Melb's wave pond

Ted from the moon's picture
Ted from the moon started the topic in Wednesday, 1 Jan 2020 at 2:41pm

After some feedback on the pool. I am contemplating heading down to do a strike mission for a few days. Who has surfed it? Would you recommend doing back to back sessions or have an hour off in between? Is it easy to do an hour on the left then the right immediately after? How knackered are you after 3 sessions in a morning? What are the evening sessions like? Thanks.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 14 Jan 2020 at 10:24pm

Yep VB, but if you wait there with baited breath you'll have another thing coming.

Brucebruce is nobody's escape goat and he's not at your beckon call.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 14 Jan 2020 at 10:34pm

Yeah sorry VB, brucetoo peaked my interest.

Anyway, the point is mute now and this discussion has fallen by the waste side.

brucebruce's picture
brucebruce's picture
brucebruce Tuesday, 14 Jan 2020 at 10:39pm

Sorry Westofthelake, should have made my little .) wink symbol thingy more obvious.

Any way, stoked to get some info on the pool here. I am checking it out for myself in a few days with my son and a few mates. Very keen!

vascectomy-blottmouth's picture
vascectomy-blottmouth's picture
vascectomy-blot... Tuesday, 14 Jan 2020 at 10:45pm

Escape goat? Was Kelly on the lose testing the rivals waves?

Anyway enough tongue and cheek stuff. Back to the pool to get this discussion back off the waste side.

Looking at those photos... It does look pretty fun for the odd day.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Tuesday, 14 Jan 2020 at 10:53pm

Bruce, let us know how you go.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't envious.

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 6:33am

C’mon guys, what’s with all the fake gramma nazi work trying to bait others in? Why can’t we keep it real and keep it on topic, especially when we’ve got this new surf lakes plunger having just opened in Fiji

uploading pictures

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 7:15am

Wow, what a concept, surf ya brains out in the pool and then back to the local for the real thing, but bigger and better!

Timothy Burgess's picture
Timothy Burgess's picture
Timothy Burgess Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 11:13am

welcome brucebruce! Ask away.

The wind question seems to come up alot. N/NE is a traditional offshore but I have surfed it in a SE, still awesome, & NE, awesome. All the waves on advanced setting barrel regardless (had 2 surfs only). Some more than others depending on wave # in set. First waves seem to be a little better but later waves often throw with extra current running back out. It keeps it interesting & on your toes. Wind strength probably more important than direction.

The more important aspects of the facility that aren't so much mentioned:
1) wave gen tech is near silent. Standing at pools edge you hear the ocean sound of waves breaking. Beautiful
2) the fascility itself has a very nice vibe, it's not Indo but just going there makes u feel relaxed & not want to leave
3) free & ample parking straight outside gate
4) the whole entry-to-getting-waves process is very seamless
5) most people have very big smiles on their face

You will go there with an intensive purpose, guaranteed.

Pic here (hat to be replaced by helmet soon)

Heres alot more insight from Andrew Ross:

minorthird's picture
minorthird's picture
minorthird Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 8:17am

Worth mentioning that standard Advanced sessions don’t run the barrel setting the whole time. In my surfs so far it’s been 40mins or so of turns variations, and the barrel setting for the last 20mins or so.

Turns waves can barrel a bit, but I think they rely a lot more on wind/surface/current to hold up.

Also watch out for the turns to barrels switch - barrels sets peak quite a bit further in than the biggest turns sets, and this has caught out the head of the lineup both times I’ve been out.

Some kind of warning that the setting change is coming would be useful though I’m sure they’ll sort this out with the guides in the water over time.

Both of my surfs have been light southerly, so I’m interested in catching a hard offshore day to see the difference.

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 10:08am

I find this annoying. Why run 40 minutes of intermediate waves in the advanced session. I like the idea of mixing it up a bit, but 10 or 15 minutes is plenty

Gary G's picture
Gary G's picture
Gary G Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 10:09am

Because the turns waves are sick fun and some of them have barrel sections.

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 10:20am

I’m sure they’re fun as, maybe it’s just me, but I would have thought 40 minutes of fun turns waves belonged in an intermediate setting. Save a level, and a price point, for those that want the juice. A couple of warm up waves is a good idea, but having the majority of it as that puts pressure on the handful of barrels you end up with at the end

Gary G's picture
Gary G's picture
Gary G Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 10:41am

The advanced waves more or less start where the intermediate sessions stop. There are a bunch of different settings on the 'turns' waves and many are more challenging than the barrel settings. Plenty more people blow the takeoff or come off before the end of the wave on the later 'turns' settings than the barrel setting.

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 10:50am

How long ls a standard wave in terms of metres roughly?

Is there an end section for one last glory turn or does it kinda just sputter out?

I don't think i've seen any vid from complete take-off to end. If it's out there please post up a link.

Timothy Burgess's picture
Timothy Burgess's picture
Timothy Burgess Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 10:50am

Yes all advanced waves you can get barrelled on is my experience. Waves will vary with wind/ wave#), but all advanced settings waves produce different types of barrels.

1st wave of my 2nd session, ie a 'turns wave', I got a sick barrel.

It's game on from minute 1, there is no sense of the machine being held back, & arguably 'turns' waves more fun than Beast mode as they offer a longer barrel & the wave itself is longer.

Timothy Burgess's picture
Timothy Burgess's picture
Timothy Burgess Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 11:32am

Here's a longish wave Zen:

Different wave types finish more/less abruptly, go for longer/shorter (& are effected by wind/wave#). I think this was an intermediate wave type (I find it hard to tell, except for Beast).

Alot of variation which makes it feel very ocean like.

I don't know this for certain (just a guess), but total energy of each wave being put out by Rory is probably the same, it's just how that energy is being concentrated/not concentrated.

Intermediate waves look longer than advanced waves to me

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 11:49am

Ok thanks gents, I’m pumped! :)

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 11:50am

Cool Tim, looks like what you could expect on a decent beachie. Looks fun.

Hoots from the channel! Yee hah!

Bnkref's picture
Bnkref's picture
Bnkref Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 11:53am

I'm out there for my first crack at it early tomorrow. Frothing!

mackdog's picture
mackdog's picture
mackdog Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 2:34pm

Question for those that have been.

What’s the etiquette if you have ridden a longer completed wave than the guy after you who may have had one or two turns and kicked out into the channel?

Are you now behind him in the queue?
What’s been happening with guys who have missed the takeoff?

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 2:51pm

miss the take-off and it's back of the line.

the queue is variable and dependent on personal manners, but yes, you are now behind in the queue.

it can be gamed purposefully.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 2:53pm

What board did you ride, FR?

Gary G's picture
Gary G's picture
Gary G Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 2:53pm

The etiquette is still forming but will be sorted out (and self enforcing) soon.

Miss the takeoff and you should go to the back of the line unless the person behind you charitably offers you another go. Have seen both happen. Don't assume you get another go as you'll get in the way of the person who is already in motion positioning for their wave.

The line kind of works itself out as you float back into different points. If there's a clear line in front of you, go to the back, if there's a gap because two people are paddling back from different places then it's whoever fills the gap first.

Don't blow the takeoff and try to get back in line without doing a loop round the pool. It gets in other people's way and risks collision. Suck it up and go to the back, you'll get another chance in 3-5 minutes anyway

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 2:56pm

Hayden Shapes Holy Grail

Gary G's picture
Gary G's picture
Gary G Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 3:02pm

Does your appearance here mean you have now filed your piece, FR?

brucebruce's picture
brucebruce's picture
brucebruce Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 3:19pm

wind not looking epic for my first dip in the pool over the next few days :/

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 3:42pm

Guys were missing the take off then paddling straight back to the next position when I was there.
They need to put a sign up that if you miss the wave on take off then you fuck off to the end of the line.

Going back on Friday. Think this will be my last time. Novelty is wearing off quiet quickly for me.
Also this week I surfed a pumping little bank and almost every wave you were in the tube. Making them more often than not. Surfing in a pool will never ever compare to the real thing.

Sheep go to heaven's picture
Sheep go to heaven's picture
Sheep go to heaven Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 3:47pm

Ahhh brucebruce , you can't direct the wind , but you can adjust your sales ....

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 4:21pm

I have filed Gazz G. not sure when published.
that wasn't you I met in the showers was it?

zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 4:35pm

Gary G's picture
Gary G's picture
Gary G Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 4:35pm

Whilst Gary loves to be always watching, never seen; alas yesterday he was not gracing Tulla with his presence.

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 4:53pm

Im going tomorrow and after booking my time it just says you’ve booked for said time. No info on when to arrive or whates needed to do before entering the pool?

Also, board damage?

Timothy Burgess's picture
Timothy Burgess's picture
Timothy Burgess Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 5:18pm

Hi Nick,

I reckon for your 1st surf arrive 45min-1 hour before.
Relaxed. Watch some waves.

Setup is like a public pool.
Check in at entrance, sign a waiver, get a digital wrist band (you can check in anytime that day I think).

Then enter through some turnstiles by swiping your digital wrist band.

It's a big arena, lots of grass, chairs, changerooms, showers etc.
Dump your gear (anywhere really). There are lockers but most people just leave it on grass (or get changed in the carpark & bring nothing in).

5 minutes before or so everyone meets at the life guard tower (middle of pool). Quick brief. Another swipe to make sure you are officially in the session. & then jump in.

It's all super friendly & lots of staff to help out

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 5:18pm

if you're hiring a board get there at least half an hour before.

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 5:43pm

Cheers, I might clarify - it’s advanced session and im only gonna take one board due to room in full car. Ive about 5 boards in retirement but go real well. Just wondering if i use one of those back ups or use current board?

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 5:45pm

I think im complicating it.

I want to take a good board as to utilise the wave to its fullest but have the option of taking older sub-par boards that i have no concern for damage

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 5:46pm

don't worry about your board, worry about your head hitting the concrete.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 5:54pm

Haven’t even read it yet myself.

Hot off the press !

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 6:06pm

Great read , as always , Freeride.

I’m very jealous of your point session. Still not interested in the pool. The idea of 18 crew strewn through that tiny area makes me gag , let alone jockeying for it.

This video made me less keen than if I’d been told that the pool water was diverted overflow from the Melbourne sewer system :

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020 at 6:04pm

Haha. Crikey. We we’re talking about that the other day. The bottom is concrete so why couldn’t tell line in it with some softer.

I like there is still a bit of risk. Otherwise wouldn’t it be to easy. I’ll have to post again to tell if ive jinxed myself or not.

Bnkref's picture
Bnkref's picture
Bnkref Thursday, 16 Jan 2020 at 9:54am

Made my debut this morning (on the right - advanced). Sick fun. I'm frothing! Quite a surreal experience. I'll be back for sure.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Thursday, 16 Jan 2020 at 4:52pm

Blowin's vid reveals a lot more than the Krab Pot.. Electrifying Take off zone with funnelling of wind into alcove of Pool splashing of ionic volatile pool chems pooling beneath dripping Lightpole fuelling an up-draft of leader lightning to thermal above lightning. This is one very large live -/+ circuit in a storm.
Take off zone (Hot Seat) transforms into a stairway to Heaven for afterlife surfers. (Antichrist translation: A Transporter that beams one up to Scotty from engineering!)
Perhaps the add on wave pool pond 'charges less' (Joke) Maybe shorted out the safety floodlighting during same dark Storm Clouds session.

Ok! This is so serious (Needs a Demo vid!) Here we see a Cam focused on an empty pool > Why? Because it's not the 1st & only strike - Bingo!...(Note: Alcove + Pool Ladder with dual constant water flow splashing volatile ions up into the Palm Canopy) Yep! You can smell the danger...& cue 3.2.1...Kerblammo!

Surfers don't need to be reminded. (Take off Zone doubles as a blast off zone) All can clearly see the danger & how one can reduce the fuel load...just saying tbb can load plenty of frightfully similar explosive pool vids with extra fuel loads.

Outdoor Pool Furniture...hard to go past this season's Pool Pallet towel rail resting against yer Wave Pool wall...(So cool) Grom'z tilting wobbly bar stools are so last decade...still, both are must have accessories for wave pool wall jump offs.

Anyone know if Life Guards are on Patrol & have they ever once patrolled the perimeter? Probably to frightened! All here spotted Bristol men in red pointing fingers...see none here! Anyone!
Urbnsurf dodgy bros pool safety reels are no longer a joke..punters are starting to believe they're real!

Custom wettie will sort out The Beast + Krab Pots + Lightning Strikes...
Noticed no one is laughing & the phone is ringing off the hook!

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 16 Jan 2020 at 10:45am

that was a good read, assuming we're referring to longtom

caught the mood well, beyond just the pool...

"You'll be fucking robots come 2030 Longtom"

classic, caught the mood too...

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 17 Jan 2020 at 1:58am

Water Harvesting
2016 Winner of Excellence in Infrastructure Award (Airport Stormwater)

From here it's 5 step filtered thru Willy Wonka's Top Secret Wave Brewery.
Class A drinkable if not for the regulatory Chlorine / Salt / Pee as any Oz Pool.

Urbnsurf figured losing a Pools worth of water per year to evaporation + Spillage.
If standard waves are sloshing outta the park then Thirsty Beast was first to go.

Spain HQ run top mount timber splash boards when the Pros wanna crank it up!
Any ideas for side wall splash-backs to cut danger, water & bills + boost waves & eco cred!
Clever design could backwash the face of the following set wave for extra height.
Also the first step in bringing the beast back.

Wave Pool Base
Flexible cement pavement with textured membrane finish, add sand for de-fleshing.

re: The Cheese Grater "Disney Typhoon Lagoon" (Sand+Textured) Double Ouch!

Marli'(12 years ago) " I saw numerous people with bandaids & leg wraps!"
Waist deep after First wave & Marli too was in 1st aid stemming the blood loss.

Sand is cool on a seabed but flinting on a textured deck sparks up a grinding disc!

WarriSymbol's picture
WarriSymbol's picture
WarriSymbol Thursday, 16 Jan 2020 at 8:54pm

Anyone hear about traction pads deteriorating in the tub water?

Balance's picture
Balance's picture
Balance Thursday, 16 Jan 2020 at 10:04pm

I read that article...I really would have liked to see that analogy of it lbeing like paying for sex thing explored further...

Maybe like it has all the ingredients of the real thing...but deep down, no matter how much you try to fool know it isn't?

Or the performance level being hindered by the constant watching of the clock.

Buzzer sounds so get the hell out of there so the next lot can have there go...did you have to cover your face a bit to hide the shame as you exited the venue?

Not that I would know

Kind of answered your question as to why you didn't see any women there too...why pay for something that...with minimal can quite easily get for free

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Friday, 17 Jan 2020 at 6:09am

I think I knew after the first wave it was nothing like the real thing.

no performance hindrance from the clock. I had no watch and had no clue about the time on the first hr.
leggy snapped and I was swimming in (surprisingly fun) hoping the board wasn't going to get trashed on the concrete wall when the siren went.

by the end of the second hr on the left I was well and truly cooked.
It's a relentless pace.

As for the lack of women.......thats hard to say why. Every male surfer I know has expressed interest or is planning the tub-----most anyway.
No female surfers I know have got the slightest interest in it.

It doesn't seem to appeal for some reason. Maybe it's just that simple: why pay for something artificial that nature provides for free.

Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone's picture
Nick Bone Friday, 17 Jan 2020 at 6:16am

I thought it was hoot and we probably got it at its worst? Howling SSW 30knots.

It did seem to lack a bit of punch considering the wave has nice shape on the outside i.e at home you would be able to go hit the lip a bit more vertically with more drive on the same shaped wave. Whether or not, that was board choice or something or just the go of the wave, not sure.

It was a full house but the line sorts itself naturally and no one was being trying to one up there spot or anything like that at. You could paddle you head off and probably skip a place or two but you'll look like a fucking wanker. Just chill on the side and watch wave after wave as you work back to your turn.

Seemed like we got about 40 mins of turns then 20 of the inside shack. It does get nice and hollow and easy to line up but there were waves in the set that were definitely the pick, not that you get your say, just luck of the draw. There was only a few that would do there thing and if that's due to the howling onshore or the mechanics of the wave im not sure but I feel its mostly due to the latter with all the noise from other waves after a few have gone through?

Only there for a hour but ideally I would like to be there for 2 with a 1 break in between just to let the first one get rid of the nerves and feeling it out.

I think its reasonably priced for what you get but on the car trip home talking it over, although we all had a ball, none of us felt like we went for a surf but rather did a activity of sorts.

Would love to catch it on a semi decent wind just to see what difference it makes!

Gary G's picture
Gary G's picture
Gary G Friday, 17 Jan 2020 at 9:52am

Gary enjoyed ogling your writeup, FR. Fair and balanced; captures the activity and the mood of the place well.

Particularly liked the description of the takeoff as “hectic and stressful but easily mastered”.

It’s simultaneously nothing like surfing and exactly like surfing. Creates an internal dissonance that Gary struggled with in his first session but has since resolved/ignored.

Knowing your prior position on tubs in general, Gary particularly enjoyed the resistance is futile, “too damn fun” arc that your experience took as you inevitably succumbed to the unrelenting pace and surreal joy of catching 20 machine-birthed waves an hour.

Gary was in the tub again yesterday and will be in the ocean tomorrow and hopefully a few times next week. How bizarre that sentence would have seemed a few months’ ago...