That’s weird, that’s queer, that’s crazy, that deserves a long hard look.

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill started the topic in Monday, 25 Oct 2021 at 7:04pm
basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 7:50am

fab article, @udo, the more things change, the more they stay the same, new-agers are such an ineffectual bullshit club, except the ones that prove they are 'truly authentic' by wasting their life being completely off-tap. Just Hippies3.0. May be impressive to bogans, but have always been pain-in-the-arse, johnny-come-latelies to naturalists, surfers, etc.:

Bob McTavish, on Byron:
"Byron was a very different place back then in the late 1960s and 1970s. You knew everyone: every surfer knew every surfer. The surfers had been living here and suddenly the hippies hit town... the Aquarius Festival in Nimbin in 1973 and it was peace, love and happiness. Before they came, we surfers had Byron to ourselves."

Interesting point the article makes though. I certainly would have been guilty of assuming new-age spiritualists were high on the crop-circle conspiracy list.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 7:56am

“gazing into a mirror seeking a moment of truth”
That says it all.
Filling the God-shaped hole with narcissism

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 11:00am

I like Bob ( and his wife ) Lynn but surfers didn’t Rule “The Bay “ in the 60’s or 70’s .

Didn’t even rule the waves .

The Clubies Ruled the Bay waves .

There was more of them and they had been around for ages .

Up at NB , me and a few close mates were the only surfers ( lots of fishermen ) .

The town had 2 main places for locals to work .
Norco? The Milk Factory and the Abattoir ( I did 3 weeks sentence after HSC there with a mate ) .
Never surfed near the blood pipe .

A few hippies would float down , occasionally, and surf with us @ NB .

Mainly Bunnies would drive down from the Gold Coast .

They could really surf ( were older ) so we didn’t mind them too much .

We would sneak past their cars ( didn’t want to wake them ) and get it to ourselves for a while .

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 11:27am

Thanks for contextualising, @Pop, cheers : )
You might enjoy Nick Bollinger's book 'Jumping Sundays: The Rise and Fall of the Counterculture in Aotearoa New Zealand'. Complex stuff, well documented.
Great written summary below:
$50 through Auckland Uni Press

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 11:46am

Base 6

I liked the headline so checked the link to peruse the ( Exec :) summary .

lol I have met enough Hippies over 50 years to know it’s not worth my time trying to work them out haha .

And they are all bloody different !

I had a nice chat with one next to the Club house at Byron two months ago .

Was checking my mate doing a training session early and needed coffee .

Saw this hippy guy with a big pram pusher Rick Shaw thing for all his hippy stuff .

I’m went up and had a chat , he said the only place open at 6.30am was 100 metres away , which I thought close for a coffee !

He had his head together , in a hippie way !

His music system was cool and was playing Jazz , perhaps .

So , I wouldn’t get the book lol !

Keep the interesting suggestions coming please . I like them and they will come in handy , starting next year !

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 8:37pm

"new-agers are such an ineffectual bullshit club"

I reckon yes and no, it's certainly mostly bullshit but over the last 30+ years I've seen its popularity just keep growing, so it must be effective on some level.
It's something I find fascinating, why do apparently rational and reasonable people go for such egregious garbage?
I mean, it's basically mainstream now, it's all through the suburbs, in the "working class" and the middle class, from the bogans to the well-to-do and the cross overs in between.
I thought that article was generally quite accurate in summing up where the New Age is at, including acknowledging the growing complexity - there are so many offshoots and sub-branches now.
Maybe that's the key to its success, it's covered enough bases to cater for a large spread of people.
Food, water, sex, religion, science, if you're disillusioned or confused, there's something in the New Age ideology for you.
Mix and match, tick the boxes and create a new lifestyle for yourself.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 8:53pm

Yeh, good points @Andy-M, just a symptom of the monkeys being freed of the monotheisms' clutches, and given a chance to think for themselves.. but lots ain't ready to stare the void in the face and realise it is beautiful.. we have a natural propensity to gravitate towards tribes, sartorial signalling, and to look for easy answers that sound good to fill, as you say, the God-shaped hole. Add giant industries like the Wellness, and be-your-best-self Ponzis, etc..

each to their own, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, prey on others' insecurities, silo scepticism, conceal revenue-agendas, or reek of my-shit-doesn't-stink yours-does, it's fine by me : )

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 9:09pm

Unfortunately I see a fair bit of harm in it, from the individual to the interpersonal and right up to creating issues with our democracy.

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 9:40pm

3 times over the last couple of weeks I've had someone tell me they were 'living their best lives'.
Is that shit still a thing?
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 9:43pm


AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 9:51pm

I'm a big fan of healing trauma by way of a sound bath.
You let the waves of healing frequencies guide you to a place of deep relaxation and harmony.
You can bathe in the celestial sounds of symphonic gongs, crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, koshi chimes and other sacred sounds.
It truly is a transformative journey.
Worth every cent :)

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Saturday, 30 Dec 2023 at 10:20pm

haha. I didn't even know that was a thing until I looked it up.
Personally, I prefer Radox, and maybe a decent bourbon and dry (Swheppes of course).
#life sux get a helmet

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 31 Dec 2023 at 8:47am

I might call U Swhepy ?

Am wondering how U and others , view and do , Meditation .

I can stop thinking stuff for about 9 seconds , max .

I try to now focus on one “Good “ thing for 2 minutes .

I know it will work , but I don’t work it enough .

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 31 Dec 2023 at 9:05am

lean in super close when you THINK you see 'truebluebasher', @Pop.
As in this case, it may be 'tubeshooter'. Different fellow.

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Sunday, 31 Dec 2023 at 8:29pm

haha, thx basesix, it's not the first time. ;)

But to answer your question Pop, I don't.
If anything, just sitting on the sand watching the ocean.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 31 Dec 2023 at 8:46pm

Hello Tubey ( I feel I have written that before )

Am guessing U can sit on the sand for an hour watching the Ocean :)

That’s thinking about a Good thing for an hour ,

It meets my definition of meditation .

I think going for a surf is like meditation .

Only thinking about waves ( not sharks :) and nature .

Maybe I can meditate at Philip Island , on Tuesday, for an hour :)

Apparently , just imagining surfing ( or exercise ) makes u fit .

It doesn’t work for me .

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Tuesday, 2 Jan 2024 at 11:15am
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 4 Jan 2024 at 4:25pm

Australian Govt's More Responsible Covid Inquiry
Politicized Terms of Reference targets former lambasted Fed Logistics & Timeline response failures.

More Responsible Covid Inquiry exposes ongoing worsening Covid Health crisis.

Ward Chart 1 ( Waving thru Covid )

Prior to calling a Pandemic WHO spread test subjects to associated Labs to unravel DNA sequence.
History records the fierce competition to import the Virus to be first to claim Holy Grail DNA Code!
Each Nation's original Covid outbreak emanated from each WHO lab thru their respective Cities.
Each WHO Lab Outbreak was in itself a Ring Test to calibrate Patient numbers to Viral outbreak reach.
Involving infecting Defence Lab Rats on military Base Hospitals > Unintended Outbreaks led to deaths.
Only when each WHO lab obtained their Covid Test cases did WHO call the Pandemic!

Correct! Both Presidents + CDC forged Covid on earlier 'Patriots' Death Certificates to predate origins.
National Heroes despite Families denying their loved one ever had Covid or visited Wuhan in outbreak.
Simply that they had visited Wuhan in that year was vaguely enough to predate CDC Defence outbreaks

Oz 1st cases conveniently had WHO labs in their Backyards."We can extract your Covid sequence!"

After WHO labs got their Test cases to spread their "Non Lethal Covid"...Now their Pandemic can begin!

Oz will recall Govt closing borders to China & Offshore Xmas Quarantine without any Face Masks.
Closing China simply detoured Covid arrival to Australia thru neighbouring Mid East > Oz infections!

The following tables are sourced from NZ [+] > Sydney (NSW) o/s [+] Data
Reason being that NSW / Sydney recorded the Longest open Covid Porthole importation data .
In otherwords it Timetables how the Virus enters Australia & if it generates instant or onset Waves
NSW [ o/s ] Data is briefly Censored @ o/s FIFO VIP care > Then relabelled as [ Not Stated / Unknown ]

After initial WHO Lab Test Bunny Hop > Chinese > Mid East Silky Rogues Road to Oz is closed.
Only Existing / Priority Students / Workers + VIPs / Emergency Cases are exempted

Origin of each Wave is determined by each o's / NZ / Oz groups during Oz / NZ season's rise in cases.
o's Entry Nationality is not recorded as NSW Data never continues to share such detail.
o's [+] Cases are naturally presumed to reflect Mass Collective of o's Asian Students / Health Frontline
Crew are free to assume or reflect upon (o's) equally representing most highly infectious peoples if so!
What you read below is a straight rip sequence of each group's [+] Outbreaks.
There is no hidden agenda > Just a timeline of each group's Outbreaks...(credit NSW o's Health Data!)
Should a pattern emerge then we're sharing vital Frontline intel on preventing o's Covid Entry into Oz!

Feb-March : NZ > Oz
Borders Close
Mid Year : o's > Oz > Oz Spring Uni Start Outbreak (o's 50/wk )
Oct/Nov : NZ > o's > Oz Summer o's Uni Student Arrivals (Spills over into Xmas break Wave)
Xmas : (o's Students) NZ = Oz Summer break > Peaks end Jan (o's 49/wk)

2020 Summary :
Covid arrives via NZ > o's Students to Oz
Oz internal outbreaks via o's Uni Mid Term Breaks

March : (No wave) Autumn Uni Enroll times with Peak Immunity Period following Northern Winter
Easter : (o's/ Oz) > NZ > Oz Mid Term Autumn break (o's 61/wk)
Mid Year : o's > Oz Spring Uni Start Outbreak
Spring Break : o's > NZ > Oz
Nov : NZ > o's > Oz Summer Uni Start arrival Outbreak
Xmas : NZ > Oz > (o's Student 137/wk rising fast *Data Censor end 2021)

2021 Summary :
Autumn o's Student arriving Post Asian Winter infections are least risk of spreading
NZ Covid Shield entry cycle to Oz is well established.
*Data Censor = o's Students (Some) Chinese / Russian Vax (Was non compliant) > AO deportations
Note : Asian Students detoured via NZ for 2 wk Isolation period to gain Oz Entry
FIFO o's VIP Medivac to NSW Gold Standard Covid Recovery Suites data was equally hidden.

Feb / March : NZ > Oz ( Larger Wave Back 2 School Kicker )
Easter : (o's/Oz) *Data Return > Mid Term Autumn Uni break Longer Peak > June-July NZ = Oz
July : Vax Entry recinds
Mid Year : o's Oz Spring Uni Start Outbreak (15,101/wk o's Peak) = NZ > Oz
Nov/Oct : NZ > o's Summer Uni Student arrival Outbreak ( 2,887 > 6,583/wk) > Oz
Xmas : NZ > Oz wave Peaks mid Dec > (o's Students) Summer Uni Break > End Dec (9,449/wk o's #2)

2022 Summary
Australia raced to stamp Russian Vax on eve of Invasion ( #2 Students - Nepalese use Sputnik Vax )
WHO / CDC stipulated Data Share as a requirement to reopening.
NZ still seem to be Covid Gateway > Oz o's Unis / Frontline are still the source of internal outbreaks.
Peak Data simply translates as High o's Entry + (testing) Compliance Lowered with each semester!

March : NZ (Longer Wave > Easter)
Easter : NZ > (o's/Oz Longer Wave 2,725/wk + 3,494/wk) > May Oz
Spring Break (o's/Oz > bumps Longer slower climbing Oz wave
October : NSW No longer Report [+] Only o's Frontline / Emergency o's Patients are tested
Nov : o's > Oz Spring Uni Start Outbreak > bumps slower Oz Wave to Peak
PM : Announces Plan to reduce immigration / Student levels (Dovetails between 2x rising o's waves)
Also in the middle of longest high run of Covid in wastewater...but buries all case data since!
Xmas : (o's/Oz) Summer Uni Break 2,586/wk > bumps Rising Wave as Fed Govt pull all data !

2023 Summary
Data reveals Covid emanates from Asia thru NZ > Sydney > Universities > Oz Cbd's
Inotherwords our Oz Govt exploit NZ as a Covid Shield as a safety valve to evaluate virulence.
NZ + o's + Oz Outbreaks are tested less but clearly lasting longer (Reflected in Wastewater reads!)
End 2023 o's "Govt Testing Facilities end" o's staff / Students must request Tests or via GP/ Emergency!
End of 2023 Tests show rising o's [+] Aged Care Staff > Possibly to claim the final $750 Covid Compo!
Since PM's announcement on o's influx reduction > All Covid Case data was withheld.
737,000 o's migration ( 19.21%) Record high Year = Record high Inflation / GST.

Govt says Students are abused & exploited to enrol into dud classes that don't enrich selves or Nation!
One could argue that Oz Govt has conflicted interest with curbing new aviation players
Govt also compounded o's boost for Record Housing / Services / Inflation = Record GST Honey Pot.
Now well past the half way point to next election...
Now Govt needs to reduce o's intake to reduce inflation to lower interest rates in run home to election.
Record GST Haul is then re-gifted as Howard signature re-election middle class welfare handouts!

(Think tbb is making that up...check Today's News!) A new world for Sure!

This is separate but relevant to Record GST Migration Take > Record Handouts already the new norm!
However our Qld Treasurer saved Oz now thrown into Back 2 Back record Qld Climate Disasters!
[Factcheck] 2023/24 Qld Xmas Storms are already above record Qld Disaster 2022 Bne Bomb payouts!

[2:45] "Processing more applications for Hardship Grants than we've ever ever experienced before!"
Back 2 Back Record blows...That is massive People! Just the way it is for all future Govts...

Reason tbb is sharing : This record Govt Goodwill Gesture never got a mention since! Wow! Really!
Doubt if any will hear about it on Evening News or local banter...Public are immune from record Crisis!

Record Migration / Inflation / Jobs / GST flips Record Covid > Health Crisis > Weather Bombs!

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Thursday, 4 Jan 2024 at 6:09pm

Those Queenslanders that stupidly voted for palachook again after her ridiculous COVID rules, now stuck with giggles lol
Sucked in.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 5 Jan 2024 at 10:20am

Bet ashsam was gigglin' when BOM loving Goofy Cyclone Milesaway slammed into the wrong WSR.

'Milesaway' Santa crashes into Sunny Lifeguard Tower to Smash his new Record 'Hey Mr Tamborine Man'

Double Goof footed Premier Milesaway :"For the record...Sunny WOTD was still it's Honeymoon Phase!"

World Champs Launch Qld #1 Goof into the soon officially WSL legislated Goldie WSR ...Better!

"Power will be restored Last wave in...hours into days...weeks sail by...give me a break Huey!"

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 5 Jan 2024 at 11:40am

Joh era Grom tbb nearly wiped out when checkin' out new Labor Qld Health xxx sealed section.
Qldurrz are no longer backwards about having Sex Talks...
That's weird, that's queer, that's crazy, that deserves a long hard look...

New xxx /R\ Qld Govt Health Tips are next some fright night matinee!
tbb is too sexy to share any shocking mortified feedback in Qld Health 'Complaints Window'.
Super funny feedback laughs though!

* Hook up with yer fav Hot Boy!...( Comes with Super Hot xxx Slurping Action )
* Keep yer filthy Claws off my Junk...(So like wot Hot Spices do Qld Health Recommend!)
* Please try not to muck up yer V's
* Get the Elf to scoop yer Poop & play around with yer Private Parts
* Heads Up before ya head down

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Saturday, 6 Jan 2024 at 10:41pm

Inconvenient information on the potential for masses of green waste...

"If solar and nuclear produce the same amount of electricity over the next 25 years that nuclear produced in 2016, and the wastes are stacked on football fields, the nuclear waste would reach the height of the Leaning Tower of Pisa,” California-based Environmental Progress states.

“The solar waste would reach the height of two Mt. Everests.”

Mmmmm.. Greta didn't mention that.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:11am

I have NFI what these people are experiencing but I DO believe them .

We should try and Investigate WHAT this terrible Humming is , imo , Urgently .

It is a Problem !

I would guess , kids and dogs , hear it better than I would .

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 9:47am
Pop Down wrote:

I have NFI what these people are experiencing but I DO believe them .

We should try and Investigate WHAT this terrible Humming is , imo , Urgently .

It is a Problem !

I would guess , kids and dogs , hear it better than I would .

Pop after reading your posts of late I reckon that humming noise is the hamster running around in there.
Just a joke…

Your mate reckons he counted 25,000 whales this year? Average of about 68 every single day.
Busy man!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 10:12am

Goofy , he is a fn freak ( wife thinks he is dreaming , mostly ) .

They both walk the Cape track , every morning .

He remembers what we all got in maths in HSC .

Remembers the price that every house in Byron as sold for ( his friends buy and sell lots as mostly tradies ) in the last 50 years .

He is a local legend , but too modest .

The local major knows him VERY well .

He fights her guys and gals all the time .

Amazingly , we both retired on the same day .

Everyone in Byron ONLY know is nickname .

Even he , can't remember , when , even his family started using it .

Or why ?

Its not a very manly nickname , at ALL lol .


It is a foreign dog breed and No one knows why he was given it .

edit 2

If I used his real Christian name , he would think I was taking to someone else .

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 10:33am
Pop Down wrote:

Goofy , he is a fn freak ( wife thinks he is dreaming , mostly ) .

They both walk the Cape track , every morning .

He remembers what we all got in maths in HSC .

Remembers the price that every house in Byron as sold for ( his friends buy and sell lots as mostly tradies ) in the last 50 years .

He is a local legend , but too modest .

The local major knows him VERY well .

He fights her guys and gals all the time .

Amazingly , we both retired on the same day .

Everyone in Byron ONLY know is nickname .

Even he , can't remember , when , even his family started using it .

Or why ?

Its not a very manly nickname , at ALL lol .


It is a foreign dog breed and No one knows why he was given it .

edit 2

If I used his real Christian name , he would think I was taking to someone else .


CMC's picture
CMC's picture
CMC Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 10:50am
goofyfoot wrote:
Pop Down wrote:

Goofy , he is a fn freak ( wife thinks he is dreaming , mostly ) .

They both walk the Cape track , every morning .

He remembers what we all got in maths in HSC .

Remembers the price that every house in Byron as sold for ( his friends buy and sell lots as mostly tradies ) in the last 50 years .

He is a local legend , but too modest .

The local major knows him VERY well .

He fights her guys and gals all the time .

Amazingly , we both retired on the same day .

Everyone in Byron ONLY know is nickname .

Even he , can't remember , when , even his family started using it .

Or why ?

Its not a very manly nickname , at ALL lol .


It is a foreign dog breed and No one knows why he was given it .

edit 2

If I used his real Christian name , he would think I was taking to someone else .


Someone say Schnauzer?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 10:59am

Sorry , wasted Pop space .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 11:05am

No lol
No more guesses , please hahahaha .

Sorry , Pop can only control HIS answers .

CMC - I will call him the name U guessed , and see what reaction I get .

I might call him tonight , and try greeting him with it .

How are U , Schnauzer ?


NFI what U mean , too Sherlock for me .

Watson is smarter than me , 2 .


Ok , U found me on Facebook .

Up to u , Udo , how U Use it .


I have nothing to hide .

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 10:58am

PoP Down - Know what i miss about Byron Facey Page .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 11:37am

What , Sherlock ( look up ) ?

I bet U worked out my Insta as well searching my school .

U know me .

I don't know U , Udo .

Cool , I think ?

Like the photos ?


Now , as Eddie would say " Pop , it's your time To Go ( surfing ) .

Will check for any responses , later .

Just driving to the beach is Fun , for this Old pop .

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 12:22pm
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 1:30pm

Udo , I think I know what U are alluding to .

If I am right , U are getting weird .

Do U do clear ?

Not smart , perhaps conniving ?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 3:07pm

Relax Pop Down...Udo just gives em enough rope!
Last week Udo's hand rocked the cradle...Joy to the world...a new born weather God!
Power & the Glory thine is the Kingdom...

Udo is not condoning the hanging of innocent Air Fresheners or pieces of shit from yer rear-view mirror.

Crew all know that's a heinous crime & highly illegal in Oz & many states of US.
Ya could lose Points & yer Licence > Refusing to pay the fine...Go to Court for that!
Just reminding that should ya defiantly refuse a Court order that Hanging is still legal in US...
Also reminding that there's a spare cell for any Punk thinkin' of hangin' Innocent Air Fresheners.

tbb pleads for mercy...let Udo off the Hook...everyone back to Church...Enjoy yer Sunday!

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 4:12pm


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 4:29pm

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 7:45pm

If Udo puts a picture of THAT guy anywhere near me , again , he might just give me enough rope to hang someone , perhaps .

I am reading more into his post than U .

Udo , please don't .

Really .

I didn't find it funny .

U , your clip is also weird .

Becoming a habit , perhaps .


Interesting Udo let others try and explain his weirdness .

Very clear .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 7 Jan 2024 at 8:36pm

I just saw U asked me to do something .

Consider it done .

Popping down .

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 1:41pm

Paging Burleigh.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 2:56pm

bought to you by sientific American lol
sponsored by pfizer

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 5:31pm

My mother is a bit weird ( like me ) .

Yesterday , she almost kidnapped an illegal ( perhaps ) Indian immigrant , who crashed into her car .

My mother jumped out and began interrogating the poor kid as immediately thought him dodgy .

His answers were really poor so she stormed off ( she said without saying good bye so really pissed ) and jumped into her car ( she had his number plate ) .

Then a my mum moment struck .

Somehow ( it was raining ) , the Indian guy had jumped into mums back seat , without her knowing it .

She flew/drove off but luckily heard the guy say " I'm here " .

He gave mum a second fn shock .

She looked around and he had the door open and was trying to get out .

Mum stopped and told him to F off ( not really ) .

He might have thought mum was going to do a citizens arrest and take him to the cop shop , perhaps .

My sister tracked down the number plate and the guy was dodgy ( mums gut feeling is rarely wrong ) .

I am thinking this year might be REALLY weird .

We are only a few days into the Year and mum has a Top 20 already .

Like all mums , she is unforgettable .

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 5:49pm

^^^This is gold…
- one for ya mum pop ;);)


Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 8 Jan 2024 at 6:22pm

Thanks flatty , twice .

For above and for the Meat Clips .

The two log fire guy had me enthralled !!!

The little detail like peeling mushrooms ( I will do it without even knowing why ) .

The bread !

And his fire wood pile . OMG .

It's still standing around , always ready and taking up little space haha ( bugs - I hate mozzies ) .

You seen to be the King of Real Meat @ SN .

If SN has a BBQ , perhaps U , can be in control of the Meat .

I took a 2 minute rump from the fridge and its been slowly getting itself to room temp before it jumps into a pan with garlic and butter .

I just went and checked it , it , NOW , looks so small .

Will gets some chips out now from the freezer to go with the salad .

I am really getting hungry lol .

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 12 Jan 2024 at 12:47am

2023/24 Covid Wastewater Tsunami

21 Nov 2023 Pr B. Crabb : "This wave 2-3-4-5m Aussies will get Covid + 50-100K cases Long Covid!"
3 Jan 2024 Dr Tan : 2m/day = 100m Total 1/3 US [+] This Wave
9 Jan 2024 Pr C. Pagel + S. Griffin : "13 Dec 2.4m [+] UK > Rising to biggest Wave!"

Oz Covid Responsible Response Tests the Wastewater
WWT is said to be fair / unbiased...
As opposed to mandating the 'Ratting' out of rival lover, neighbour, worker, team, race, state or nation!
In theory that's true but no less exploited by Govts to manipulate masses into fake messaging.
Recall 2019 Chic Fashion Brazil / EU Chinese Sweat Houses [+] WW before Wuhan outbreak.

Let's start with the Clean Test Page...
Test scales vary but reflect bi/weekly % (Here's 2 common Test Models)

* % Water ( 1/ 100, 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 ) re : 3/100 = 3% [+] wk (Usual high peak)
3/100 x 10wks = 30% of Pop were infected / wave (Just a sample...many differ from this standard)

* % of Sites (eg) Belgian Site Standard (Actual) Modelling markers!
17/40 (42.5%) Rapid Increase > 22/40 (55%) Upward trend > 24/40 (60%) High Alert.

(42.5%) Add Regional > (55%) All Test Sites > (60%) Reduce Sites > Target Hot Spots = Censor Data
Current Govts will re-allocate Testing to #1 Routes / Hot Spots / Borders / Defence / Prisons
Crew can see this then reduces rising wave fear + censors > Recalibrate Archives > Select Data Wipes
Exactly : London / NYC / Paris / Sydney all bury peak season Vax outbreaks...Mayors : Science is dead!
Isolated States / Islands only figure in outbreaks or as strategic Hot Spot but want data stigma wiped!

Oz : Rulebook + (Best > Slackest) WA > Vic > NZ > NSW > ACT > SA > Tas > Qld > NT

Timeline :
March SEQ 2/9 Sites = 22.2%
Xmas Peak NSW 16/110 sites = [+] 14.5%

There are Airline WW 'Various' [+] 37% Tests of Repats + India Outbreak ( Howard Springs)
Aug NSW 111/206 sites = [+] 54% ( Peak wk Delta ) re: (Key!) Venturing into Upward Trend
Sept Premier said she was sick of frontin' up each day for same dead shit & became first Covid Burnout.
Nov NSW Peaked @ 339 Sites ( Reduce Sites ) Xmas NSW 102/169 [+] 60.35% = Censor WWT.

NSW Censor afforded o/s VIP [+] Gold Care o's packs / Mass Asian Student Russian Vax Approvals
Jan-Mar Qld (Open Season-All must die) Sites 96/100 [+] April-June-Sept 100/100 end Qld Tests.
6-16 May (Natcab AEC) Collective Test Ramp isolates 200K from [+] unstaffed flooded Oz vote booths.
Depriving 200k Voters won't see the light of day in Albo's Covid Response.[see: Test-wave May 2022]
About the only thing 'All States' agreed on thru Whole pandemic was Bio security Voter exploitation!
Oct NSW restart % WWT just 4 sites & 1,000/10,000 changes altering ratios but 'Bondi July more so?
Data refers to Rain Dip July / 2022 > Record Sydney Rain makes this a record offset ramp anomaly.

July / Aug tbb detailed how current wave begins in Oz to now 'longest climbing highest wave.'
Oct : Early 'less immune = Long Covid Gut Mold + Travel Gastro combos as Global JN.1. symptom.
13 Nov 2023 Dr Turville (Syd Uni) :
WWT + AV Scripts indicate Slower "Longer Wave" rising from Aug / NZ / Vic / NSW > Early Sept WA
Fed weekly AV data revealed expired doses > They also censored new monthly AV Scripted waves!
Feds also backdated Graph data by 1 month to cover expired Vax + lower AV "Nov" peak as Dec?
Paranoid anti science Dark Ages Fed Govt...hell bent on covering up Mass Vax Outbreak = Mass Compo.

21 Dec (Above) Pr Crabb > Massive Wave infecting of Millions of Aussies > 50-100K Long Covid
20 Dec Dr T. "JN.1 breaking thru Gut GI Tract > Gastro Ramps Emergency + Wastewater!" (Incubation?)
Oz wave Peak as with UK / US keeps being extended into Feb...

US / Canada Wastewater Testing
Current Wave started in July in Northern Europe spiking in November.
US wave started in July & is also Longest/largest WW wave & set to rise for weeks to come.
Largest Wave in (States / Territories) Record high in 24 states > 2nd in 15 > 3rd in 11 > 4th in 4
75% of States are flooded with longest equally highest > soon record high Covid Outbreak.

13th Dec CDC pulled the Rip Chord to halt US record Covid wave from soaring above former waves!
When 35%[+] Sites reached 99% CDC Aborted half WTT Sites from 1,225 reduced to now 633.
Many outliers were cut + Equally as many Hot Spots...
New Sites are "Seemingly" targeting Southern Borders / Defence Hubs / Prisons / Rtn Holiday Roads
WWT has switched from Coastal Reserves to Holiday return north Routes Hubs of N/E US-Canada

eg: above UK London/US NYC /Oz Sydney ...all burning Science Books each & every wave in every way!
Always the first to mandate Vax passes equally first to burn Science Books...#1 Fraudulent CEOs
NHS / CDC / Oz Govt ...Plan A : Shop til ya drop...Plan B : Kill off the Grey Army...
Albo had 4 Vaxes in Health settings, No Masks or Vax incubation Iso...just flys out as #1 Covid Magnet!
WTF kinda message is that...Fuck Science...Fuck Health Directives...Fuck all you losers...outta my way!

Summary (Viral)
Salute GVB for being last relevant Expert that details the here and now & tomorrow.
Sure...none like it...carrying the weight of the world wears heavily on one's heart!
Only the beginning ...he shares.

More topical + insightful news

First oddity being a Whole World in sync outbreak...that should ring alarm bells.
Yet outside this forum...tbb can find no ally in this frightful #1 anomaly...
C'mon people! All other waves were offset by Vax Rollouts / Lockdowns / Season...
Not this one...rocketing at record speed thru every modern Fairytale land at once!

Rare change to see a handful of Experts come alive & share their concern
Each mutation is more Infectious > more evasive > more likely to cause severe disease.
Current lower lung infections are more intense & chronic.
Resulting in Cramping > Diarrhoea > Fatigue > Anxiety > Insomnia!
This Gastro effect prolongs in WasteWater reads thru Peak Season.

CDC + Govt roll out the Vax waning during Peak Season argument...Strain is nothing Special.
Others add in Flu RSV Combo resulting in Gastro effect.

Long Covid Candida Gastro has also peaked with Jet Setting / Sex / Cruises Seafood seasonal Gastro.

Perfect Goldielocks Covid weather is not Blizzard Like nor Bush Fire Season...
Enabling more Northern Road Trips returning thru same Central Hubs lighting up Holiday Road Icons!

Govts are growing fearful & re issuing Mask Mandates upon existing Health Staff Vax directives!
CDC is hot wiring US / Canada N/E Transit WWT... comin' on hard and fast
Now a stack of Nations/States/Islands are 'mandating' Masks - Hospital / GP / Health Care / Schools.

Long / Repeat Covid is now super serious as US / Japan Experts warn of Heart Failure Pandemic.

Probiotics to increase immunity to ward off break thrus...
tbb has read much about this to repair Long Covid damage to ward off new break thrus..
The idea being to better restore one's natural immunity as much for repair as defence!

Next Up! Why ever Lowering Hospital cases is endlessly fuelling an alarming Hospital Covid Crisis!
tbb also thought that sounds half crazy...can assure the's a stone cold sober reality of Oz!
That is naturally much easier to diagnose by examining patients Ward Charts...
Once ya change yer mindset to reflect harsh reality, that anomaly reveals as #1 ongoing Health Crisis!
All will know why we don't talk about use, as it is wot it is...The Way of our World.

ashsam's picture
ashsam's picture
ashsam Friday, 12 Jan 2024 at 12:52pm

Kerry Chant said yesterday if you have covid you can go to the shops just wear a mask!! Big turn around from a few years ago haha

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 12 Jan 2024 at 2:23pm

If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, please stay at home.
If you are experiencing symptoms and you do need to go out, please wear a mask.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Sunday, 14 Jan 2024 at 2:31pm