Romantic shredaway with girlfriend - resort suggestions?

I dont know about jetskis or tennis but my pick of romantic getaway in Indo would be Nihiwatu. Voted best resort in the world a few times and you get the break with a maximum of 9 surfers out, beginners hightide(burgery) intermediate to advanced mid to lowtides. Excellent wave, a true world class wonder but not offshore in trades. However Its in Sumba where trades dont always blow and afternoons are often glassy so are mornings.
There are several tribes to meet for cultural activities and plenty of other Sumbanese cultural activities. they also do luxury ship charters of Sumba, one of the most beautiful islands of indonesia and largely untouched. They also support a lot of the people of Sumba with the sumba foundation
check out their website
They get a lot of flack from feral or travelling cheapskate hardcore surfers as most surfers disagree a resort should have exclusive rights to a wave but it keeps crowds low with most guests non surfing rich people who just like to watch and take photos. It also avoids the area becoming a surfy slum town.
On the other hand Claude Graves (the founder who might have sold it on) wasn't the guy who found the break even though he claims he did. i cant remember the names of the two surfers who found it but they originally called it saggy tits after a local elder women with saggy breasts who had red teeth from chewing on beetlenut.They surfed it for a few years before Claude.
Anyway thats just one choice.There are many others but i cant think of any as good as this place or any with jetskis and tennis courts in such a beautiful setting and such luxury rooms and good food.
Edit they do have jetskis for guests.

What about Fiji? Haven’t been myself but I thought there’s d be somewhere there that would fit the bill. Maldives seems like an obvious choice for nicer accom.

I haven't been but a mate stayed in Kandui Villas a few years ago. Said it was top notch.

Maldives. I did Kandooma with my wife and it was good. Aiming for Niyama in 2023.

Matanavusi in Fiji is epic. Went there with the wife pre-kids.

Matanavusi is great, been twice loved it, I wouldn't class it as high end though.

Nihi in Sumba,
one and only Baja
Alila - ulu
My first none surfing choice would be, but once in a lifetime maybe would be MIAVANA, TIME AND TIDE, Madagascar

Hadn't seen Miavana before Mick, wow wow wow

How about something Different and Tame the Bogan out of her...

Don’t tame the bogan….turbo charge it!

A favourite non surfing stay

seaslug wrote:Hadn't seen Miavana before Mick, wow wow wow
There is a walk through here, well worth the watch

groundswell; re saggy tits, that would be smackels and von.
Had it to themselves for years.....

Thanks for the info. I read that story about 9 years ago and couldn't remember their names even though saggy tits is one of my fave waves ive never surfed and fave wave on Green Iguana. Occys best surfing ever imo.

Meris wrote:groundswell; re saggy tits, that would be smackels and von.
Had it to themselves for years.....
Would Smackels be a surfer with initials PM?
Dunno if discretion is necessary or not, however recently shared some convos with PM and, though he didn't say anything about Saggy Tits, I know he was in Sumba very early in the piece and had some cracking stories from right across Indo.

san Guine wrote:A favourite non surfing stay
Good call. No waves but special spot

Had my honeymoon in Sumba Sept 2008. Going back next year...and taking back my wife (yes the same one) and my 10 y daughter to let her see how others live. I cant wait to see her eyeballs OPEN WIDE.
Great place....As Christian Sea would say to me each morning ... "The tide waits for no man!"

Clivus Multrum wrote:san Guine wrote:A favourite non surfing stay call. No waves but special spot
Yes, although when I was there mid 80's you could hear the gun fire up behind some of the villages as the military hunted rebels (remember the military all had brand new Uzi's) and then the boat prop coming adrift at night on the ferry back was memorable as well, a bloke jumped over the side with a spanner and reattached in the dark.
Still Guatemala was and still is I am sure pretty special much better / friendlier than Mexico IMHO.

svart in Norway

Interesting article on a left in Madagascar

If you can integrate your surfing with a romantic getaway successfully you've done better than me or anyone I know!!
In my case - and my mates - a surf obsession is processed by the wife like an affair with another woman. As as result, we've all learnt to leave the wife in Oz and go surfing after she got offended cos 1. we got up early to go surfing cos the swell was amazing and postponed that boring market shopping trip/waterfall visit/hot walk up a volcano/cooking class/spa treatment etc.; or 2. we oversurfed and then passed out at 9pm; or 3. we oversurfed and were only capable of dumb conversations; or 4. the surf was so good we just wanted to talk about it all the time and not talk about our relationship, her work, her family etc etc.; or 5. we oversurfed and had to have dinner before dinner time and so weren't properly into the official dinner...well the list goes on of possible pitfalls that she will randomly bring up for the rest of your lives together
IMO there is no such thing as a romantic shredaway. Theres a shredaway, or there's a romantic getaway. Putting the two together is playing with fire IMO

Sounds like you’re with the wrong woman. Best surf trips are with my lady.
Nothing like coming in from a hard morning’s shred in a remote area to find a couple of baldchin groper already filleted and ready for cooking courtesy of your better half,

Save up all year then spend 10k on a luxury resort OS trip with her, then get there and find its flat then the swell hits but you've agreed to do some lame activity, then postpone, explaining the swell hits when it hits and go surfing and see if she fillets your groper haha

If your lady doesn’t understand surfing then she doesn’t understand you. If you’re taking her on a luxury resort trip and she whinges when the surf finally turns on then she needs to pull her head in. She doesn’t appear to respect your needs.
BTW…they aren’t my groper- she catches them herself.

Told this story before, a few years ago I was out at pumping lacerations and only about 10 out , luckily for us an important ceremony was on and the locals weren’t out. Got talking to a bloke and he mentioned he was on his honeymoon. I said how the fuck did she let you go surfing on your honeymoon ? He replied “ no problem, she’s sitting on the pontoon filming “.

thanks for the relationship advice - I think Ill get divorced after 30 years of marriage. I need to find someone who is happy to play second fiddle to my surf obsession. Maybe I can mail order her?

The only time I’ve ever been concerned about having my girl anywhere is if it’s just the two of us, I’m surfing a long way offshore and the locals have shown themselves to be less than desirable characters. Heat, flies and lack of comfort are no problem…..weirdos jerking off near her is a problem.

billythekid wrote:thanks for the relationship advice - I think Ill get divorced after 30 years of marriage. I need to find someone who is happy to play second fiddle to my surf obsession. Maybe I can mail order her?
A sign on the lawn out front of your house advertising the position might suffice. Bit harder to manage the transition if your current wife sees the sign though. Makes the handover a bit awkward.

Just taking the piss mate. I’m not suggesting your wife take second fiddle to anything, it just sounds a bit strange that she would still not understand the importance of surfing to you. Different strokes for different folks. If it’s working for you then congratulations.

By the way regarding Nihiwatu, as far as i know, you need at about a 3 week waiting period for a good day so will be expensive staying there that long.
Kandui resort might be a better option, surrounded by waves in the playgrounds of northern mentawais.
Dont expect cafes or shopping places though for the Mrs.Possibly visit a local tribe if you're lucky.

My wife surfs and luckily for our marriage her idea of heaven is camping by a warm water Point break with plenty of nature nearby and a few rums by the fire at night.

My wife doesn't surf, but loves many places that happen to have good surf. Lucky me.
This is her idea of heaven. And there's gelato, pastries, and lethal Negronis waiting in the valley:

That’s just gorgeous I. B.
Good times for everyone.

AndyM wrote:That’s just gorgeous I. B.
Good times for everyone.
Cheers, Andy. It's a magic spot, and you just park in the trees on the side of the road, say hello to the friendly doggy at the cafe, then put your skis/skins on. 20min later you're in a full on alpine wonderland, and there's no one around.

The joys of getting away from the resort.

Just spent 2 weeks on a solo run up the coast surfing and catching up with old mates.
The handbrake didn't mind though , we don't mind a break from each other now and again.
Don't get me wrong , we get along quite well , and work often keeps me away from home so it's no biggy.
She also reckons she hates going on those unplanned surf trips with me where plans change like the tide, prefers a more fixed itinerary and a few comforts. Not a princess type just gets the shits with me making plans on the fly.
Doesn't surf but if she could fillet a fish I'd probably marry her .
Hi folks, Surfer with a nonsurfing girlfriend here looking for high end tropical resort suggestions for a romantic trip away this winter, somewhere within a flight or a couple of flights from Perth. I've done plenty of boys surf trips to Simileue, Ments, G-land etc, but understand these places are not every non-surfers cup of tea. Looking for place where a decent surf is still possible along with a bunch of other activities like yoga, hiking, diving, sailing, tennis courts etc..weirdly, she's got a bit of water bogan in her and loves jetskis....she'd be sold on a resort with jetskis...Currently considering: Cinnamon Dhonveli (Maldives), Niyama Resort (Maldives), Anantar Dhigu (Maldives), Pinnacles (Telos)
Many Thanks.