Injury Prevention/Recovery

Personally as an over 50 who is a weekend warrior, I regularly weight train 4-5 days a week and try to eat the right foods. I rarely get sick and don't get injuries all that often. Move it or lose it is my motto

Huge topic. Maybe provide a bit more info about your specific problem.

bigred. keep it simple......
strength: any decent barbell program that uses the big three (squat, deadlift, press) as the primary movers. get a trainer and learn before driving the weight up.
mobility/ROM: basic yoga that avoids bullshit and crazy stuff like 38 degree heated rooms.
conditioning: find your nearest hill and sprint up it, again and again, and again. (no downhill running). Or 50m freestyle swim sprint intervals if you hate/cant run. Or if your a motorhead put your car in neutral and push it. If its too easy, let your tyres down and push it some more. If you vomit then you did too much. :)
Recovering from injury: whatever a good physio says to do.

Moving real close to the mid sixties right now and I'm finding 2 weekly gym sessions of body weight training, some resistance work with cable machines, cardio through use of the stepper and cross trainer plus a return to a formal ashtanga yoga and a yin yoga class really helping. Mobility is the key for me in the training sessions that is complimented by the yoga. Not taking any supplements but eating clean. Been off red and white meat and dare i say it "eggs" since last June. Veges, fish, and plenty of protein through beans, tofu etc. There's a million recipes on line that are really simple and easy to prepare and cook. Love a beer and wine but if theres waves both have to wait. Have determined for this year that if its not about surfing I'm not doing it.
The only thing I wish is that after that last swell of 2017 someone that we all now hadn't said "I don't care if its flat for a month".

First time anyone's ever listened to me.

Pray to god that big strong raw boned fruit cake from South Oz doesn’t see this thread

Stu: Now you know how it feels when I try to tell you how good twins- as in surfboards are. Did you find it an "uplifting' experience :)

Here you go , Goofy .
Beetle juice!
Beetle juice!
Beetle juice!
Saving you a bit of time there , mate.
What do people do to prevent and to recover from injury? Do people take peptides to speed up the body's repair process? Supplements to prevent injury? Effective training/conditioning? Physiotherapists seem to be relatively ineffective.