Telo Island Lodge versus Latitude zero resort

As far as i know the waves around latitude zero are better and more consisitant and more open to south swells but i could be wrong. The waves seem more dmeanding than in telos island lodge area but lodge area seem like theres waves in almost any wind.
There are also cheaper options in telos island lodge area i might mention later.
Hopefully Indo dreaming pops in he knows the areas very well.

Seeing as I've got plenty of time on a lazy sunday arvo.
Ive never stayed at either way to expensive for me and not my style but I've spent a lot of time in the Telos and surfed with both their guest and been to both resorts for a look. (feedback is always positive from both resorts guest)
Price: I believe both are in the same range very expensive about $500-$600 per night.
Location: Both are in very idilic locations, TIL is in the north close to more consistent waves, RLZ is located in the central area located near higher quality but very fickle waves, so generally need to do much more traveling to get to waves most days, but their boats are so damn fast it wouldn't be a huge factor.
Setup: IMHO between the two RLZ easily has a much better setup looks full 4-5 star, more a proper resort and also has a pool TIL does not, IMHO TIL is more just a really really well presented upmarket surf camp, as IMHO to be a resort you need a pool, RLZ would also edge out TIL out a bit in other facility's too.
Food: From what i hear both are as good as they get for surf resorts anywhere in Sumatra.
Boats: Both similar some of the best and fastest speed boats of any resorts in Indonesia but RLZ looks to be bigger and faster.
Access to waves: Okay this is is the big one without giving too much away both have waves in their back/front yards TIL wave is consistent and fun, RLZ is world class and heavy.(but very very fickle only breaks properly a handful of days a year)
TIL focusses on the more consistent north region with odd trips to the more fickle central region access to roughly 20 waves.
RLZ surf every area and wave in the Telos north, central and far south so access to roughly 30+ waves (some of those extra waves are very good waves though like Bombers and the Beachie)
If i was going to pick between the two at a similar price, just the fact RLZ has access to another seperate area with about 10+ other waves would be the decider for me, plus they have a pool.
Crowds: possibly more chance of avoiding others with RLZ just because of surf all areas although I'm sure TIL guest surf out the front of their place alone a lot of the time.
Yes there is other places including as Groundswell mentioned a much cheaper option in the , Telo Island Surf house, but that's a much more basic option more for the adventures surfer on a budget.

RLZ - main draw back is also its main advantage. They surf a wider area as they however they spend all day on the boat. TIL - have short boat missions to nearby breaks then back to the lodge for lunch. They also tend to surf later in the evening due to their proximity to waves. However, as a repeat TIL customer, I note the atmosphere has changed in recent years. Option - maybe try Monkeys resort - local consistent break, new resort, and more competitively priced.

Interesting aspect that i didn't consider but yeah good point .
One day me and a mate pulled up and surfed really fun Skateparks (Monkeys), the RLZ boat was anchored there but know one out, so we paddled out and surfed alone then about half an hour latter a few heads popped up, nice boat but still couldn't be all that comfortable sleeping on it during the day, no proper beds or anything.

Monkeys resort is right out the front of monkeys great price have a fantastic boat that can go north. thing about monkeys is you surf sun rises with no one around come in for breakfast kick back surf to lunch time kick back and surf to dark. Bungalows are unbelievable and you sit on the deck and watch monkeys and pick your time to head out. The boat is always ready to go. Take a look

How about resort pricing Mark ....Nothing on your Web page.

This looks cheap....anyone been here?

Ive been staying with Andreas (owner/operater of Telo island surf house) since he was a grommet i first stayed with him a few years before the first surf resort (Telo island Lodge) opened in the Telos.
These days i help him with bookings and social media for the house, in the past he housed guest in his family home but this year is the first year the new house for guest has been open. (pretty much booked out until late Nov) (BTW. business is now fully licensed, etc has all licences to operate as a business and pays taxes etc)
New house has a perfect view of the left which depending on tide is a short paddle/wade or walk on the reef, right 20 min walk away and about a dozen more waves within an hour by boat.
Im probably bias as Andreas is like family to me and my wife and family, but Andreas and his family are some of the best Indonesians people I've met and guest only ever have positive things to say about them.
The accommodation itself is currently pretty basic, as i said above more a basic roots style option for the adventures surfer on a budget in the same vein and price range as places at E-bay/Nyang Nyang in Mentawais.
Although as time goes on Andreas will improve and tinker things and get a better faster boat, install solar power, improve menu etc and will raise the price to reflect this, most likely work off a complete package deal that will still be affordable for most surfers.
Long term part of the aim and reason I help Andreas is ensure he does things right and help develop a business that not only makes him money but also brings positive change and benefits to the local community, and not fall into some of the same traps seen elsewhere in Indonesia that many cheaper options do.(Nias being prime example)
If Swellnet poster Carpetman is reading he could probably give an unbiased review, i haven't met him but know he has stayed with Andreas before.

Udo most Resort don’t have there prices on display best to send a inquiry

Not for me : If i visit any Mentawai Site
And No prices on display and a no Whats included and Whats not included list
I dont enquire any further .....Im out.

Sorry Mark, I totally agree with Udo. Unless it's a place I know or recommended by a close friend, if there's no price and details (inclusions, exclusions, what the rooms are like, etc) then I move on to the next place on the list.
Your choice not to disclose info.
My choice not to choose your place.

It's an interesting concept to not to list prices seems it's a Telo's thing more than anything, pretty much all other surf resorts in Mentawai's etc show prices even high end places like Kandui Villas.
Personally id also possibly be put off if the price of a resort or charter boat isn't listed, as the first thing id do is be looking around comparing prices and what i get for the price, it could be easy just to cull a resort from a list if i didn't have the price to compare, i guess the thought is if people are serious they will get in contact and ask.
Personally i dont see any advantages only possible disadvantages on not listing the price, as if you give a price on the website, people already know what price to expect so they are serious enquiries and not time wasters, once they contact you, depending on circumstances and different factors like size of group, how full bookings are and demand or lack of for a time of year etc, you can then give discounts, lets face it everyone wants a discount and wants to feel they are getting a better deal than normal, if you were tossing up between a few places it could be the deciding factor. (most resorts that are also listed on a surf travel website should have room to give a min of 10% discount as surf travel agents generally take a 15% commission, so if self booked they are still 5% in front)
I mean sure you can give a discount without listing prices on website but if someone said our normal price is such an amount but we can give you a discount of such an amount, although happy id personally take it with a grain of salt as you are just trusting that it's true rather than knowing it's true.

Boys really I’ve surfed all around the world the surf travel industry is ran on enquirer. The reason new resort don’t put prices on there website is you judge traffic they do this normally for 12 months. No resort in the Telo has there prices displayed.

# Bule with Attitude..

Hi have you been on there website?
Has all the info bungalows boats etc bar pricing

Udo attitude???

As long as the local Indonesians don't find out how much rupiah it costs..!

That why BaSz Resort in Telo have request enquirer.
It’s also close to impossible to keep it a secret from the locals guest talk.

Okay really good place to stay is it?

Whats with all the negativity in here?
Im not a huge fan of foreign owned resorts with big prices, but others dig them and are happy to pay the price.
Locals know the rough prices of resorts etc but in all honesty be it $100 USD or $800 USD (like Pinnacles) a night per person to them it's just one thing super expensive and something they can't comprehend seeing most locals have very little cash flow even an average Indonesian min wage in the Telos or Mentawais etc is good money, even teachers in the Telos get paid lower than elsewhere and food and fuel cost are higher, it's a real hard life I've actually had friends from the village near Monkeys die from child birth complications because she couldn't get to a hospital in time because of the distance, she died on the way as did the baby.
I know the location of Monkeys resort well stayed in the nearby village a few times and it's an amazing location, beautiful spot, really nice bay and beach, up the point four totally different rights, one super fun super consistent that any surfer can surf and really push their turns, the other right is rare hollow shallow and fast, the next can get really fun just watch that end section, then the next is a deep water swell magnet that can hold real solid waves, also plenty of other fun and high quality waves in the area from A Frame beachies, to little bingin type left, to a right that does a fair impression of Burleigh over reef.
For anyone considering the two above resorts in the tittle, id definitely also consider Monkeys resort, operators also have history and connection to other established resorts in the area, so imagine they would run things professionally and have you well looked after.

1 rookie indo visit to TIL in 2016. Other differences I could see are:
- At TIL you'll be bunking with someone else
- I understand that the RLZ boats spend the whole day out with a packed lunch, TIL return to base for cooked lunch (also helps if any sea sickness predisposition)

"- At TIL you'll be bunking with someone else"
Never thought of that, pretty crazy people pay $550 plus pppn and don't get a room to themselves and no pool either :(

Noooo....I don't do that after my experience in Mentawais quite a few years ago. My brother in law drew the short straw and bunked with an ex US army Vietnam Vet, trouble was the guy liked to go nude everywhere. Just imagine a big, balled (at both ends) yank reclining, legs akimbo as you enter the room. Welcome to the Mentawis!

Gary G ?

Gary G is standing to attention, Simba, Sir.

You certainly know how to paint a picture ease

Shout out to indo-dreaming, really appreciate all the info you share, I've found your posts really helpful in planning trips over the last couple of years.
Some time ago I was lucky enough to go to Lat Zero and surf north and south telos, surfing Monkeys several times. I am planning a longer trip through to nias/telos and/or mentawais soon, but on a real budget staying in local homestays and villages. I have been thinking Monkeys would be a great wave to stay close by for a while as it's pretty consistent and quality. Can you (or anyone who's done it) share some info on how to get a boat down there and staying in the nearby village you mentioned?
Cheers mates

Thank Bas West
But I’m not going to share that info here, but I will say it’s a very hard area to get too logistically as very rare for boats to go there and a very hard area to stay as not much there and even sourcing food is not easy.
BTW. How did you go at RLZ, I have no idea how people can pay so much money to sit on a speed boat all day?
It must suck when you are surfed out and tired and just want to go back to enjoy your resort, but others just want to keep on surfing?

Na it doesn't suck Indo. I'm used to cold water and a heap of duck diving and paddling so nver find myself surfed out in the Telos. Except right at end of a 10 day trip maybe. If you do happen to be too tired for a surf you can always go for a snorkel, try your hand at fishing, take some photos of ya mates or just chill out, lie down on the bench seats and relax. Being in the boat all day is awesome - much better than trying to get people up and moving from the resort.

As much as i love surfing and the ocean reality is there is only so much time I can surf or physically spend in the sun, imho there is nothing worse than sitting around on small boats waiting for that one mate or two to come in after surfing for a few hours and zapped by the sun.
I hate charter boats but I think if I was going to want to surf all day or be anchored on the break I’d rather have the comfort of a charter boat to go too and if I was spending big dollars to stay at a resort I’d actually want to spend some time there other than just sleeping.
Or better still have the best of both worlds and stay somewhere where you can surf as you choose so you don’t always have to jump in a boat for an half hour or hour drive to get wet.
I think the main problem with charter boats and resorts speed boats that spend all day on the water, is it ruins it for everyone, as people spend more time in the water and crowd up line ups.
I’ve kind of changed my view from my first post, I think resorts like telo island lodge or monkeys Are better for everyone as they spend less time on the water so crowd line ups less as guest naturally find more of a balance between surfing and enjoying other aspects the resort may have to offer.

Hi mate your welcome at Monkeys Resort we are straight out front of monkeys. Jump on our website

Single traveller who wants his own Villa/room....$8350 for 9 nights

The reason I suspect no prices are displayed publicly is because either 2 reasons. They are so exclusive that they need to have a phone call to sell the high prices to the guests before they are scared away by the price. Or secondly and most likely reason, resorts can sell privately by email the actual price and report to the govt for tax purposes another [lower] price. If their actual prices are displayed on website then they can be checked up on by the local tax man and be up for a shit load more tax (if they report it at all). And they cracking down.

About to book 7 nights for May 2020, probably at Telos Surf Villa but just read on another thread from Indo Dreaming that’s it’s quite south, and it’s about 45m-1hr boat travel to the consistent spots, seems far! Any thoughts?
Anybody have thoughts on where the most consistent land camp is and what the % chance of scoring daily waves in May is?
What the average size to expect, seems like 3-4ft??
Any comments appreciated.

Yes the TSV is located in the north edge of the mid telo region that is less consistent than the north and very far south regions of the Telos
However when i said it's 45-1hr away to more consistent spots i was most likely talking about the boat that we currently have with only 40hp outboard, the TSV have much faster boats , id expect their travel time from their place to were we are (Churches/mishos left) would be about 15-20 minutes. (but that's just a guess, best to ask them)
Here is an open and honest rundown of waves on doorsteps of places.
Pinnacles resort=Pinnacles-most consistent right in north region.
Telo island surf house (budget)= Churches/Mishos left-most consistent and rippable left in the Telos.
Telo island lodge= The shoe/The boot/Max right- pretty consistent wave but needs a bit of size to be at its best.
Telo Surf Villa=GT's/Ranggas/Coronoas/Bus stops(whats every you way to call it) on standard swell direction gets much less swell than above spots but is easily the best right in the Telos (not that long but perfect makable easy to surf barrel surfable even when very small)
Resort Latitude Zero= DC's/Depth Chargers= One of the best hollow waves in Indo, but very very rare and only for very very good surfers, their location is more about being centrally located to all waves in the telos rather than a wave on door step.
Surfing village= Bombers/Pasti, fairly consistent very hollow right made up of a few different sections.
Monkeys resort=Monkeys/Skateparks- the most consistent and rippable right in the Telos.
All those above places have pros and cons, TIV is as good as any though more like a big private house/villa than a resort, owner/operated by Luke who is a very good surfers and surfs the wave out front better than anyone, he seems a good guy and guest I've met seem to always be happy, and even though the wave out front generally receives less swell than other spots on standard swell direction, it is very dependent on direction South swells can be half the size of Churches SW swells can be of similar size too Churches and on rare West swells it can actually be much bigger than Churches, so I'm sure there is many days where they get sneaky surfs alone on little pulses in swell etc
In May you should get waves pretty much everyday generally waves are around what Swellnet class as 3ft no matter where you stay all places bar us have very fast boats, however al that said the Telos are not the Mentawais yes it can get good, but it doesn't have the consistency or everyday quality and the area is more prone to storm activity for some reason.
BTW A disclaimer of sorts for transparency i am the main investor and do bookings/social media for Telo Island Surf House, hopefully i haven't pissed any resorts owners/operators off with that assessment of waves etc, i think its one most would agree with.

Thanks Indo Dreaming, good intel there! I was under the impression TSV was on Tanamasah Island, pretty much in line with LZ? Hard to figure out exactly where these resorts are..
I imagine (correct if wrong) nearly all waves are accessible to all resorts and you all talk to one another to arrange who goes where when? Seems like it wouldn’t be fair for one resort of 10-12 guests to have a full week access to the most firing break, when other boats/resorts have to go find somewhere else..I’m sure it all works out for all groups some how.
Are there ever any days it’s flat (worst fear), or will there always be a 2-3ft wave somewhere?
The most appealing thing about the Telos is the smaller crowds, but there is always a trade off somewhere I guess (size/consistency).

Yeah i better not say the exact location, i know Luke from TSV doesn't like giving to much away.
Pretty rare for it to go flat or drop below waist high at swell magnets, if you have a day or two where you don't surf its more likely to be when small combined with bad winds normally when a storm comes in from the west.
In regard to crowds, just changes day to day, if small swell and wind from one direction it can still get a bit busy, if there is swell with no or light winds then the options open up and more chance of avoiding others, yes the upmarket resorts do communicate and juggle surfs etc where possible.

Thanks dude, really appreciate the guidance and you being open to sharing some knowledge - it’ll come back to you in one form or another!

Hey Indo (and everyone else too)
i'm planning my 1st indo trip next april (2020) and seriously considering to stay at your place (Telo Island Surf House). I have some questions, maybe you can help me out.
1) Is there any way to go from Telo to Siberut (or the other way)? I'm thinking of some days at Telo and some days at Nyang Nyang area.
2) How do you feel about consistency x hardcoreness (haha) regarding those 2 areas? (I'm a intermediate surfer, goofie foot, working on my turns and maybe get my 1st's tubes)
3) Going with my girl. She's not a surfer, but she's really laid back, nature lover. Is there a double room? Some trekking, maybe some indigenous village?
Thank you in advance. Your answers and insights are really helping me.

Hi soly.torres
Best to contact us through website, but just quickly.
1. Kinda but not easy, dont like to say to much online about details.
2. In all honesty Nyang Nyang would edge the Telos out in consistency Nipussie and Beng Bengs are very consistent and just the overall quality of Nyang Nyang is higher (but more busy), both areas have waves suited to all surfers, haven't been to Nyang Nyang for years now, but from what id gather comfort level would be similar, was fairly decent last time i was there.
3. Yes have three double rooms, both places have opportunity for walks along coast on picture perfect beaches, or a bit of a walk through jungle, or interaction with locals, both places have local villages, and areas for snorkelling etc we possibly edge out Nyang Nyang in the village regard as have a village 50metres away, so you will see locals going about daily life, villages on Nyang Nyang are a bit of a walk away and more just a group of houses, Telo villages have a traditional Nias courtyard layout that provides more of a community like feel.
We also often go to Tello town 15-20 minutes boat ride away that has a bigger port town, motorbikes can also be hired here to circumnavigate the main island of Tello where you ride through jungle along coast, through villages etc
For true traditional village and people you have to go to the interior of Siberut (mentawai) for that.

Hey soly.torres,
stayed 2 weeks at Telo surf house last Sept. Contact me at and I am happy to give you the rundown.
Ps if I could id be back there tomomorrow.

Hey fellas.
I’ll be at monkeys first week of July so can share some thoughts upon my return. The long range is looking good swell wise but would be interested in thoughts on ideal wind conditions,tides and direction?
Thanks in advance

Depends on spots, no set ideal condition for all breaks, best scenario would be a few decent swells with light to no wind, tides and direction not such a big deal.
Worst scenario is a run of moderate to strong south winds.
Wouldn't bother looking to much looking at winds on forecast though, they are not very accurate at all.
Just go, dont over think it :D

Davel, I’ve had numerous trips to RLZ in a group and on my own. RLZ operates in the same area as Telo Island Lodge and also in the same area as Telo Monkey. With RLZ you get best of both worlds and also some other coastline that neither go to. RLZ has more boats and operates a ‘all day’ out on the boat program. You only go back to the resort if it’s flat or weather has killed all surf options. When booking I suggest discussing you’re age, surf experience etc so you can get the best possible fit.
I thought an article in the forums this week about increase numbers at breaks just so true. It doesn’t matter how we get there - resort, boat or whatever numbers have intensified. With this in mind I’d be looking at who can get you those sessions with minimum numbers in the water.
Have a great trip whichever way you go.

I've been thinking of booking Telo Island Surf House.
Sounds more up my alley. Not so keen on staying wifi-connected and all that. Also, can't afford 80% of the other accom options. They're all so exxy for something in regional Indo...

just reading thru this classic old thread nd wondering if there is any reason the telos 101 resort isn't included in the discussion ? Is there a wave near the resort ?

bigredcouch wrote:just reading thru this classic old thread nd wondering if there is any reason the telos 101 resort isn't included in the discussion ? Is there a wave near the resort ?
Telo island Lodge/Pinnacles was started by very experienced operators(Max) they had a place in Hinkaos before the quake called Hinakos hideaway, and he had surfed the region for a long time.
Resort Lat Zero was started by very experienced charter boat operators(Matt & family) whom have also spent a lot of time in the region mostly on charter boats.
Telo Surf Villa & Surfing Village were both set up by guys that first lived and surfed in the area staying with locals for a long time before making it their life and they still live and run their places. (although Mario of surfing village has now moved on)
All those guys had a lot of experience and knowledge in Indo and the area before setting up anything.
Telos 101 not like the above and were actually closed for a year or more before Covid.
Yeah there is a wave a few minutes boat ride away an offshore reef right that can be surfed when smaller but is more the area's big wave spot holding any size swell and gets better as it gets bigger.
BTW. A little bit of related history, the area the resort is in was actually the site of a failed surf camp created long before any other resorts in the Telos, a Tassie guy built a place with Indo wife dating back to i believe about late 90s (might have been earlier), he worked in mines in Oz to get money to build, but apparently he wasn't well liked by locals and they dismantled his buildings and stole the timber when back in OZ and basically kicked him out of town.

indo-dreaming wrote:BTW. A little bit of related history, the area the resort is in was actually the site of a failed surf camp created long before any other resorts in the Telos, a Tassie guy built a place with Indo wife dating back to i believe about late 90s (might have been earlier), he worked in mines in Oz to get money to build, but apparently he wasn't well liked by locals and they dismantled his buildings and stole the timber when back in OZ and basically kicked him out of town. it!!!

Matt sold RLZ I hear
Looking at booking a 10 day stay in late September/early October. Travelling solo. Any info regarding a choice of one over the other would be greatly appreciated. Considerations would include cost, access to waves, crowds, and services.
Thanks for the help.