The App

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell started the topic in Saturday, 18 Apr 2020 at 8:24pm


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 9:49am

"Scomo should be saying you want restrictions lifted down load the app, once we hit 40% take up we will lift restrictions."

that's basically what he's been saying for weeks, he'll back himself inti a corner if he's too pig headed about this

people don't like ultimatums

people don't like bribes

people most certainly don't like the creeping surviellance state

he has to be realistic about his uptake requirements, or he'll just lose the people

australians have been amazing in putting grievance aside and getting on board with this virus thing, but that cooperation is still a tenuous one with scumno and the lnp

thet've done great the last month or so, there I said it, great, but that doesn't mean I'm all in on scumno's 'team australia'. I suspect many people are the same

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 10:10am

totally agree Sypo

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 11:39am

Yep that's why he wont do that because of the possible negative effect from a political perspective and also because the government wants to get the economy back to normal as quickly as possible. (even if it might backfire)

But it's a pity because it only means the best interest and health of Australian's is coming second, and if we get a second wave and we don't have the help of the app (numbers) to deal with it, we are all going to suffer even more needing to do all this shit again not to mention a second wave would hurt the economy even more.

But sadly even here people are pig headed and selfish.

Anyway agree with Nev

(His mum pic edited out)

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 11:48am

Ah, America.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 11:38pm


Part 6 - "The Tracker" (Warning...most realistic & confronting)

Tech Companies agree Australia has the most overarching powers in the world.
Oz is one a few that gain & broadly share access to private data from any firm.

2015 ASIO demanded remote access & guide to hack E2E encryption.
14 Enforcement Agencies to fight off : [Terrorism / Cyber Crime / Pedos ]
Oz Enforcement Agency = (Any 'body' with a declaration in force).
Over 80 agencies accessed Data...from Finance Fines/Vets/Sports/Fishing etc.

2017 Access is extended further to State Police / Councils / Unis.
Tracking, Phone Calls, text, emails are now sold for a song in Oz. (Child's Play)
Apple / Facebook ordered all to fightback & demanded Oz drop the proposal.
The more insecure access... invites more malware & world hacking.
Due to Oz greedy access (CRASHES) are commonplace for our Govt data.

TAR- Companies must assist Police with Tech
TAN- Companies must de-crypt messages or face fines
TCN- Companies must build a doggie door for Dutto's dogooders or face fines.

TCN -Labor swore to debate (Yawn)(Yawn) this [ Inadequate Judicial Oversight ]
[Systematic Weakness] > Now needs only a "Formal request to perform Duty"
Enforcement agency has legal power to hand to any it chooses to share with.
Meaning another 60 mobs x 300,000+ requests flood in for your private data...
OZ has most power yet least Govt security continually crashing each department.

[Important] Govt /Nerds/Users can't divulge back door access or they'll lose jobs.
By LAW our Govt must lie to Australians about Cyber Security. Truth = Dismissal.

Dutto: All in the name of Terrorism / Cyber Crime / Pedos / People Smuggling

2017-18 ...Oz Data Requests

(1) 2219 Drugs -AFP
(2) 2044 Drugs -Qld
(3) 1368 Investigation -ACIC +
(4) 1193 Homicide -Vic + (5) 1178 Dangerous Acts -Vic (6) 1119 Drugs -Vic

(15) 536 Terrorism
(20) 157 Cyber Crime
(23) 32 People Smuggling

Stats show Dutto won the War on Terror/Pedos/Cyber Crims/ Boat People! (True!)
Dutto only needed to hack 600-700 times so rented it out to Mobs 300,000 times.
No need for Homeland security. Never about 'Them' - now his Mobsters target 'Us'.

State Cop Downloads
9,619 - Vic Cops > 1,043 - NSW cops who here would ever believe that!...
Hands up who thinks NSW leaves money on the fridge? ....we'll take that as 100%

2020 Review extends access to 5 eyes but excludes US Death Penalty requests.

The Covid Safe App Tracker...

US / AWS Sydney ...De-crypt Key is kept onsite under the mat. Helps the Govt!
NBN Telco Triangulation sets Social Distancing to 1.5m for Covid app to ping.
Data is accessed by Australian Signals Directorate > WoG ( Enforcement Agency)
WoG = (50-150 randoms) + No more than 50 Amazonians & that's enough thanx!
State Health Units also have open access to data...does that sound reasonable?

Govt app lies & Oz built in multi Tracking

Recall above...It's against Oz law for any MP to divulge App access...(Seriously!)
Perfectly legal Duty to lie to Australians & feel good & get a pay rise.(It's the law!)

AWS Cloudbank has key under the mat (None dispute this) A rushed Politico job.
A pissweak start to security... Rave House for Dutto's crew...Show's this way gents >

Govt swore to provide the Code....(All say without a Code the system's vulnerable)
World best practice is to have your security on show...100% Stronghold.
Again Govt are hiding xmas presents under their beds...

Privacy Consent...Govt tore up any contracts with the people (Extremely dodgy)

Unique ID is downloaded from central server (Dodgy)

Unique ID's usually download a high 96 batch on 15 min' cycle to ward off tracking.
As such the app only needs polling daily because of the inbuilt security feature.

Covid Safe can easily leave same safe Bluetooth tech but opted for tracking app.
Covid Safe only downloads a few Unique ID's on a trackable 2hr-8hr-12hr rotation.

These predictable sluggish on/off setting times are a dream for trackers. (Govt?)
So why does our Govt change shifts 2hrly .(Social Distancing > Return time)
They're slowing the load time & increasing the monitoring =(Tracking you!)

Covid App displays phone Types & times & this is a very dangerous tracker.
Towers can zero in on a single model & track it easily in open areas.
Only when 2 of the same phones cross does tracking get crosswired.
Odd or unusual model phones all have a target painted on them thru any city.

The open setting also affords family & friends to verify suspicion of loved one.
In the same way that Boardroom meetings reveal favour.
Each by friend or foe simply taking a peep at screens then compare the phones.
Yep she left him alright & that's why yer business partner never signed that deal.

In the same way a poor person could be tracked by a cheap unusual phone.
CEO walking the wrong side of the road...'Wow! I like the ping of yer phone mate.'
Easy as bullying kids for shoes...Govt provides a jobseeker with a new bling phone!
Thanx to Chris / Eleanor / Robert / Vanessa for excellent hometown paper.
Also to the following Aussie crew..great work!,-...

Recap: Citizens who sign, reward this odious Govt's evil precedent.
WoG DJ invites 200 trackerz but keeps it a secret. No rules, code violations then begin their tracking test. Like hunger games they downgrade everyone's phones, placing them at higher risk of robbery & stalkers in the city or domestic abuse with likely no power to operate a help line. They now flick to slo-mo to freeze frame who got up to mischief...& this social credit is not the worst part.

The world's richest Man's Pet Robot is your Judge, Jury & Executioner.
Whether you were asleep at work or driving at said times. (You have no defence!)
A Robot Commands, Judges, Penalizes then Fines & Imprisons You...
That is the politicians end game...No Justice...automated control over their slaves.
Automated app dictatorships cue citizens to hunt covid fugitives live on webcams.

Right here Right have the power in the palm of yer hands!

Keep convincing yourself that you're more than just a Robot...the Govt lied!

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 7:50pm

So craig you are saying its better to just be like a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed shit? Well that gives me a lot of faith in humans. That's the herd mentality right there. Not sure where you live, but I would stop drinking the tap water its numbing your mind, keeping your lid on. Where's the lion you once were?

And Johkee, why am I brave for admitting downloading the Hof app? Someone providing a message of self empowerment and methods to boost immunity, health and well-being, physically and mentally? What a bizarre comment. Maybe you live somewhere near craig? I mean just have a look at Wim Hof and compare him to Prof Brendan Murphy, as an example, who's shaping the best on the health front? I know who I would choose to be on my soccer team.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 7:51pm

whats the gist of the Wim Hof thing short-o?

Johknee's picture
Johknee's picture
Johknee Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 8:10pm

Don't worry about our water here, shortenism. We don't have fluoride!

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 8:10pm

Breath activating blood-flow and the mind to move beyond the limitations we are told we have.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 8:12pm

Hahaha, yeah that old chestnut.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 8:22pm

You didn't answer my question re Hof Johkee?

Johknee's picture
Johknee's picture
Johknee Sunday, 3 May 2020 at 8:39pm

You need to do 'research' shortenism.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Monday, 4 May 2020 at 9:45am

I don't have time for games JK, if ya got something to point me to then pls do.

Pops's picture
Pops's picture
Pops Monday, 4 May 2020 at 10:23am

FR, Wim Hof is some kind of alternative ultra-endurance athlete. Holds some records for barefoot snow-running, swimming under ice, chilling outside in sub-zero temps with his kit off, that kind of thing. His wikipedia article is actually pretty interesting.

But his training method has been turned into some kind of "alternative medicine" fad. All the usual claims about it curing cancer etc. Reminds me of the David Wolfe bullshit that was in vogue a couple of years ago.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 4 May 2020 at 10:23pm


Part 7 - "The Numbers game"

Covert safe app reaches 4.5 million downloads.
This is despite the app not working until Friday at the earliest...wot! (Don't ask!)

No Public Health Units are allowed to touch it until the usual 200 Oz creeps copy it.
Ironic that RSPCA has #1 All level clearance before State Public Health Units!

Apple/ Google: We said we promised to patch it up mid last week!" & Waiting?
Apple/ Google : "Possible mid year fix for a complete working app!"(Are we good!)

Govt: "Important thing is, to download the app to gather yer neighbours details!"

PM: "It enables us to get the economy on the track we want to be on!"

PM kept saying that the Libs had the economy on the right track. (That's wrong!)
It seems the tracker doesn't track old tracks & we gotta be tracked on new tracks.

PM message : "Put on yer sunscreen by Friday or ya don't get a beer...or sex!"

tbb thanx the 4.5m Aussies for shouting a pony but not the sex, not that desperate!

Do we still do the whole score card or just sponge up that mushy media mulch!
For what it's worth we'll have a half decent crack at the numbers.

1.7 m Diabetes Outpatients were almost killed by the app. (Polls Sky skyrocket!)
Creepy Govt health muppet reckons durrr! Just fuck the useless app off!

4.5 m kids are scaring each other half to death with Covid safe app pranks.
What did tbb say: Mr PM ( Grow a brain!) Ban yer spy toy from school playgrounds. it that hard not to be a fuckin' dickbrain...OMFG...(Polls skyrocket)
PM's Adult sex toys are not welcome in kids schools.

PM : 2.5 m Seniors have been reassigned as "Digitally Excluded people"
Govt: We're looking to "Eradicate Digital Exclusion" [ D.E. ] vs [Covid -19]
DE : re: Govt tracked & robbed the last of the Human Species. (Polls Skyrocket)

2.4m Feral [VISA] Slaves can't be tracked with puny Aussie Covid Safe + 61 code
Seems that these pesky foreign types have out smarted the PM's tracker app..

7m Rural Australians can't be tracked if they can't download Wot app? Durr!
Telstra said now they gotta unplug the NBN thingy & re root about...(Don't worry!)

4.5m signed up but 18.1m confirmed as non starters without a starting a new life.
PM is clearly governing for healthiest wealthiest 7m > (4.5m) already Zombies.
He has turned his back on 18m of the most vulnerable Australians.(Heartless Pig!)
Double down on that! Poor Folk with old phones & cheap plans miss out also.
Gonna dob Scomo into WHO...(A Joke! Sorry, meant to say kill the poor!)

Also means that a max'd out 7m app still falls well short of the price of beer.
I guess that also means that no one in the Liberal government can count.
Now we live our lives as game pieces on Scomo's shitty made up board game.

PS: NZ PM: "Not relying on the app, there are no silver bullets."

Oz PM : Ms PM could you plug this extension chord into your NZ grid.(Go Warriors)

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 9:40am
AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 12:11pm

Shortenism, you lost me at "The Broadcast They Don’t Want You To See… The Ideas They Don’t Want You To Hear…"

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 4:56pm


More conspiracy BS from shortenism

And more typical anti government crap made to look like facts from truebluebasher

"NZ PM: "Not relying on the app, there are no silver bullets.""

What a stupid thing to say, nobody says the app is a silver bullet or only thing Australia relies on, it's just a smart way to use the technology we have to help trace interactions, it's nothing more than an extra tool.

It's like digging a hole, you can just use your hands, but a shovel or pick helps dig the hole quicker and easier..

Interesting little bit on 60 minutes on how they have teams trying to trace back interactions of those infected, now imagine if instead of spending hours doing this manually, everyone with a phone had the app running, you could much easier and much quicker trace back possible infections and in doing so even prevent further infections, thats just being smart.

Segment just after the add about 24:20

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 4:57pm

Well not sure how much more accurate you can be in a title AndyM given Facebook, YouTube and Google’s removal of much of the content that challenges the official narrative.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 5:12pm

Im generally against censorship, but it's really scary how this COVID-19 thing has made conspiracy theories more mainstream, i seriously feel sorry for Bill Gates the miss-information and hate being peddled towards him is crazy the guy is rich, but he is just like Dick smith IMHO he is a good person that actually cares about issues, but the fake news around him is crazy, and then there is even been people trying to destroy 5G towers.

As we know Covid-19 is real, but much of these conspiracy theories are downright dangerous.

I honestly don't think this crap like that David Ike scammer should be allowed on social media and Youtube because the negative effect it can have on others.

But i mean even some of the crap Tump has said is blatant misinformation and possibly dangerous and he is the president of the USA.

Its a crazy world we live in that's for sure.

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 5:18pm

Shortenism, there's an Icke thread. This is 'the app' thread.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 11:08pm

Patrick, if you go through this thread you'll note most of the content whilst it goes off track slightly occasionally and often, does relate directly to 'the app' in one way shape or form.

Yeah interesting isn't it Indo, But its not the just Icke getting shut down. There's a lot of content, which challenges the narrative getting removed and its happening more and more. This the world ya wanna leave the next generation? Sounds like a dictatorship to me. No opportunity to consider alternative theories or possibilities to whats proposed by the marketing division of the agenda i.e. mainstream media. I mean you are quoting 60mins....

I get what you are saying it if its someone promoting hatred or violence or even a religous/faith possibly is a bit rich but when they are simply challenging the narrative, raising questions and promoting love & getting shut down, to me its alarm bells.

I've said it on here before, if ya think this is all squeaky clean just cast your mind back to Pell and Epstein et al and the dirt that started getting dug up there before this came in... Where's the media on that? Next you'll be telling me they really did find the 3 passports of the hijackers amongst the rubble of 911 NYC, just like 60mins said they did. Head shake and head slap emoji.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 7:22am

Part 5 (App Wars)
Update... + [Disclaimer]
Sat 2nd May 2020 tbb reiterated Cross Tasman SD app with NZ govt.
That's right! Went the whole nine yards.

Apologized for our PM's mates exploiting every known Covid border State/Fed/NZ.

The more cemented the SD (app) the more NZ would be further bullied by Oz PM.
Up shot being NZ stands to lose more with their 25% stronger Social Distancing...
tbb suggested names to reflect apps to tribute NZ's extra covid response.
Oz 1.5m = Lax (Lesser SD) vs NZ 2m = Halo (100% SD)...Don't laugh just yet!

A middle (Travel ground) was essential before any NZ app could unveil.
This way both countries kept their sovereignty in tact & no war ensues.

tbb wished no reply...simply a neighbourly shout out over the fence.

Tues 5th May. NZ PM meets full coag to discuss a Trans Tasman Bubble. (Halo?)
Great news for Oz. By NZ manning up to Scomo we get a less pervy screen test.
This saves Scomo's evangelist border force sprinkling holy water on us!

PM would of course need to knock down Oz interior walls first.
Pacific islands are off the menu for now!
Note: Both NZ/OZ need China as next cab off the rank (Another Travel Bubble )

Q: Does tbb really think NZ Govt read his blurb...Tee Hee!

What if NZ Travel bubble ramped into a Hyperdome? NZ PM 'd be here in a flash.

NZ PM (More Together) with ** * Starshots* * Pew! PEW! pew!
(Star) Science Technology And Research into PM's [# Information Warfare # ]

No tbb! Not more conspiracy...Wot! Like some big thingy with Star Wars shit. (Yep!)
Kindy / Scouts / Science / Health pitchin' in for Scomo's Information Warfare effort!

Welcome to Starshots "CCCCovert App!" Nope! That's last week! **Starshots* **

Wot else would ya do mid pandemic with the world dying around you
Instruct all Oz Kindys to load up on finger paint...& go to war...
Mad bastard is gearing us up for a crash app derby war...with the world stunned?

Oh! So Australia is doing one of them War Effort recoveries...'You all get an app!'
Guess you be wanting the YouTube vid for that War Effort Recovery Thingy
More Together...(Pretty Nice name for a War!)
"Can watch yer whole life flash by!"...That's the YouTube companion series.


Australia just became a state of The USA...Well done Scomo!
Wot tracking ? ...all are being drafted for another mad Christian's War!

PS: How much does a war cost?
(Prolong'n'ramp security contracts to bankroll Lib Piggy bank!)
Eg: Peter Costello (French Submarine Broker)
2016 -$50b now 2020 -$225b
Add on Post Covid germs - $235b + distraction (More together Vid)
Costello is so good he can milk this Sub gig until 2050 (No Joke!)
2050 - $1,500b? Go Go Costello!
How much do you do?

Now multiply Costello's stall/ramp war rort across every Oz industry.
That's right 80% of economy funds Lib's War Chest.

Try this one..Refugee cost $45,000/yr Libs bill to Oz taxpayers $650,000/yr.
That's why Libs lock them up for 1,000 years...bloody Gold Mine!

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Tuesday, 5 May 2020 at 10:38pm

So we just celebrated the ANZACs sacrifice (or whatever narrative you want to give it) no doubting their commitment and courage for all Australians.

2020 and we have trembling knees over an app because off?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 6:07am

Trembling knees ?

If Gallipoli should have thought you anything it’s that government and authority are not to be trusted.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 8:22am

Good to see Google & Apple getting involved in making these apps possible and I see other countries all around the world like UK and Germany among others putting out apps.

Ironically many against the app are the same always saying the government lacks leadership or doesn't do enough or slow to move etc

Well sorry Australia is ahead of the game on this one and a one of the world leader's in controlling Covid-19.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 8:25am

Indo slim at baliwaves has another Bali update on Covid

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 9:39am

Indo, you still aren't paying attention.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 9:45am

Prof 'lockdown', Neil Ferguson in UK resigns after breaking the lockdown rules he's been promoting and advising UK govt on... C'mon... Fella's its a piss take.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 10:06am

I think that it may indeed be a piss take.

There is definitely piss taking going on. How much is real and how much is piss take , I’m not sure.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 3:54pm

Message from Govt/Google/Apple/AWS: Hello! Mcfly...there is no's broke!

Can't be against a fraudulent TGA product that doesn't exist!

OZ PM cowardly adopted the weakest 1.5m (SD) Social Distancing in the world..
So are we saying, if PM reduces (SD) to 1 metre we lower the covid rate further?
Hands Up! Anyone? No!...Myth Busted...The witchdoctor is a fake.

Oz PM is then Covid's coward of the he not...Durr!

Big desert Nursing Home with Ocean Halo with has low Covid rates...(Shock!)
Pretty sure Oz places highly in almost all Most Isolated competitions.

So now we download a non existent creepily gutted spy enhanced app.
OZ Tech professors point out, it's just a shitty spy corrupted hacker friendly app!

Down right malicious & dangerous to Diabetes sufferers it is for starters.
Kids kick PM's adult sex toy around the school ground like a flaming turd!

18-20m Oz Rural, Young, Aged, Visas, Poor, Sick never even saw Scomo's toy app!

A yuppie voodoo doll sold as a panacea for a pandemic.

TGA [Covid Safe app] Is guilty of fake claims.(PM's sentence: 5yrs Jail + $10m fine)
Covid Law fined other MPs. Where is this witch doctor's miracle cure...(Sack him!)
Yeah! You think that's a bit tough?
PM extorts slaves into handling fake Covid gear to win freedom is a Diabolical Dr No script.
Only Libs & John Howard would stoop to this low level...take note of this evil turning point.
No! Media are working for the bad guys...we have to sort this out ourselves!

PM's flock breached every border & now PM palms fake Covid Toys to slaves (Jail him!)

Can't believe Aussies actually fell for y2k bug trick again...
Again! Last y2k Johnny's flocks got free Arks .(Local church has one... not for you!)

Pentecostal PM is peddling snake oil to his gullible flock, wake up Aussie Zombies!

Mid pandemic our PM starts a 10 year war with Robots...please end this madness!

ilikelamb's picture
ilikelamb's picture
ilikelamb Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 12:50pm

Wasn’t the Government saying the App only records those that were with in 1.5m for 15 minutes....... apparently not the case.

“The app in fact collects and (with consent of a user who tests positive) uploads to the central data store data about all other users that came into Bluetooth range even for a minute with in the last 21 days.”
Also some interesting stuff about how Google and Facebook don’t generally use data to raid your office/house.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 1:36pm

Stick the covid19 app up your arse, Scomo..... But...... Good politics I must say. Win win for Scotty from Marketing
If the app works and saves us (even if it isnt the app saving us but Australians good old common sense) - The gov can claim victory.
If the app doesn't work (or if there's a winter 2nd peak), they can say "not enough people got the app"......
I rate this 2 thumbs up for craftiness. Onya Scotty

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 2:51pm

[ Official ] Australian Government Covid Safe draft legislation.

11 May 2020
The Government intends to introduce this draft legislation in Parliament

Note: State Public Health Units can't access app data until after this date.
recap: The app is not in function until PHU are good & ready...All clear on that!

Furthermore Google / Apple say it won't be much use until mid year....
Other nations are linking fully & openly to superior Google / Apple app advances.
Google / Apple say these apps will cover all tracing as a default stateless feature.

The Australian app is seen as a bastard child of outdated Singapore prototype.
Note: Oz app is inferior & more secretive on every level than all world Covid apps.

No Leader or Tech company can vouch for any Covid app as being beneficial.
Quite the opposite, most say it's no silver bullet & not relying on it as main defence!

As for Aussie's Shit PM & app being essential & at the forefront...

Hot tip: Oz media, TV, Newspapers lost 80% advertising revenue + (Went Broke!)
Govt generated more Ads by default & now pretty much run all media editorials...
You dare say an honest thing about the App...guilty of bringing the team down.
Instead ! Say nice things about our boss PM > polls bounce & we keep in work!

Any here disagree?
Then this explains why you get yer News from a surf blog! Cool!

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 5:01pm

Ha ha what a surprise Sheepdogs not going to down load the app,

So predictable seeing your history of calling anything a false flag and a true the government is out to get me tin foil hat man, and off course not enough to just write off the app, but backs it up with some political theory.


Maybe it's just what it seems for once..

- COVID-19 is a disaster to our economy and to all aspects of Australian's life's.

- Government want to get the economy and people life's back to normal as quickly as possible so uses all means possible (including technology) to do this.

Haters just always got to hate though, Scomo could find a cure to cancer and some people would still find something wrong with it all.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 6:02pm

How’s the social distancing at Dandy markets going Indo? Seems it’s causing you to get real cranky

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 6:24pm


Ive noticed you have been very quite on this app thing, you haven't really given you thought's (just a meme)

Ive got a feeling you feel conflicted, I'm guessing on one hand you are anti government and don't trust government, but on the other hand, i have a feeling you think it's a sensible i right or wrong?

So the big question is?

Download or not dowloaded, support or not support?

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 6:51pm

We’ve downloaded, in the era of social media, retail loyalty cards and spending tracking on all sorts of cards I personally can’t understand this privacy fuss but not getting excited about it.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 7:13pm

Im surprised but thumbs up.

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 7:15pm

If everyone had the app at Cedar meat works 3 weeks ago, I think it would have played out differently there

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 9:34pm

Anyone see the news with the latest Covid tests from China that Twiggy helped import? Turns out they take DNA tests to determine if you have or carry the virus, also results may or may not be available to Chinese manufactures who also are a state owned company that works hand in hand with Chinese police. Not conspiracy theory bullshit just business. This app may be the least of your worries. The plot thickens

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 9:41pm

Murky waters indeed. This ones just for you Indo

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 9:49pm

Not sure what you are saying mikehunt?

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 9:54pm

Trying to find a more credible link than skynews Credlin to post

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 9:57pm

I know its credlin , she might be a right wing nut but dont see her making stuff up

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 10:30pm

Thanks, gets murkier by the minute.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 10:32pm

I'm just gonna cut straight to the chase here.. Still trust the Oz Govt. & Media? This is pretty gnarly so apologies to anyone directly effected by this. Don't shoot the messenger fellas

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 10:35pm

Interesting video shortenism (the vimeo one, haven't watched the pedo one but you're getting off topic with that. I'm aware of the info but, crikey, keep it somewhat relevant to the app).
Has anyone else here watched it?

Patrick's picture
Patrick's picture
Patrick Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 10:38pm

Time for more frogs.

Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog's picture
Sheepdog Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 10:50pm

Shoredump writes "If everyone had the app at Cedar meat works 3 weeks ago, I think it would have played out differently there"
Yeah... IF they all had phones unlocked whilst using bones saws n cattle shockers. Coz let's face it, having your phone in your pocket not locked while killing a bull is the usual thing one does.

Indo writes "Ha ha what a surprise Sheepdogs not going to down load the app,
So predictable seeing your history of calling anything a false flag and a true the government is out to get me tin foil hat man, and off course not enough to just write off the app, but backs it up with some political theory.:
Hi suck hole... How u been? Still bashing boat people? Are the muslims chanting morning prayers in your streets yet?

BTW..... APPLE needs our support since they moved all I phone production to China. China virus... China made phones.... China made apps.... I suppose having Muslim Uighur slave labour working for apple makes u wanna use that app even more huh, indo? ;)