broken rear ribs

Kinda rings a bell, not sure. Broken ribs? I’m sure I read something on here at some point. Fella hurt himself. Something something bike something.
I’ll ask around.

Hey Tod,
Drinking wasn't the cause of mine, 'twas the bike, but the result was the same - a shedload of pain and time out of the water.
I had eleven breaks across six ribs, all of them down my back, plus a collarbone. That was in late April, and once those first few weeks of sedentary living passed I made very incremental motions towards exercise again. I started swimming at about the six week mark, taking it very easy, bodysurfing a few waves but staying away from rocks and shallow bottoms. Really just filling my lungs a bit and getting my body moving again.
I heard many horror stories about mates rebreaking ribs by returning too quickly so I waited till I was fairly sure things were good. I started surfing again a bit under three months after my accident, but still taking it easy - bought a mid length to make paddling easier. I'm currently splitting time on my shorty and the mid-length.
I reckon I was lucky to break back ribs - same as you did - as they dont bear any pressure from paddling. They're still a bit 'sticky' getting to my feet or crouching, but I have far worse problems from complications with my collarbone.
EDIT: I spoke to a fair few people while recovering and it seemed there was a wide margin of rehab times, so don't expect your recovery to be just the same as other people, or even necessarily what your doc or physio tells you. For mine, I found the docs to be very conservative in their estimates.
In the end, returning to surfing is dictated by how you feel and nothing else. Take your time edging back into it, holding back if there's pain or discomfort, and advancing if there ain't.
Good luck.

Tod, I broke two ribs in my back in March, and ruptured a disc. Surfing accident involving pointy rocks.
Was back surfing one week later.
See a good physio.
Edit: I meant that seeing a good physio - one that wasn't scared of getting me moving again - was crucial for my recovery.
Good luck.

I broke/cracked a few but more to the front on the side, and with a punctured lung.
Yeah it hurt heaps trying to surf, mostly catching waves, before i knew how serious it was.
I cant remember my recovery time, but don't rush it the wave's aren't going anywhere, just take your doctors advice and get your body 100%

Or don’t take your doctor’s advice. Mine said 6 to 8 weeks, but no way I’d accept that without a second opinion.
Physio said as soon as you can bend to the side and walk for an hour. One week.

You're the calcium king, IB. Surfing one week after breaking two ribs is impressive.

Id personally take the Doctors advice over a Physio, bones take 4 to 8 weeks to heal there is no way a bone can heal in one week, surf too soon and you risk re-breaking or cracking and re breaking bones isn't a good thing and can sometimes cause longer term issues, but each to their own.

indo-dreaming wrote:Id personally take the Doctors advice over a Physio, bones take 4 to 8 weeks to heal there is no way a bone can heal in one week, surf too soon and you risk re-breaking or cracking and re breaking bones isn't a good thing and can sometimes cause longer term issues, but each to their own.
Agreed, doctors for all medical stuff but physiotherapists for all things soft tissue after medical clearance.

I'b biased but I'm happy to go with physio advice for injury recovery given that's their speciality. Can't beat a middle aged sports physio with years of PD and experience under their belt. Doctors for illness makes sense, but the right physio is an ideal person to judge when ribs have healed.
Sorry Indo-Dreaming, I'm probably going to go with an expert re bone healing times.

indo-dreaming wrote:I broke/cracked a few but more to the front on the side, and with a punctured lung.
Yeah it hurt heaps trying to surf, mostly catching waves, before i knew how serious it was.
I cant remember my recovery time, but don't rush it the wave's aren't going anywhere, just take your doctors advice and get your body 100%
Absolutely correct in your instance Indo, a punctured lung can become a medical emergency if untreated.
But agree with others, that the expertise of a good physio is invaluable in return from injury.

Vic Local wrote:I'b biased but I'm happy to go with physio advice for injury recovery given that's their speciality. Can't beat a middle aged sports physio with years of PD and experience under their belt. Doctors for illness makes sense, but the right physio is an ideal person to judge when ribs have healed.
Sorry Indo-Dreaming, I'm probably going to go with an expert re bone healing times.
Im pretty sure you are going to be hard pressed finding any medical expert that suggest a bone can heal in 1 week, a quick google search and look at reputable medical websites all suggest 4 to 8 weeks is how long it generally takes for a bone to heal, had quite a few broken bones myself.
Yeah sure you can often continue doing certain activity's with a broken or cracked rib, personally with mine i couldn't it was way to painful, but doing an activity like surfing where you can have another high impact comes with an element of risk of making it worse.

I like the cut of your jib IB
I had a few CT scans a while ago and the doc mentioned all the previously fractured ribs that they spotted. I was surprised by how many I had accumulated over time .Said they have all healed nicely. The injuries were mostly work related {commercial fishing} and I didn't exactly get the luxury of medical attention or rest. Painkillers ,,Strap it up , suck it up , and try not to cough or laugh. *
Having said that going surfing was way way harder than trying to work and there's no way I could have done that in 1 week.
*Don't take medical advice from fishing skippers. Seek proper attention.

Good on you, tubeshooter.
I'm no superman, in terms of sucking up the pain. The times I've broken ribs in my chest it's hurt like crazy. and taken me longer to get back in the water. Back is much easier.

Broke 3 ribs on the front right side playing league aged 14/15 . Could not get out of bed for a few days . Surf was good about 7-10 days later and paddled putting all my weight on my left side .Very painful . Can't remember how I went standing up ( so maybe ok ) . No long term damage . If my daughter had the same now I would have her on Voltarin ( hate the stuff but will use them on a surfing trip ) and drop a few strong pain killers before surfing .

I agree with the back ribs part Island Bay, and I'm no superman when it comes to pain either ,.. ask my doctor or dentist ,..
I really didn't have much of a choice at sea at times. Just being on a boat with busted ribs, yet alone trying to work was a lesson in pain I'll never forget.
Hi looking for advice had a drunken fall causing 2 Rear broken ribs one cracked one broken two months off work, now healed to enough to go back to work had anyone had similar injury that could give me an idea of a recovery timeline for when I could surf again in without the worry of reinjury of same ribs from first wave crashing on their back and how long rib bones to be strong enough for surfing,3mnths,6mnths,12mnths out of the water does anyone have any relevant advice in regards to their return to surfing and their recovery experience any advice would be greatly appreciated.