Is it true?

Really? Haven't heard it myself.

If true that fella is a shoe in for cock of the year.


Brett Archibald also does motivational speaking tours and has written a book about it, perhaps he's shared some of those profits?
I don't know, just throwing it out there. I do know that Doris would be reluctant to speak publicly about it either way.

Aquabumps cant even i.d. Doris correctly -Tony Harrington ? doubt theres any Truth to it.

And while on the errors: Martin Daly wasn't the first surfer in the Mentawais.

I could have been the first surfer in the Mentawais if I had only kept in touch with my cousin Derek. I knew him quite well as a child in England. When we moved to Australia my brother kept in contact but I didn’t. He moved to Singapore in the early 70s and my brother would stop off and see him when traveling. I didn’t meet him again until he visited Australia in 2008. We got chatting I mentioned that the Mentawais were as close as Inhad ever been to Singapore. He then told me that from the mid-seventies through to the late 80s he made regular tours through the area working for a logging company and that he quite often took people along for the ride. His work involved traveling around from location to location in a small boat.......! He never saw any surfers.

Did Derek take any photos there?

If he didn't I think others in the business would have. I will email him and find out what he's got and if he can track down other material.
I was reading on a local Blog that the SA guy lost overboard in the Ments and found by Doris with subsequent 60 minutes interview and apparently paid handsomely for his appearance, REFUSED to share his profits with ‘Doris’.
T or F?