Movie "Free Ride" whats the song

Got a vid link?

Thanks focus. Can’t help ya but that took me back .
Luved it.

Jeez, even Shazam couldn't pick it. Can't find anything on the web either. Sorry!

Dan Webber would know.

I focus needs a miracle worker & it sure aint me!
Rest assured I can lead you astray some more.
*Firstly it appears you're not alone in seeking out this track title & band
*The instrumental track you seek does not appear on end credits.(Not unusual for Surf Flix)
Every other 'Free Ride' performer can be named just not your band or song title.
*Instrumental Surf Bands famously used alternate band names or song title.
a)Contractual Reason (eg: Bootlegging double kicked around 1977)
b) Incognito Prog Bands would also test out new sound/Visuals on Blank Surf Movie canvas
This best describes why we're all on the same page with less of a chance than last week.
*Being a hybrid instrumental only makes it more difficult to track.
Listen closely... this is not 'Jamaica Mon' this is White Reggae flow with guitar licks & toms.
Ask Ben! These ain't Reggae shells- more like Studio Kit + West Coast Bass/East Coast Licks.
Band of merry men laying down a number possibly incognito...
Can't rule out a mysterious prog Oz bands who milked these gigs?
*Mid 1970's 'Reggae Fusion' instrumental is a rare bird. (Almost Taboo)
Reggae was a sacred protest beat... This be the reason we white folk took baby steps
Dreadlock Holiday 10cc >Typically Tropical>The Police>UB 40.. all ease on in.
'I focus' missing track is well off track making it extra hard to track down.
The sound is sweet Taboo and ultra rare that surely helps to narrow down the field.
Did I just make it seem more impossible to find your track I focus? tee hee...Good Luck!

I focus needs a breakthru and this ticks the boxes in a roundabout way.
Rather than concentrate on some mysterious hybrid offbeat stoners sailing us away...
'Your' freeride site lists Andy Fairweather Low as providing 3 songs for the film.
3 years earlier A.F.L had a hit titled ..."Reggae Tune"... Very MOR.
Band alone could better ride out the instrumental with a Surfers bent. (Don't need to surf!)
They have Reggae off beats even Funky Bass also the steel guitar licks...just cruise thru it...
Off chance being it was a working Theme Tune until slick Pablo Cruise scored the Gig!
Production simply bench the song as a filler as we see it here.
The in-house filler needs no title...Andy doesn't sing so Band get's no credit as you'd expect.
Even if this were true! I focus has presented the best of it ! Thanks for sharing the epic Movie.
Can someone tell me the title of the song or the name of the group played from 0:48 to 4:41 in the movie?