Save Mangamaunu Surf Break.


Yep. Good luck!

FFS, this is just pork-barrelling. Come and have a look at how the coast has been fucked inJapan through coastal works for 'emergency' reasons.


yep got fuk everything........

Always wanted to surf there, so have signed.

Yep, signed up . . . must be protected.

Signed; grew up surfing Maunga in the late 70's (A three hour car trip from Christchurch), through the 80's and 90's, occasionally head back there to this day.Majestic scenery and a pumping wave on it's day, crazy stupid move to risk losing this jewel in the South Island,,,,for cyclists ??ffs don't those lycra poofs have anywhere else to go.

Lycra poofs...well said!

Yeah signed and a well written statement. Seem like a well organized crew, hopefully it'll be a successful campaign.

Looks like some good news