Surf magazine collection - what to do?


Hey Womble, I can't recall the convo, so apologies for that. Roughly what year do your mags begin?

I thought Stunet actually got rid of a whole collection of surf mags?
I thought he advertised them here..or maybe FB vintage surf page.
Ive culled all my surf mags down to a small collection of just the Indo special ones or ones that feature articles on my local area, although unfortunately the lot of very early ones got thrown out by a mate when he moved house as i basically left all my crap with him and went nomadic for a few couldn't really blame him.
Kind of one of those things, very rare to look at them and they take up room, but it's also hard to let go sometimes, and the flip side is its nice to have some for that nostagilic and historical factor.

Nah, I was trying to get rid of doubles (and triples) that I have but there were no takers. They're all still sitting in my shed.
On that point...speaking to Al Hunt recently and he's the owner of the top two surf mag collections in the world. He has the biggest collection of mags with complete volumes of every major mag that's ever been published, and even his collection of doubles is bigger than anyone elses complete collection.

Shit, good memory Womble. That must've been a while ago.
Always worries me when I bump into guys with photographic memories. Like, what have I said or done..?
Anyhoo, I've pretty much filled in those years, thanks anyway. You may find someone else that's keen but my take is that they're not quite old enough to be rare yet. That's the trick, finding space so you can forget about them for a few years till they are rare.

I got heaps of tracks, waves, asl,underground surf, riptides,abb, movement mags plus all my vhs and DVDs I gotta let go of too,i was thinking of just setting up a table at Australian Open at Manly this year on the beach and sell em one by one or whatever people were keen to take off me but I was too busy,maybe next year

Anyone remember Crank magazine? - surf, skate, punk, and weird shit.
It was also a great source of soft porn for the early teen in me.

Lottolonglong wrote:I got heaps of tracks, waves, asl,underground surf, riptides,abb, movement mags plus all my vhs and DVDs I gotta let go of too,i was thinking of just setting up a table at Australian Open at Manly this year on the beach and sell em one by one or whatever people were keen to take off me but I was too busy,maybe next year
Hi. Do you still have the vhs tapes and DVDs? Might be interested in acquiring some. I digitise old films. And magazines.
So.... I have a twenty year collection of surf magazines - almost every Surfing (US) and Surfer (US) printed in that time along with a large number of Tracks and Surfing Life. I'm Sydney based.
I've realised I'm never going to have the space to have them organised on shelves (currently all in boxes) so want to give someone the chance to enjoy them. There are a LOT! I'd sell them, swop them (not sure for what so open to suggestions) or perhaps give them to a good cause....
Stu you expressed an interest a few years back but we never closed the deal!
Let me know if you might be interested?