surfboard security

leniam's picture
leniam started the topic in Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020 at 12:31pm

Has anyone got any experience with locking tie-downs (with the steel cables within the strap) to deter board theft? Any other ideas to keep boards safe when you're camping, travelling etc? Of course you'll never stop someone with a the right tools and some time, but I at least want to make it harder for them.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 6 Feb 2020 at 5:07pm

Good question. Good set of ears is probably a start. But.. aside from putting 'em in the car, not sure how else you can adequately secure boards on the roof.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 6 Feb 2020 at 5:28pm

Sleep with your legrope on.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Thursday, 6 Feb 2020 at 5:39pm

Get a dog.

One of those dogs that just sits there and stares at you. You know the ones- the ones that just by their silence alone says 'I fucking dare you'.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 6 Feb 2020 at 5:54pm

"I fucking dare you."

CMC's picture
CMC's picture
CMC Thursday, 6 Feb 2020 at 6:01pm

I had one of those dogs....a 52kg male Rhodesian Ridgeback.... lick you to death if he knew didn't want to mess with him though, he used to crunch shin bones from the butcher.
I use to leave the wagon unlocked with all my gear in there no problems... he would bare his fangs and give you the grrrrrrr if you got too close to his territory.
He was a great companion for many years.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Thursday, 6 Feb 2020 at 7:39pm

Safe to say none of those boards went missing Stu?

I had a heeler that would lay on the front seat of my wagon with all the windows down while i was surfing who looked like a cute little teddy bear but all it took was one growl and a stare and hair on his neck standing up and no one came close, then we'd get home and my neighbours toddler would come over to play with Jack and I'd often find them curled up together in his bed sleeping.. Go figure?

belly's picture
belly's picture
belly Thursday, 6 Feb 2020 at 8:07pm

I use an OzTent and padlock the inside fly part. Used to do the same with the canvas camper trailer. If they're going to go to the trouble to steal, unzip outside canvas and surprise, now you need a knife or scissors to get through the fly section. Some deterrent anyway.
Buy a big enough car to put your spare board(s) inside the car when surfing, a dog in the car (I have both, the licker and the killer) can't help you if your board is on your roof or in your ute tray.

dazzler's picture
dazzler's picture
dazzler Thursday, 6 Feb 2020 at 8:23pm

Lockable straps, if someone has bolt cutters good luck to them.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 12:45am

I fucking dare you.

(to take off my nappy and this ridiculous coat)

One of our trained killers itching to sink its fangs into any potential board thief.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 12:47am

btw- nice quiver Stu.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 1:55am

nice quiver and killer. I love a shaggy dog

"Sleep with your legrope on."

done that before. and connected it to my car, and motorbike, tree, fence post etc., just enough to slow them down, catch them out, and/or think twice about it

I've actually thought about making (and inventing/selling) roofracks with a hinged bar that folds down over the top of your boards and is lockable. A bit like what they seem to use for skis on top of cars

too lazy though

and probably no money in it, bought a station wagon instead. but would still be good for when you want the boards outside the car

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 5:57am

The Lampshade of Shame!

Love the doggie stoke.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 6:36am

Slightly OT, but I've been seeing a lot of recent reports of key locks being easily broken - you know, the ones you hook into the door handle or the bull bar, that has the car key encased behind a numbered padlock.

Someone posted (here, I think) the most simple of solutions - take it down the beach and padlock it to a beach fence, or something else. Even though the lock could still be technically broken, it means the thief will have a much bigger job working out which car the key is for (unless they see you doing it), so hopefully they'll move on. 

marcus's picture
marcus's picture
marcus Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 8:06am

hey guys
I developed a device to lock a mal to my roof racks back in around 2007/ 2008
at the time it was the only board i couldn't fit in my car.
it was made of plastic coated stainless cable.
two loops crimped at each end snug around the onse and the tail.
then padlocked so it looped around a roof rack.

ill try and find it for you
if i forget, send me a message

leniam's picture
leniam's picture
leniam Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 9:41am

Don't think another dog will get the go-ahead from the family. I've racked my brain (and the internet) looking for a deterrent, the lockable straps (KanuLock) and a stainless wire and padlock through the leash plug are most practical I can find. Each solution relies on pretty thin stainless wire that a set of bolt-cutters would slice through easily but it would at least stop drug-f**ked idiots who are just walking past.

chook's picture
chook's picture
chook Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 10:32am

plaster your board cover with kneeboarding stickers. no one nicks kneeboards.

might be a bit of a stretch with a mal.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 3:23pm

Get a magnetic sign with "Snake Catcher - Eastern Browns a Specialty" on it. Put it on your car as required and leave a cane basket visible in the car.

Guaranteed: nobody will go near your stuff.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 3:36pm

if you have a normal car ,not those push button ones all you v'e gotta do is get a normal key without the chip in it and hang it around your neck....thats what i do simple.

ringmaster's picture
ringmaster's picture
ringmaster Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 3:59pm

What he said^^^

Any key cutter can make one for you.

The Fire's picture
The Fire's picture
The Fire Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 5:10pm

When i was younger, alot younger, i put some pro police stickers on my car, like "pay justice for our police" and "keep our bush drug free" . Driving a vl commodore at the time, never had any hassles from car thieves but i dunno about now..

It was also to deter road ragers and i guess even elicit sympathy from cops if i ever got pulled over.

Nowadays i live rural and honestly crime just doesnt happen on this coastline.
We're lucky i guess.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 8:46pm

I had a board stolen right before eyes once.
My leg rope had snapped while surfing an outer reef and while swimming in to retrieve it from the shore I watched in disbelief as the villain ran down the dune and grabbed it before disappearing never to be seen again.

leniam's picture
leniam's picture
leniam Sunday, 9 Feb 2020 at 12:28pm

That is low... stealing a board while you're swimming for it.
Thanks for all the replies... I think the answer is that there is no simple way to lock up a surfboard... kind of obvious I guess, but no harm in asking.
A van would be awesome, maybe that's the answer.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Sunday, 9 Feb 2020 at 12:56pm

A good wagon - VY Commodore can fit about 10ft diagonally, more length than 99% of us surf.

If not and you are around tent - what about padlock on the inner fly + padlock and chain in the leggie plug bound around the tent frame with another padlock. A crew trying to nick it is going to have rubiks cube levels of puzzle trying to untangle it - might stop the opportunists.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 9 Feb 2020 at 1:23pm

If you’ve got no kids, a ute with an alloy canopy is hard to beat.
Single cab canopies are generally 2400 long so heaps of room.
Added bonus of being able to hose them out as required, perfect for Gary G after an all night dogging session.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 9 Feb 2020 at 4:16pm

Yeah! Most Ute tradies dump tool boxes in mates Station Wagon or Canopy.
tbb adds nothin' to beach or surf but has had car stolen & break ins at Beach [P].

Basherz will try & help Skegz with their trolleys.
1)Local Groms boss Life Guard Tower turf..go for Chikos/Coffee Milk & all is sweet.
2)Off track Dune vegetation is still popular...can only see if you keep still & focus.
3) Some Beach Dunnies ...Roofs & gated storage nooks are often out of sight)

Roof/Lock down Nylon / Cable Combo Straps look pretty clever.
Tbb is guessing these are standard Skegware as many brands flood the market.
Bolt cutters can't cut thru Nylon Webbing + Blade can't cut thru Cable.
Fasten board real tight against Fence Post with this Combo Strap + (Choose Lock!)
Thief would take a while with knife + Cable cutters in a Public Area...
Note a lot of repeat thieves can't risk carrying knives (Screw Driver Break ins. )

Note: Straps have lightweight over-neck versatility & are Packable.
Ideal Travel Gear/Grom Bus hopperz/Bikes/Skaterz

Yank inventor is pretty good at flogging his tuff gear...a nice change!

I know what you're thinking, someone has likely posted (How to Cut Nylon/Cable?)

Try hiding those in your speedos...(Bank hoist gear to steal a board..Seriously!)

Don't buy this Tin snips can go in pocket with arm free for your board.

#1 'Hardened Chain Bike Locks' aren't long enough...(Length is too expensive)
Nylon 'Multi cable' core is also kept short by cost.(Single/Double cable Nylon is all for now)
Best to go for toughest thick 'Nylon Web' / Cable combo (If only to slow thieves in Public)