WSL attempting to slither into Lennox Head

Hey Stu, your post at 1.05 pm Wednesday is almost the same words as in the beach grit story. Neither give an attribution. Did you write that and beach grit lifted it, or other way around.
Not having a go, just asking.

It is? Well it's 100% mine.
I couldn't find it on BG. Where is it?

...and yet we will all be glued to our TV's and computers when each WSL contest starts because we can't wait for this shit to start up again. The surf media will be all over it also like rats up a drain pipe!

I hope it’s done and dusted...but it’s rare the corporate types just walk away after investing money and man hours. They have a consistent narrative of not giving a fuck about their core surfing audience.
Fucking corporate wankers.

they'll be back but their name is mud now and they'll need a whole new approach.

I’d still be worried about a State govt override...economic stimulus post covid blah blah. Every chance the local council are fully aware it won’t be their decision and are going through the motions to save face in the community. Hopefully they’re all genuine and will be right behind efforts to fuck it off.
Good luck FR and Lennox crew.

Ballina is a marginal state seat with a Greens elected member.
they would be cautious about kicking a hornets nest if they want to get elected.

The sand-cordoning people are easily startled, but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers.

G’day Stu, I’ll have a look for it and get back to you, but as you wrote it first it may have been changed.
I read the beach grit article first, think one of these threads linked to it although I had scrolled down a few pages on it, then came back to yours, and thought gee, I thought I just read that.
It’s possible I’m going mad though, never discount that possibility.

Batfink, I had thought the same thing when I read it also

Hhhmmm! Cheers solitude, thanks for that.
My assumption is that I’m going mad. I certainly can’t find it now, so on that basis I offer an unconditional apology to Stu, Swellnet and Beach Grit. Plagiarism without attribution is a great sin in journalism, and as I can’t find it I am obliged to withdraw unreservedly.
At the time there was only a short period between me reading the posts, so I can’t explain it at all, other then dementia and general decrepitude. Can’t speak for solitude.

Ok, think I found it. It was the article that Stu wrote on the WSL proposal, and used the same words in his post on this forum.
I had been flicking between Stu’s article, beach grit, and then came back to this.
So, on balance, only slightly barking mad. Again, apologies to all.
Now, Stu can explain how he forgot he wrote the same words in his own article. :-)

For me I had just thought I had read part of the article before. Figured it was déjà vu. Makes sense it was in another post by the same author.
FWIW - enjoyed the write up, cheers

On the news tonight (WA) about events being held in Newcastle and WA with Stark front and centre along with rising stars and local Newcastle cafe staff / businesses saying how good is this?
Just reading on another surf website about the wsl making a grab for another iconic Australian surf spot as part of this years Australia leg, Lenny the Ox about to be subjected to the use and abuse that a major contest brings with it.
Is this rumour ? Is this event to replace Bells (date range looks to be the same)?
If so get organised surfers of the north coast, the damage a contest like this will do to your already crowded lineups will continue long after the wsl recyclable plates and straws have blown into the bush.