Google sat image---is that a BIG shark ?

I've removed the location name from your post... no point in specifics for this one re: upcoming swell.
Are you referring to the image in the box below? I doubt it's a shark though I wouldn't rule it out. But yeah, this place is popular with the big men in grey suits.
Also, that Google Earth image was from March 2016, so I suspect if there was a shark hanging around then, it's probably moved on now.

Yep . Definitely a pointer.
Looks like the one that always hangs around there. Lol

And being a year on, would now be a foot bigger!

And being a year on, would now be a foot bigger!

Fret not Mr tight pants sharks are extinct the awful Humans did it!! More chance of being attacked by your favourite donkey after being struck by a coconut! Get out there sharks need to eat after 43 years saving since JAWS!!

Ironically, lifeguards have closed this beach today due to a shark sighting.

Secret spot is out !! Public #SharkReport: NSW - SYDNEY - NORTH STEYNE. 16:56, 30 Jan 18, 0m, Unknown, Beach Closure

It's not that beach.
Old mate didn't event stipulate a state either, so... could have been just about anywhere.
Probably a lame post but I was wasting time looking at options for a go out tomorrow and , , , WTF?
Its probably a combination of my imagination and bad eyesight but if anyone has 2 mins can you also ZOOM in on the latest GOOGLE image of "xxxx" at XXXX and give an opinion on what that thing is left of the peak in the corner.
It's FREAKIN me out! , I wanna surf there tomorrow.