
Go out and immediately buy a decent foamie if you haven’t already. One with proper foiled rails.
I’ve spent a bit of time on the Nth coast NSW lately and I wouldn’t surf 20 percent of the time if it wasn’t for a foamie I got hold of. You can ride basically anything. Knee high waves are an option. Fat waves are an option. Waves which aren’t even sure if they’re a left or a right are an option.
If you’d previously told me I’d have anything but a soft-on for soft tops I’d have laughed in your face. Then I was faced with mindlessly average daily beachies....
Gets you out there when you wouldn’t even contemplate it otherwise.
I reckon that foamie saved my liver.

DVS 6'6 thin Wasp

I'm a similar age, height and weight. I have been surfing a number of gary mcneill's boards since I picked one up second hand about 4 years ago. Recently ordered a CV2 model at 6'2". I'm riding it with a set of upright twin fins ans small trailer fin. I am absolutely loving it in waves from 1-3 foot and it even goes well in waves a bit bigger. I've been so stoked on it and it's got me surfing in waves I'd have often driven away from. Couldn't recommend highly enough and he's on the Gold. I've ordered my last 3 new boards from Gary and he's really helpful and a pleasure to deal with in my experience so might be worth a phone call or visit

What other boards have you ridden from Gary?

Only the entity. I picked up a second hand 6'2 entity just over 4 years ago and it was just magic. I surfed it 90% of the time for about 3 years. I have since ordered an entity similar but 6'4" and another as a step up at 6'10". Kept the old entity as a back up board (still goes amazing but showing signs of age). Really love the newer entities too but they're not a groveller. Definitely go much better when the surf is pumping. Lack of size and quality surf here over the past month have seen me riding the CV2 exclusively but I am hooked on it at the moment. Just saw a second hand CV2 go up on gumtree on the goldie this afternoon that would be worth a look if you are in the area. Only I ordered mine with a slightly modified fish tail to accommodate a centre fin plug for a stabiliser which I am glad about. I've struggled to really love riding quads

I’ve got a CV2 also. Have it as a quad set up. Loves that 2-4’ range. I pushed it in 4-6’ waves in Indo this year and felt a bit skatey for that.
Entity step ups so good once it’s a bit larger.
I’m thinking of going one of his Torus twins next board I think. Couple of mates have them and can’t stop raving.

What foamy brand/model have you got?..i was a little curious on the idea, now you have added some more curiosity.
Otherwise for original poster, id just go here out board hunting for me true grovellers are best picked when you can see and touch them.

Not sure , Indo . Maybe Ocean and Earth ?
I will tell you when I get back there.

i almost bought a MR softie twin they look to be unreal fun
But at $590 no fuckin way...! even an Ezyrider at $400 Nope.

checkout dump shops , you might find one cheap.

I took my lady to a garage sale one day and sat in the car drinking coffee , then she has returned with a pink soft top she got for $80 .
It’s the board I ride most over there.

Blowin -Over here rather than posting on Cory's page
DVS Wasp - i dont have one but they get great reviews and a few come up secondhand- But mainly Quads in Futures
But heres one in FCS fusion

still riding my MF 6'0" foamy.
goes in anything but 3 years later it's pretty beat up, looks like catastrophic delam failure is not far away.
been put through some heavy dodgem car collisions at the Pass with 10 ft logs.

Not really the page for it but Muzza still experimenting in the Bay 48 yrs on

Adding an extra
I’m 6ft 90 kg 58 yo grommet , what’s the best groveler for knee to chest high Gold Coast crap , above that I’m covered , feeling bored waiting for anything