2021 WCT champ predictions
John John and Caroline Marks , I would like to see just 2 contests a year , pipeline masters and World Cup at sunset , each country puts up 3 contestants , this way indonesia and other countries get to participate , off course picking those 3 means local contests and how do you qualify ? Also 2 big wave events featuring tow and paddle at either Jaws , Mavericks or Nazere . It’s never going to happen, I just find many events plain boring.
OK so the WSL has scraped a tour together from the shit accumulated on the bottom of the shoe of World’s Worst Surf Traveller. Pipe - I honestly can’t remember the conditions- pretty sure JJF won. Then we’ve got Newcastle which is a maybe for quality waves but more likely an average day at an average East Coast Oz beachie, followed by Narrabeen and its sometimes lefts and OK rights* , then Margs and Rotto . Potentially Chopes then Trestles .
Who’s gonna win ?