Local shapers in Sumatra / Padang?

I dont know of any local shapers in Padang or Sumatra, and generally speaking new or second hand boards are not that easy to come by in Sumatra.
The two places id try in Padang is.
Substance surf in Padang https://www.facebook.com/substanceboardridingstore/
Or the other week i was in Padang and noticed heaps of second hand boards in this little place, i think it is part of this grungy little loosen/cafe/bar called Bat and Arrow https://www.facebook.com/BatArrowBar/

Take a board from the UK. Better still, take 2. You are going on a tax deductible surf trip. Why would you leave it to chance of finding something half decent in Padang.
I’m sure there are plenty of shapers in the UK who’d be happy to get you on the right gear. Or buy a hypto-beard online.
It’s a long way to travel to be a spectator

Hope that internet is a Tax deduction
$7 an hour at RLZ ..PFT !

I wouldn't bet on finding a board in Padang, if you score waves you are going to have some of the best waves / conditions possibly in your life time, get a stick in the UK you are confident with end of story.....IMHO

Well you won't need your 3/4 however was there 2 weeks ago and water was pretty cool maybe @24-25 degree mark and the S/SE would have blown a dog off its chain. Take 2 boards. There's nothing in Padang and the schedule won't give you time to do this anyway. Speak with Deb@RLZ about hiring. Not sure I'll ever do a 'book ahead' surf trip again, got fully skunked.

The Sumatran surfariis office in Padang has a whole back room full of second hand boards for sale

When I stayed the transit day in the "Bonsai surf lodge" in padang I recall them having a small rack of 5-10 second hand boards for sale but wouldn't risk it. Bring your own

Bonsai had a real good rack full of Luke Studer boards. I bought a Chilli Faded, Pyzel fins and a good grip at the 'surf shop' (forget name) when my boards were stuck in Sydney.
In a shitty situation, there are ways, but I'd 100 times rather have had my own board bag full of familiar equipment.

So four places so far in Padang with possible boards, thats not bad.
Good to make a mental note incase i ever need a back up board.
But yeah 100% better to take your own that you love and cherish.

Could try the Wharf as the charter boats return,,,bound to be able to buy something from surfers finishing there trip?

Substance surf store Padang
Chili boards avail.
Hi there. I've moved over to the UK, and am heading for a trip to Sumatra April/May next year for some sort of surfing relief. Had a few sessions at the wavegarden in Wales, fistral in Cornwall, llyn peninsula in northern wales, and basque country france/spain but it doesn't quite cut it.
I didn't bring any boards with me, just a 4/3 wettie and the other bits of winter rubber.
Wondering if I would be better suited picking up a board locally here, or if I could secure something in Padang once I land? Are there any shapers or second hand shops I could travel to from the airport, pick up a board or two, then head back to the airport before I fly to the place in Sumatra?
The week is a veterinary conference hosted at Resort latitude zero, so its fully tax deductable, although probably not the boards.
Not sure if theres a stash of decent boards on the island even?