WAMS accuracy

alosurdo's picture
alosurdo started the topic in Monday, 19 Feb 2018 at 7:28pm

Hi fellas, just wondering what the accuracy of the WAMS charts is like. Iam pretty close to puling the trigger on a week long trip down the coast for next week (week of 26th feb). WAMS doesn't look to bad (ish), just wondering how accurate they are for a week to 10 days out....


alosurdo's picture
alosurdo's picture
alosurdo Monday, 19 Feb 2018 at 7:40pm

Should add im in NSW, looking to go to South Coast

eel's picture
eel's picture
eel Monday, 19 Feb 2018 at 9:32pm

They are pretty accurate, however they don't look very good for the dates you are looking at.

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Monday, 19 Feb 2018 at 9:55pm

They're not that accurate more than 5-7 days out on the east coast of Oz, due to the short range nature of our swell window and the change in weather models 7+ days away.

alosurdo's picture
alosurdo's picture
alosurdo Tuesday, 20 Feb 2018 at 7:04am

Really eel? Till about Thursday it is showing significant wave height around 5ft, which will works for me