
leniam's picture
leniam started the topic in Saturday, 27 Feb 2021 at 1:40pm

Random question. My daughter skateboards natural but pops up goofy when surfing. Anyone else done this successfully or do you think it’s better to retrain to just one stance?

kbomb's picture
kbomb's picture
kbomb Saturday, 27 Feb 2021 at 3:06pm

Not sure, but if she's doing it naturally it's probably fine.

Rusty Forest's picture
Rusty Forest's picture
Rusty Forest Saturday, 27 Feb 2021 at 4:27pm

Yeah I do that. Surf Goofy, skate natural. Best thing is with a bit of practice and patients over the years I now go both ways skate and surf!! win win. I agree with kbomb leave it be.

leniam's picture
leniam's picture
leniam Monday, 1 Mar 2021 at 3:17pm

Thanks Rusty. Good to know. I did kind of think the same thing, but being so dominantly right-handed I just found it hard to imagine being able to do it.

icandig's picture
icandig's picture
icandig Monday, 1 Mar 2021 at 4:08pm

I surf natural and skate and snowboard goofy. I skated more when I was younger (lived inland) and often think I might have been a better surfer if I went goofy. I tried but it felt weird for some reason. I got a smoothstar a few years back and forced myself to skate it exclusively natural foot. I feel like it helps a bit. My advice is just let her go whichever way feels right to her.

philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizingkerching's picture
philosurphizing... Monday, 1 Mar 2021 at 4:22pm

I think the ultimate surfing skill would be being able to surf both goofy and natural.
If I could go back and start again I would alternate, first wave right foot forward second wave left foot forward, and so on.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 1 Mar 2021 at 4:33pm

How good was this - Pops Ho