mall Gulag for our new breed of modern day consumer intoxicated by the Gruen Transfer.
Yes folks, it wasn’t just a late night TV program, it’s an actual syndrome, drugged and mesmerised by marketing, advertising and the clever use of TV , the global drug, to slowly get you to pick from your pocket the plastic fantastic with the little metallic chip so as to part with more money to buy things you don’t actually need, but must have. AW

AlfredWallace sure did shift some gear there...
Pretty solid thought provoking read for all...thanks for sharing.
Can help out with some of them mystery Oz Wave Pool Approvals...
Local Objections
* Town Plan Breach
* Community is not a Theme Park
* Flooding / Water sourcing Impacts
* Traffic + a/h Noise / Lighting
* Loss of green space
* Environmental Groups uphold wildlife corridors
(Notes) Enviro Groups mount & run Flyers of box [X] Submissions
Respect Beaches / Endangered critters extinction / Traffic Snarls / VIP Snobs
Govt Directions
* Local Cultural / historical integration
* Transit Hub coach upgrade for International Comps.
* Flood Evacuation Compliance Plan
* Neighbourhood Friendly Servicing
* Timetabled ecological wastewater release
Developer Exemption Codes
* Flexi Wave height = Flexi build height in flexi res-commercial hub
* Airport / Rail / Sport Precincts override councils & fast track approvals + Avoid inspections
* International Comp / Resort > upgrades Golf res/rec Body Corp Pyramid Schemes
* Rehab waste site coughs up fast tracking EPA exemptions
(Notes) Developers email like minded Club / Shareholders also run box [tick] Promos.
Like : Bar Staff will save the Town / Olympic Glory / Will put Town on the Map.
Qld demand Flood proof + International Transit -rewarding extra build height / Gigs / Resort Body Corp
Vic / Syd / WA Govts utilize Transit Hubs to upzone Jock-Resorts / Events
Regional Councils rezone Farms > Sporting Wellness Villas / Tourist Hubs - Events.
Wotz never even considered...
Many Wave Pool operators often switch 2/3 designs more often than not.
Very rare to follow thru with original design...often changes or flips to reduce impact, time or cost
Massive easily accessible o/n un-patrolled dark lagoon centres newer residential resort designs.
Ask! Does one light up lagoon for safety & none ever sleep or worry all night over children.
Industrial Zone > Petrochemical Plant = (High Risk-Fire fighting > Neighbourhood Evacuation)
300+ Surfboard Hire is a residential Chemical Time Bomb.
Giant Lagoon / treatment Plant - Mass Chem Storage is a residential Time Bomb.
Wave Machine powered Brewery CO2 / Chem Fumes intoxicating the neighbourhood 24/7.
Don't take long to see modern wave park is equally a mixed Chem Factory/Warehouse!
Add the Wave -Tanks air pressure with Mass Chem Storage {Kaboom} Not even on the Radar!
tbb can confirm there is zero compliance on such Chem guidelines...'we might consider this or that!'
Dead end Bogan Asbestos tip once a toxic no go zone...now operates Surf City's effervescent Spa bath.
Just as...
Dream Machine commercials spit out Surfboards to tackle Barbie's 7 Wave Pools Safari..
PS : A well designed, reasonably priced Therapeutic Wave Pool will out survive all patrons...
1905 Bilzbad Wave Pool Therapy Resort is still luxuriating bodily pleasures... 120 years on
Season starts this weekend & runs until mid September for $5/hr or $8/day (Camp $20-30/day)
Guessing that's of little interest to Boardriders forking out $150 to fend off wave sensation.
Exact same Pool Waves elicit sensual therapy to Surfers or a conveyor belt for Pool Toy commuters.
Answers itself why VIP wavepools come & go...how to become attached with zero engagement?
Sadly, no modern wave lagoon permits full immersion surf therapy. ( Pool Toys are now Mandatory!)
No longer a question of each to their own...Luxuriant sensual Wavepool surfing is strictly forbidden.
Machined Waves were designed for many reasons...
Waves distort pool floor from surface for High Divers to isolate the often many swimming beneath!
Sure...waves also act as a bubble curtain to warm & break the hard water surface to soften the impact blows.
See many 1930's Wave Machines operated from 'neath dive towers...
As with Diving or boardriding the engagement is minimal to fleeting & Yes! Such wavepools close early!
Other more original uses were for Health Spa Wave Therapy...pleasurable wavepools survive many generations.
#1 Oz most popular Wave Pool on Gold Coast is now 40 years old & much loved.
Why now prescribe such new pools, then ban engaging in fully endorsed sensual therapy...that defies belief!
What drives new Wavepool operators to deny their primary objective of fully pleasurable surfing therapy?
As surfers, we are a funny mob- supposedly in tune with nature etc and yet, when it comes down to it: we pollute, dispose and destroy just to wiggle our skinny arses on water. Why are we getting excited about these fucks building this at the cost of important banskia woodland, I grew up around this area of Perth and it is so sad to see how much of it has been lost over the past 40 years. Surely as a surf related business, these guys should be backing off this stupid location right now, but no, $$$$ and fuck the future.
Read more here:
And if you know them or are married to one them, tell them they are total knob ends