Samoa in May, or Sth Pacific suggestions

This one slipped under the radar.
May is at the start of the dry season so there's a reasonable chance you'll score windows of light winds. And there's a good chance for solid surf too.

You’ve only got a week so you may get skunked.
Most likely you will score good waves somewhere
Be able to move around.
People there are amazing

get in touch with nuggs at samoa surf secrets.
i've been to samoa a few times and done something different every time...
Nugs will look after you.

I've stayed at Salani. Went in July. Got waves every day. Nothing epic but fun to good most days. Wind came up most days but mornings were good.

The wind is the main issue in Samoa. I went there once in July. Blown out at most spots by 9am every day. The only easily accessible spot that's offshore in the trades is Boulders, but it needs a pretty solid swell to break. There were people staying at Coconuts paying top dollar who were farken' spewing. Salani could be a good option as they have boat access so may be able to take you to some more protected spots. May would definitely be a better bet than July.

I went there in July 2011. Heaps of swell but really windy. It was the wrong swell for Boulders. Had a couple of surfs at a spot called pebbles. Looked at Boulders one day but wasn't breaking properly because of the swell direction from memory. Took the family and stayed at Samoana. If I ever want back I would rent a car and travel around a bit.

Gizo or Rarotonga

Actually,consider both those suggestions with caution.There's only a small number of breaks at either,which could lead to problems. NZ? Hundreds of breaks,dozens of coastlines,close to peak season.

If you're coming over from Aust I would recommend doing the Far North. Two coasts so plenty of options. Warmest part of NZ. Did it with my family in a campervan a few years back. July is a good month for Shippies, but it can rain a lot if you're unlucky.

Fantastic game last night, Japan vs Samoa.

Jeez I hope it's a jap vs all black final and the hosts win......

wouldn't that be crazy!
me too simba.

I was over in Samoa (Savai'i) in June and absolutely scored. 3-5ft most days with the trades only really blowing it out for a day or two. Got the odd bigger day which was a little more challenging and slabby depending on where you're going. Got dragged over the reef when I became a little too 'comfortable' and can attest that there are definitely surgeons tables around on anything below mid-tide. I'd honestly say that the biggest variable is swell direction as opposed to the wind. Seems to be really sensitive to that.
All that said, I haven't surfed over at Upolu and I heard from a few crew that it's a bit more mellow.
Reminds me of what Hawai'i would be like 100+ years ago but with a few obvious adjustments for the modern world. Wonderful culture and there's still so much they don't know that lies up in the mountains. Some say that there are ruins and pyramids in the vain of Machu Picchu hidden by jungle around the summits. Dunno how you'd get there.
Looking at Sth coast of Samoa (Upolu) next year, probably in May. Most likely salani surf resort.
Not possible to go earlier, and looking at 7 nights away.
Anyone got any advice for ‘trade wind’ season Samoa? Or am I kidding myself about scoring good waves?
I like the idea of a short flight that is not indo or Fiji. Other suggestions appreciated. Thanks