NSW Election 2023

Honestly in what sort of universe could anyone think that dressing up a nazi is funny or cool? Fucking delusional twat. He must have known Labor knew this but were going to wait until closer to the election to reveal, so he had to get out the goose step and fess up, hoping enough time will pass before the election so maybe the faithful would forgive and forget. Time for a change of government in NSW methinks, and time to start manufacturing public transport assets in NSW again.

Maybe he got dress up advice from Harry Sussex.

Westofthelake wrote:Honestly in what sort of universe could anyone think that dressing up a nazi is funny or cool? Fucking delusional twat. He must have known Labor knew this but were going to wait until closer to the election to reveal, so he had to get out the goose step and fess up, hoping enough time will pass before the election so maybe the faithful would forgive and forget. Time for a change of government in NSW methinks, and time to start manufacturing public transport assets in NSW again.
I had a German mate turn up to a fancy dress party my wife and I where holding dressed as Hitler. He’s small and skinny, kind of looks like Mr Burns. It was Hilarious and everyone saw the funny side and moved on. When we talk about it now we still laugh.

Everyone seeing the funny side of dressing up as Hitler says a lot more about you and your friends than it does about anything else sogdog. That you still think it's funny now is just weird.

dandandan wrote:Everyone seeing the funny side of dressing up as Hitler says a lot more about you and your friends than it does about anything else sogdog. That you still think it's funny now is just weird.
Says what about me Dan, that my mate pulls a “shock value” joke. Everyone gets the shocking hilarity of the non-pc joke. Has a laugh and moves on. We didn’t turn into Nazi’s on the spot in a puff of smoke.
Now tell me your version how how we should of responded.

One time for a NYE fancy dress shindig I donned a wig and a Moroccan Djellaba (been there a few times), and with my existing beard, I looked quite biblical.
At one stage I was photographed together with a fellow party-goer dressed as old Nick that got in the local rag.
I'm sure Dom would've enjoyed those shenanigans.

I think it’s excellent how the Jews have cornered the market on this sort of stuff.
No way the Russians could muster that sort of outrage if someone dressed as Stalin.

Let’s not let the facts/events prior to the production of this manufactured outrage escape us either.
Disgruntled former and current colleagues, a jilted gambling lobby and holy fuck here’s a photo from 20 years ago. Don’t buy the bullshit Dx3

I don't buy it either and you're bang on about the jilted gambling lobby. Christine Milne pointed this out as soon as it came to light. Politics aside, it's just not funny to dress up as Hitler. I feel like that's a pretty simple one these days. Don't come in black face, don't come as the klan, don't come as a Nazi. Not super complicated.

That's settled then, next fancy dress I'm going as Stalin.
He killed way more people than Hitler so the shock value is still high.
And he's a white male so I can't be accused of racism or sexism.
Fuggin bewdy.

Had a more butch moustache as well.

People need to lighten up

Can't believe Mel Brooks would do something so offensive.
I'm outraged.

dandandan wrote:I don't buy it either and you're bang on about the jilted gambling lobby. Christine Milne pointed this out as soon as it came to light. Politics aside, it's just not funny to dress up as Hitler. I feel like that's a pretty simple one these days. Don't come in black face, don't come as the klan, don't come as a Nazi. Not super complicated.
Missus did Tu-Pac one year…….whoops!

It’s got to be daunting for anyone new entering politics. Knowing that lobby groups and vested interests will troll anything they can from the past to get people to capitulate.
And often the outrage has to be manufactured. And the worst part is, they know it’ll work a lot of the time.

Next fancy dress bollocks, I'm going as George Pell.

NSW State election betting.
— Stephen Koukoulas (@TheKouk) January 15, 2023
All the recent money is heading Labor's way.
Labor $1.37
Coalition $3.15
Via @Betfair_Aus

Wow those are the odds, sportsbet saying 1.35 to 3.15.
I was expecting NSW to stay Lib as foil to pretty much the rest of the country and Feds, but there you go. It's not over till it's over though. March 25th is the date.

VJ, the odds are from betfair, which is a betting exchange, bit different to a fixed odds provider like sportsbet.
In case you've never encountered them, betting exchanges basically enable one to not only place/buy bets (back) in the "usual" way, but also to offer/sell them (lay) like a bookmaker does. Well explained on the wiki page betting exchange. So they're kind of like stock markets but for betting.
Like you mentioned it's a fair way out from the date so one would expect the betfair market for the NSW election to be a bit illiquid and possibly volatile until the election gets closer.

gsco that sounds cool, someone offering odds could close out the position prior to event. I think I've been told about them before but don't really get into that kind of thing, although my late father had an excellent horse betting system which he taught to me. He'd regularly have quinellas and trifectas pay for a free trip to the Melbourne Cup from Perth. Once it got him as far as Royal Ascot!

Dressing up as Hitler might not be too funny. Getting a Hitler is even worse. Just ask Butters.

Cant be bothered getting into politics especially NSW which is not my state, but just saw the Hitler thing come up on main page and heard it on ABC radio the other day.
Seriously it's ridiculous that people are judged on shit like that that happened when young or twenty years ago.
When i first heard it come up on the radio, i thought it was something he did recently, and was thinking WTF dude has real bad judgement, then I listened for 5 minutes and caught on it was when he was young, seriously crazy that people care at all.
Im no saying that jus because he is LNP either, same goes for Labor or Greens or whoever, be it whatever black face or getting busted for drugs or whatever, seriously who gives a shit what people did within the law when they were younger.
Okay if you are talking highly illegal acts/crimes and person was charged and found guilty (not jus accused) then okay that's a bit different but im talking rape, violent crime, murder etc, not just busted with a joint or something or locked up for the night for being drunk.

Supafreak wrote:Imagine the outrage on sky if Albo or Dan had done this . I actually don’t really care what he did 20 years ago more interested in what he’s done recently like doing whatever Glady’s said without questioning it . I still will be surprised if he’s leader come election week .
Reckon his position has been shaky for a long time. I was surprised he survived the icare debacle(s), let alone elevated to leader, but now he has rising stars like Matt Kean underneath him the party's urge to boot out the liability and get with the times must be growing.
Also, FWIW, reckon the fancy dress brouhaha is a stormtrooper in a teacup.

While its not a good look, Ive seen worse over here in the west. If you hadn't heard of Troy Buswell here's a summary.
Was LNP Leader of the Opposition for a bit then Treasurer when they got in office.
Improper use of allowances during an extramarital affair with Greens MLA.
Bra snapping incident during a drunken night at Parliament.
Chair sniffing of a female liberal staffer while crawling around on hands and knees, groaning with sexual pleasure pretending to be the staffers husband.
Sexist remarks and squirrel gripping a male liberal MLA
Dry humping a businessman at a party.
11 motor vehicle offences while Minister for transport
Plagiarism of a light rail report while on taxpayer funded research trip to Europe and Asia
He also was charged with bashing his ex but that was after he left parliament.

Chair sniffing and squirrel gripping, I must not get out enough.

velocityjohnno wrote:Chair sniffing and squirrel gripping, I must not get out enough.
dudes gotta give the viagra, and the alcohol... the mans a pig...
and, thats one ideologically unsound greens chick... wonder what her pronouns are?
woof and dover?

Dom having a selloff

Haha (Udo), who doesn't love a good hate symbol selloff eh! #fugginbewdy

Love WA's revenue data in that article. They're on the right track.

NSW Pork Barrel gains a head of steam on the roll home.
(Bribe 1) If elected Dom will waive the fines of 'Safe Drivers' Speeding in Bus Lanes
Q: How can the Premier undermine essential Policework & overturn fines!
* Seriously devalues roadside Policing > Govt tears up 227,500 fines!
* NSW Premier wastes : ID Checks $12,489,750 + Cop/Office 30mins $7,962,500
* Dom's Election Sweetner bins : $20,452,250 of valuable police resource!
* Highly unlikely for a low points driver to risk speeding in a Bus Lane...All say aye!
* Drivers with most Points are most likely to risk speeding in Bus Lanes...well durr!
* Dom openly invites 227,500 'Expert' speedsters to repeatedly speed in bus lanes.
Ok! So this call seriously undermines Policing & rewards speedsters...so why call it?
Well..tbb thought Dom needed Sciency stuff to legitimize his sweetner...
Bus lane call is easy as all drivers share the lane to enter/exit...that's a given!
But this 10km speed wipe must be factored into the NSW Police Matrix? (Huge call!)
Police never reveal Speed Cam default leeway.
Where in hell's name could we dig up that dirt?
NRMA : "Is there a 10% Tolerance on Speed Limits?" (Wow! Ok...sorted!)
Vic = Tickets 2km/h speed variation
NSW = "Several km's over is tolerated where no danger is posed!"
Meaning = Election Period is not deemed as dangerous as Holiday Period. (Luv it!)
'Hang on there tbb...'
FFS "It's all been cleared...all above board...Wot now!"
'So when does Dom's Speed Demon Week begin!'
3rd April 2023 Dom's 10km/hr ramped Speed Week begins.
Premier Event crashes head first into the Blitz!
7th April 2023 Good Friday "Easter Weekend"
Double Demerit for reserved speedsters (vs) Zero for VIP Unlimited Speed Demons.
Surely...NSW Premier is not that stupid? Where...
'So Voters will reward Dom's racey Easter Road Safety policy...right!'
{ Gold Standard } Good Luck NSW Voters & Happy Easter Blitz to the VIPs.

NSW Pork Barrel Congestion Tax is a relief.
(Bribe 2) Rebates for States largest Petrol Guzzling CO2 emitters
1st July 2021 > 30th June 2022 ( $877 = Half Price Rego > $1,462 = Free Rego))
1st July 2022 > 30 June 2023 ($ 375 = 40% Rebate up to $750/year)
Most Cities tax largest CO2 emitters & reward Public Transport
NSW Opal card offers 10% line discount on 5 day rotation (vs) Toll 40% rebate
Insurers reward Drivers for less km's
NSW Govt rebates unashamedly rewards Drivers for more km's
All are racing to meet $375 targets blowing extra fuel & km's to score the Rebate.
NSW June Drag race of 10km faster VIPs endlessly lapping the Toll bus lane.
First prize : Bus Lane Speed Tickets ripped up & score Half Price Rego...Win! Win!
NSW June Pollution Watch issues stay at home order as Toxic Tollway comes alive!
The Great Rebate Race...outta my way you...counting down my laps to the shop!
Clever to reroute record NSW Toll Roads into a conveyer belt of Electorate freebies.
Not along Party lines but rewards vast voters hovering Inner City Electoral Maps.
Runs outta puff as soon as Election settles...blatant inner city bribe!
{ Gold Standard } Congestion Tax Regurgitation...a sure vote winner?

Not from the losing State of Origin side, but ....

Got the popcorn here south of the border...

Well that didn’t take long. Like the football, it was over by half time.
With Election looming and Dom’s latest admission of dressing as a Nazi , I can’t see him surviving as leader until March . Glady’s still waiting for her slap on the wrists which won’t happen until after the election. Can the LNP survive this election ? https://michaelwest.com.au/dominic-perrottets-nazi-uniform-brings-tears-... They are a strange lot the young liberals and they get weirder with age ………” The incident came a year after Mr Perrottet joined the NSW Liberal Party and two years before he was appointed president of the NSW Young Liberals.“ https://au.news.yahoo.com/voters-weigh-perrottets-nazi-mistake-163047387... why drag it out until after the election ? https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/politics/2023/01/11/gladys-corruption-fi...