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Cromwell's picture
Cromwell started the topic in Saturday, 18 Apr 2020 at 8:24pm


shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:07pm

Depends on your perception of credibility I guess. Someone who has dedicated a large part of their life to researching such matters is probably worth engaging with.

Again to make it tangible. I can look at the surf and call it 6ft and aside from 30 yrs of surfing experience I have zero credibility on paper. Is my 6ft call still on point?

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:35pm

Peer reviewed is the commonly accepted standard. 

Every time I've asked for you to list someone credible, you've mentioned David Icke. Surely you've got dozens (if not hundreds) of alternative candidates?

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:38pm

Yeah Indo, I guess like anything money has to come from somewhere to get things to air.. And remind me where does the World Health Organisation funding come from?

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:42pm

Can you summarise the WHO/Bill Gates conspiracy theory in bullet points? 

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:49pm

"I can look at the surf and call it 6ft and aside from 30 yrs of surfing experience I have zero credibility on paper. Is my 6ft call still on point?"

Credibility comes from the history of information given, if you told more it was 6ft and i then went to the beach and it was 6ft, you would gain credibility, and the more often you were correct the more credible as a source you would be.

But if i went down the beach and it was waist high after you told me it was 6ft, id say hmmm, and then if it happened over and over again, id go okay you are not a credible source.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:53pm

I assume the WHO get their funding from countries of the world and are suppose to be working in the best interest of countries of the world.

But in this case it seems like maybe they haven't done their job as well as they could have.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:53pm

I'd suggest Icke is your starting point for a time poor person like the rest of us. He's the investigative journalist pulling together information from many sources. From what I've seen its not a case of I think, I think, I think, its presentation of findings from shite loads of sources. Peer review may work well in science's but perhaps not so well in these scenario's.

Anyway I hold no belief, rather a perception of reality has been broadened by being open to alternative theories to the status quo.. Bringing back the pedo rings. If seeing what goes on there hasn't in some way got you questioning things then... You make your own mind up if you want to ignore it but it would be ignorant to ignore or critique it before you have taken the time to delve into it.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:56pm

Good one Indo, spot on. So why has Icke written about what is happening here over and over again for the last 30yrs and you still chose to ignore or discredit it?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 12:58pm

Icke is an idiot.

The UK's Ray Hadley.

Don't tell me I'm deluded or caught in the Matrix or whatever, you're just wasting everyone's time, even your own.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:04pm

C'mon man, stop bringing peadophiles back into the discussion. 

And is David Icke - you mentioned him again! - really an investigative journalist? His bio suggests he was a sports reporter (following a brief stint as a fortballer). Can't see any evidence undertook any formal training either.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:08pm

Indo of course in response to the concerns raised about Bill Gates involvement (Their 2nd largest financier next to the US), the WHO would be forced to position itself as 'letting us down'. Its a smart play on their behalf. It has to now distance itself.. But the big wheels will keep on turning.. Do some research into the WHOs Tedros's checkered history and Fauci links to Gates. Again back to the pedo rings make no mistake these guys are in bed together. Create a problem, get a reaction, bring in a solution. So obvious.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:14pm

You still haven't provided any evidence. You've asked everyone to "do some research".

In fact, I still don't know what you're claiming.

And peadophiles once again feature in your reply. 

What is "so obvious"?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 1:27pm

I dont know what he is claiming either, seems to be mixing pedohphile rings and Bill gates into things, and here is the chapter list of the David Icke video that got banned.

So you can only assume all this other crazy stuff.

00:00 | Trailer.
00:59 | Brian’s introduction.
01:39 | Brian Rose states he does not always agree with David Icke’s views, but will defend the right for freedom of speech and freedom of the press which is being violated as they speak.
02:47 | David Icke’s evidence for there being no Covid-19, it’s non-existence and explanation of how the perception of a pandemic can be pulled off.
44:25 | Are the Doctors advising Donald Trump aware of the evidence David talks of or are they reacting as medical doctors and scientists?
51:01 | Why the effect of 5G on physical and psychological health has not been tested, why it’s roll-out continues during the lockdown and its connection to Covid-19.
1:09:55 | Is over reaction the reason for empty wards in hospitals? Why Ofcom has warned broadcasters against questioning 5G.
1:18:10 | David Icke’s views on the recent burning of 5G towers.
1:22:43 | Purpose of the nanotechnology microchips that will be in the Covid-19 vaccine and consequences of vaccination refusal. David Icke says we are at a pivotal point in history.
1:51:25 | The hunger games society is not possible whilst people have independent income and businesses and its link to the economic measures caused by Covid-19.
2:03:44 | What should people do?
2:09:20 | How David Icke feels about seeing the coming to fruition of 30 years of investigation and warning for the future.
2:11:55 | Does David Icke take hope in the millions who are now hearing his message?
2:15:16 | Why he feels more powerful than the cult he warns about.
2:20:49 | Ask yourself these questions.
2:22:33 | David Icke’s hope for humanity.
2:28:55 | Everyone should make up their own mind and do what they think right, and you will make a unique contribution.
2:29:46 | What is David Icke like?
2:30:38 | How to hear more from David Icke.
2:31:24 | Final thoughts from David Icke.
2:33:24 | Brian’s summing up.

I watched some of the video before it was pulled and he is very cleaver in mixing fact with fiction, so some things he says are real and accepted but then he will go off on some crazy tangent.

Its vert clever in how it is done because you are listening thinking yep yep seems all fact and then he mixes something else in there, i can see how some people wouldn't clue on and just accept it all as fact.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 6:14pm

Fella's while we're on here squabbling over the credibility of Icke, ya freedoms are evaporating. Regardless of what Icke or anyone else says, you are living through it right now... Its laughable borderline bizarre that you cant or don't want to see it.

My continual reference to pedo rings is to highlight the way things work at that level but clearly not working.

Lets see how this COVID-19 plays out hey and see whether the media that isn't owned or controlled by the cult is ultimately right or if it is like you say a goldrush for the conspirator theorists.

In my mind this is a conditioning of the world population to get us used to more and more controls and they will get more and more over time. They will lift some but not all. There will be excuse after excuse, little flare ups here and there that bring in more and more surveillance and tracking, social distancing etc to keep us 'Safe'. We'll have crew like Cromwell and Indo et al dobbing ya into the cops because you've snuck past the net for a surf.. All in the name of keeping it safe.

Brotha... Head slap, shaking head imoji

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 6:29pm

Hey stunet, re wasting everyone's and my time... The only advice i'll seek from you is surf related and even then I'll check it against other sources. Case in point don't always rely on a single source for the truth.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 6:45pm

Shortenism, to repeat most of my post from 1:15pm:

You still haven't provided any evidence. You've asked everyone to "do some research".

In fact, I still don't know what you're claiming. 

What is "so obvious"?

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 7:22pm


Im curious do you think the virus is real? and a real threat? its seems you dont.

If it isn't what it seems why wouldn't a government like Australia just ignore it all? and let the rest of the world go down and suffer economically and we could prosper, imagine if this was really the case and Scomo did this, imagine how popular he would be, he would be guaranteed to be re elected.

The reason why he choose to not do this is because it would be a disaster because the virus and it's effects are real and he would have no chance of re election if he just let it wipe through our society leaving a trail of deaths and causing our medical system to melt down..

The idea that government's all around the world are in on some secret scam is just ludicrous, they cant all agree on basic things, let alone orchestrating some secret scam on the whole world.

JQ's picture
JQ's picture
JQ Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:11pm

Hey shortenism, seeing as you are listening to David Icke on this. Do you believe his theory that the world is controlled by evil shape-shifting lizard-people from the 4th dimension? Or perhaps his claim that he is the 'son of the godhead'?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 4:31pm

tbb thinks shortenism is referring to Pell's Easter Quarantine Pageant itinerary .

13th PM uses Footy Gaffe to excuse Brian's shindig.
14th Brian's Hillsong 3,000 Trooping of the Colours
15th PM: Are we good Brian! " you can get that 500 up ya!"
*Social Distancing is very important for all you mere mortals

19th PM orders Hillsong MP to throw Hillsong Flock overboard infected Ruby Princess.
20th PM- "FU We Frontline Christians will rort [Border Passes / Work permits]"
Christians go forth delivering virus into all Oz letter boxes!
22nd PM swears on tthe Bible that his kidz are in school / School sends out [Amber Alert]

7th April - Pell is Acquitted via distant restricted Bne Courthouse.
Prisons are Essential Service & run without Pell now needs to Quarantine.
Soon as Pell completes his 14 day Quarantine he's a free man...(Right!) But this is Easter!

Pell's Acquittal + Quarantine seems to have been miraculously pardoned by PM.
In front of world media...Pell laughs off quarantine & not a single word was said! Shh!

Pell instantly sprays his Covid -19 virus over Oz media shared microphones.
Then is hurriedly convoyed from Barwon Prison to Carmelite Monastary Melbourne.
Whereby Pell instantly breaches welcoming Nun's 1.5m Halo...(Bloody Jerk!)
Delivery boy escapes (Just in time) after delivering Essential crate of Holy Wine.

8th- Pell's Easter Pageant exorcises further demonic travel restrictions ...
Pell leads Media scrum outta town (Again not one reports on Easter travel Quarantine breach)
Pell is now pew surfing at Good Shepherd Seminary in Sydney.
So are we led to believe that the Media are in on Pell's [ Overlord Pass ]

11th- Pell begins Essential eternal suffering of convicted innocents crusade.
Dons his soiled Robes to serve on Essential Church front.( Just as PM prayed for!)
Delivers his Easter Message...mercifully it's all about 'his' suffering! Praise the Lord!

12th Hillsong Squadron cross borders to spray our heavens with Covid-19 graffiti.
13th Essential Coronavirus post Mass interview with Bolt for Skylord.> (14th) TV.
Bolt's Revelation: [ Police are out to get Pell ]...Yep! Bolt is right on the money again!
PM commandeers 8 NSW Anti terrorism Police to help Pell track down graffiti trolls.
Graffiti was payback for Hillsong's Easter Sunday Blue Sky Massacre.

Bolt's Police witch-hunt again forgets to serve Pell his $1,300 Quarantine fine! Duh!
Bolt was most complicit with Pell's Quarantine breach (Police > say Quarantine wot ?)

All inquiries into Angus & Sports Rorts are now too hemmed in by Coronavirus.

Sure! Covid -19 was hectic! The flock almost had to follow Oz law...Heaven forbid!

PS: Good News! Pell's QC is hired by PM's mistress for Hillsong Overboard inquiry Pardon.
Smoko gets a Poll Boost for being the most deceitful, corrupt, evil, lying politician.
Aussies refuse to see that as a bad thing as we wear it with pride on our foreheads.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:20pm

Thermalben, what is so obvious is the solution approach to this covid19 problem is a series of laws, which introduce greater surveillance, censorship and ultimately dependence on the state through a mass economic destruction. All under the banner of saving lives.

Ppl like Icke have brought together various individuals and research to highlight this point. I'm an observer and part timer, so will pass you onto him to do your own listening, reading etc. I'm also listening and reading the mainstream lines too..

evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:39pm

The way I see it is that China deliberately released this hideous virus to destabilise
the world economy to a point of global shutdown then buy up just about
everything that would help them control the economy of the world at a much reduced price.
Pretty good really they just won world war three without firing a bullet.
Now the scary thing is that theyre in the process of buying up all the stockpiled
oil and other world wide commodities. I call this stage Two.
Clever little rats.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:40pm

Indo, I have no idea and haven't formed a firm view either way whether it is real yet. I'm certainly not in fear of it for myself or family and dubious about it being a real threat that is for sure.. Well anymore if it does exist than the flu or aids or cancer or heart disease or smoking, alcohol or starvation.

Of course Scomo is going to tow the line. When the WHO says jump... Your gonna do it and that is where they've got ya. Notice all the govts did relatively the same thing at the same time. Somewhere there is a well thought out roadmap of what the WHO directs in a pandemic. Perhaps it came from the pandemic simulation run by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in Wuhan in 2019.

Through a real virus/threat control isn't attainable, you lose control of it. But if you can control the perception of one, you have ultimate control and that is what has happened with the WHO basically taking control through its various associations. And again who sits behind it.. Follow the money.

In short, its a perceived threat that has managed the entire shutdown of the worlds populations and economies and based on the above and what I've said previously, I'm smelling a rat.

shortenism's picture
shortenism's picture
shortenism Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020 at 8:43pm

JQ, who knows all I can go on is what's in front of me now. He's been writing about this for 30 years, so I guess based on how on the money he is here it would be hard to say he's completely off on other things as wacky as they first sound.. Open minded but not losing sleep over it.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 7:29am

Shortenism: "what is so obvious is the solution approach to this covid19 problem is a series of laws, which introduce greater surveillance, censorship and ultimately dependence on the state through a mass economic destruction. All under the banner of saving lives."

Yep, they are saving lives. No banner required.

So, you disagree with the introduction of new laws? Fair enough.

But, what exactly are these of "greater surveillance" laws, "censorship" laws and "dependence on the state through a mass economic destruction" laws?

On your last point, this is an interesting comment and article link from Warwick McKibbin (Professor, CAMA, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU; and Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution):

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 7:34am

No doubt about it the WHO are in league with the shape shifting reptiles and have brain washed all the doctors and researchers with their energon rays and 5G towers so that China can buy up all the oil at a discount and make Bill Gates World President. They say that nature abhors a vacuum so empty minds get infected with whatever is in the air around them.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 7:56am

Truth is stranger than fiction ....hey , I don’t like him either but isn’t it racist to call him a reptile ?

History doesn’t repeat etc etc

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 7:58am

An congratulations to evosurfer and Swellnet for a new low which again raises the question, how low can we go? is there a line that cannot be crossed?
"Clever little rats."

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 8:05am’ve just been pushing the Evil Russia barrow as hard as humanly possible for about four years .

What’s the difference ?

Wasn’t that racism ?

If you’re going to purposefully conflate discussion of geopolitics with racism then you’ve got to be prepared to defend your own slanderous campaigns.

Should you have been deplatformed ?

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 8:39am

When posters here classify another race as “rats”, then we have crossed a line the Nazis crossed in the 1930s. What next? Incitement for a pogrom pogrom against Chinese restaurants?

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 8:58am

You’re doing it again.

Aren’t you bright enough to figure out the obvious distinction between government and race ?

Come on , mate. I think you can get there.

When you type “ God fuck Amerika “ are you being racist ? Are you inciting racial hatred ? It sounds like you are literally asking your diety to strike down every last US citizen . According to your logic that is an appeal to every person to rise up and commit acts of racially driven violence . You haven’t got a gun have you ?

Is it like Nazi Germany all over again and you’re wanting pogroms carried out at the local McDonalds ?

This is some third grade level thinking required here for you.

Picture the average God fearing, mid Western US you think they would be offended by your typing on a public forum that you hope God fucks Amerika ?

I’m not sure you even recognise what racial hatred even looks like anymore. It just seems to be an allegation used to bludgeon those who hold alternative opinions.

What do you think it says about your personality that you believe you can say “ God fuck Amerika “ whilst simultaneously harbouring no ill feelings towards the Americans you know , but you can’t imagine that others are capable of the same separation of the state and the individual ?

It really is a breathtaking display of arrogance when you assert your right to hold these opinions whilst denying them to others.

evosurfer's picture
evosurfer's picture
evosurfer Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 9:09am

Cromwell what would you like me to say it was a act of god?
I make zero apologies at pointing the blame directly at China.
I wont be sticking my head in the sand and ignore the obvious
and its about time we put political correctness in perspective and
not control our lives. There is nothing wrong with handling things
as they are and being just plain respectful and polite.
The fact remains the virus is from China they are now threating us
because we want a inquiry, they hid, lied and denied, they destroyed
the worlds economy not mention million of peoples lively hood including
im sure many people you and I know and thats just the tip of it.
Wake up and have a look at whats happening to our world.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 9:16am

Mate you can blame who you like but when you refer to an entire race of people as rats, which you did, you have crossed the line into racial vilification and encouraging racial hatred. If that was not your intention I suggest you remove the last line of your post and hope that no-one of Chinese origin saw it and decides to lodge a complaint because neither you nor Swellnet would have a leg to stand on.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 9:22am

The worst bit is that it’s not just one befuddled old man in a dog box townhouse sending off whining complaints to any authority he can contact , there is a legion of these Fake Left Authoritarians out there feverishly beavering away to recreate state censorship, disempower free speech and introduce an official narrative which is nothing less than thought policing.

This is how the Nazis came to power.

People may think it was the men with guns who kicked down the doors and dragged away those who held unsanctioned beliefs who are the root of nazism , but these gun toting weirdos were downstream from the true evil.

They were just a symptom of a society which had been undermined by faceless authoritarian bureaucrats who feverishly beavered away by first complaining to authority, then influencing the authority until they finally became the authority.

It was the academics. It was the local councillors. It was the otherwise innocuous looking old men who provided the discipline and work ethic required to turn their privately held arrogance of controlling the very thoughts of those around them into a terrible reality which ruined the world .

That’s the true enemy.

Forget the man with the gun , he is just the weapon deployed by the unidentifiable and unelected old man operating from a desk whilst his wife happily makes dinner in the room next door.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 9:20am

“when you refer to an entire race of people as rats, which you did”

This never happened.

Non sequitor. Sophistry. it what you want.

It’s dishonest and you should be ashamed.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 9:27am

I’m still at a loss to understand how the some people can say anything they like about the evils of America or Russia and especially Australia and then turn with a straight face and lose their shit over the “evil racism “ of someone saying anything negative about China.

Surly these people aren’t that stupid.

Are they ?

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 9:31am

"Pretty good really they just won world war three without firing a bullet.
Now the scary thing is that theyre in the process of buying up all the stockpiled
oil and other world wide commodities. I call this stage Two.
Clever little rats."

evosurfer 8.39pm Wed

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 4 May 2020 at 12:19am


Part 3 'Around the Town'

100% automated tracking of all Translink commuters
100% automation of Govt /Council financial transactions
100% automation of Bank Currency withdrawal transactions

Just these 3 Covid-19 measures deny / track services to 65% of senior Australians.
Dozens more have been implemented, having nothing to do with halting the virus.
Paper/cash currency 3x less infectious than bank cards..(Quoting) WHO/ Oz mint.

tbb is disheartened that the crew overlook largest ever abuse of Oz most vulnerable.
The govt are deceitful & cruel & won't stop preying on the frail. [ STOP GOVT ELDER ABUSE ]

For the record...Oz Covid App is more trackable than like corona apps + not to do with virus.
Sure! Good luck finding that out...a little bit more tricky now! tbb will share later...
tbb noticed a lack of past search results for trackable Covid-19 apps...(Something, not right!)
Others thought so > paranoid apple/google restricted detailed Corona app tracking searches.
No conspiracy...Tech giants don't like the world exposing their dirty laundry...This is very real!
Notably the Singapore app...(tbb has given up on tracking down past detailed working docs!)

Reality check (Don't be alarmed!)
2019 - 12 m Aussies (Almost half) ventured out for a painful Flu Jab for the common flu.
2020 - 2 m (Shit all) Couch surfers download a hip pocket Oz Health killer virus app.
How the fuck does Oz Govt/Media spin a lazy creepy gamer app into a Sheriff's Gold Star?

Meanwhile they never once deployed density searching to track hot spots...(Fuck maths!)
Covid App fails to register (biggest viral targets) o/s + interstate (That's half of Goldie hits)
Next viral threat (Intercity/ interurban) can take a back seat (Days-Weeks-Maybe-never?)
The only hit they give within real response treatment time are you are yer neighbours.
99.9% of carriers aren't in yer neighbourhood...who here knows of a local with virus!
Govt app: Alien threat is rated [ZERO] > Now yer innocent Neighbours are [#1 enemy Alert]
Trust no none but your Govt...Now do you see the dystopian curtain raiser for biometric app!
Weird how Social Distancing makes Social Credit sound all innocent. (Nice Job that!)

Now add all that up! The app is a 99.9% virus tracking failure but Govt did cook the app!
The app is merely a testing range device for mid year (Australia Card) biometric apps
Hence PM: Oz needs to double Singapore hits for MyGovID Biometric roll out to be feasible.
Sorry to those here thought that Bezos shop app might be more helpful than a flaming turd!

PM: We need need 40% take up to relax Social distancing?
*(Biggest transit ) School Buses don't do apps yet PM orders packed schools?
*Trains are essential + still packed in at Peak hour.
* Regional Planes are shoulder to shoulder now.
1.5m Social Distancing is so while it lasted...PM is delusional
PM is spewing his Corona Poll Hangover ...all over our land ...Wake Up Oz!
Johnny Rotten: "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated!"

We're all just... "Living in a World of Make believe!" it it seems!

tbb unashamedly milked a cue to load a forgotten underrated smooth Oz classic...Enjoy!

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 9:57am

@cromwell, that picture you posted with the rat and the star of David isnt even a Nazi German sign ? If your going to post stuff to argue something at least get it right mate, the font is Russian , most likely Stalin era .
Also interesting article in todays ABC for you to defend for us, "Australia is chewing gum on Chinese shoe and sometimes the gum needs to be scraped off with a stone" Chinese Government statement in response to demands for an inquiry into the China virus. Imagine a western nation making a statement like that over nothing more than a simple request like lets find out how thing thing thats pretty much fucked the world started.
Keep on posting your one eyed opinions but at least get your facts straight
A fanatic-someone who wont change his mind and cant change the subject -Churchill

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 9:58am can repost it a thousand more times and a thousand more times you will look like the village idiot screaming about the scary lion whilst pointing at a cow.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 10:03am

How embarrassing.

It’s basically the internet version of Blindboy shitting his pants and then furiously trying to blame the dog for the smell.

.....whilst everyone else stares at the spreading brown patch on the arse of his shorts.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 10:12am

Cromwell's gone full retard, whereby any criticism of a non-white person is a racist attack.

So calling someone a rat is now racist?

Did you know that magistrate Pat O'Shane ruled that calling police officers “fucking pigs” was not offensive?

I dare say that if a complaint was lodged about calling someone a rat, it'd get laughed at.

By the way, I want to tell you a little story Cromwell.

The local cafe I go to has a lady of Asian background working there and she makes shit coffees.

So when she's on the machine I don't go there.

And that's not racist ;)

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 10:21am

Well there goes two of my favourite ways to describe shady characters - like a rat up a drain pipe and sewer rat!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 10:26am

Think there would be the same outrage if someone called the LNP a bunch of clever little rats ?

You think this would inspire people to start a pogrom and attack people at the Warringah golf club ?

Seriously....that’s the level of hyperbolic stupidity being put forth.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 10:30am

Flash as a rat wth a gold tooth......gone !

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 10:46am

If you are unable to distinguish between calling an individual a rat and labelling an entire race as rats, I suggest you brush up your history. Contemptible shit!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 10:56am


There’s not much more I can say which would paint you in a less flattering light than your very own words.

At least you’re not corrupting the minds of school children anymore.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 11:29am

Post it a thousand times? Why not. Let the punters see what goes on in the depths.

Cromwell's picture
Cromwell's picture
Cromwell Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 11:29am

"Pretty good really they just won world war three without firing a bullet.
Now the scary thing is that theyre in the process of buying up all the stockpiled
oil and other world wide commodities. I call this stage Two.
Clever little rats."

evosurfer 8.39pm Wed

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 11:36am


zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 30 Apr 2020 at 11:35am

I've been called a ratbag on more than one occasion.