The fresh resin and fibreglass thread

Exactly stu.....why buy an over priced board made for some pro when you can go talk surf with a local shaper and get the smell the resin at the same time.....almost drug like the hit of resin....anyway i wont pay $900 for a board.....fukem but i will give my business to a local shaper .

Nice board...why the old style Fin plugs ?

Nice stu i put an assym order in on sat will chuck some pics up when i get my hands on it. Is this for freshies only picked an album assym up a few months ago on gumtree that kind of counts.

Whats the concave setup btw?

Ya silver beets wilting Stu give it a drink

6’0 x 19 x 2 1/2 or so. Pu blank epoxy resin, stringerless with carbon rails. Has a pretty deep single concave running most of the way through to pretty flat through the tail. Fair bit of rocker most of my boards are a bit flatter with more subtle bottom shapes just from the nature of sunny coast waves.
Have only had under 10 surfs on it so far so hard to judge but theres enough there to order another assym next one is for smaller gutless waves but.
It has it’s conditions that it likes but thats more down to its hp shape really. Comes to life in good waves over chest high and struggles in waves without the curve to support the rocker.
Was thinking about assyms for a while read your comments and like you it made sense in my head. That translates for sure when i surf ive clicked on a few turns with this board and has blown my mind!

You have to right click the image and grab the copy image address link rather than the top browser, Reeso.

cheers doggy

and the rocker

looks like some serious nose rocker...any idea how much reeso?

Last 2 customs I got I was a bit disappointed with. Both boards had something to offer but they weren't what I thought I'd articulated with the shaper. Put it down to poor communication , put it down to whatever you want. I'll stick to the off the rack boards as what you're seeing is what you get. I don't have the inclination to keep returning to a shaper and giving him another go - at my expense - at getting it right.
Plus there's something about the instant satisfaction of walking out the door with a board you want without the weeks of excuses and delays. That's got to rival the smell of resin.
Each to their own. I can see the attraction for getting in the bay but it's not my preferred take.
Those assyms look very interesting though. I can't get my head around the fin set ups. Best just to let the ride decide I guess.
PS - Is it too early to discuss immigration on this thread yet , Stu ?

Phil Myers got an interesting assym on his instagram today

Thats sick 50 looks like a nice wave for it out the back.
Simba not sure on measurement will check later. The deep single straightens the rocker too so that helps in a way with down the line speed its certainly not lacking drive especially from the pocket.
Stu its not as radical (rail to rail) as i thought what suprised me was when i put my standard 6’0 quad next to the assym the fin placements are identical so the difference is not in the fin placement on the heel side but only the rail if that makes sense.

Hopefully this link works ill post it up tonite otherwise

Do they ride similar to a normal board ?
No loss of drive off the bottom on the forehand ? There has been a fair bit of tail area removed .

Blowin iv'e found it's like that initial period when you get pretty much any new board. Within a few surfs it feels normal because you've adjusted.

Stu food for thought by moving your heel side fins has that not created another point of asymmetry?
A bit vanilla you might think.
These things let me surf as well as I'm ever likely to surf. If there's any feelings of boredom creeping in then it just means I've got to find some better waves.
6'0 and 6'5

Ha ha, but tasty looking boards anyway. A groveller is good for this time of year. Maybe you could check out some local brands for a nice fish or baby quad.

When in Rome , Stu.
Those boards were made in Indonesia where I got them. The idea of Seppos making money in Indo grates on me a bit to be honest. And don't get me started on the surf schools owned by Euros/ Russians /Koreans.
I've got a lot of time for Indonesians.
Can't believe you've brought the nationalism thing to a board thread. You ever ridden one of these Stu ?

Nice clean looking boards blowin.
Wat models are they?
Howve you got Im set up ?

No tail pads.
Now we’re talkin

Semi pro 12".
Pick up a board like that and you never want to put it down again.
Thruster set ups.
K.I.S.S theory never fails.
Using larger side fins. Not sure what type. Got them off a board that was ( allegedly) built for Parko to take to Chopes the year he cut his foot up. The back fin is smaller. Mick Fanning I think.
I use that fin set up everywhere. Only throwing in the 3rd fin of the larger ones if the waves become pure down the line and hollow.

I get mine glassed heavier.
Touch wood.
I'm not sure what you're ideology is to be honest. You don't seem to enjoy me saying that Australians should be prioritised for work in Australia whilst also saying that you think Australian shapers should be supported and prioritised over foreign shapers.
I'm confused.
But anyway .....surfboards.

I did . I also said that the boards I got custom weren't exactly what I wanted.
These boards go amazing but they are not what I thought I was ordering.

You get them custom made in indo blowin?
How much do they sting you over there?

Same as here I think.
Good crew to deal with.

Gary is unlikely to ever buy a board 'off the rack' again, but likes the 'buy a stock board with extra glass' practice, Blowin. Gary has also recently bought a hand-shaped step-up/semi gun and is very happy with it. Gary, clearly, likes to go both ways
The advantage of the extra glass on the off the rack shape is that Gary can ogle the object of his desire and give it a good caress, maybe even smell it a little. Gary likes this.

Sounds like we’re swinging in the same jungle , Gary G.

been surfing my latest custom vern jackson 9'2' for a month now and couldn't be happier.i had been tinkering around with logs for a few years but had a few lack of performance issues.i spoke to vern,told him how i like to surf and he turned me out the perfect board.plenty of rocker and chine rails.this thing is like an 'F1' compared to what i've been riding.also got one of his 8'4 skindogs.apart from a 7'3' superfish xl 2nd. hand i've always gone custom and would never change
The rule around our house in 2017 was no new products. For 12 months we werent allowed to buy anything new - food and underwear notwithstanding - and that obviously meant no new boards. I held up my end of the bargain and in the first week of this year I visited Pato at PCC and place an overdue order, a 5'11-ish x 19 x 2 5/8 quad asymm. It's a slight deviation from the last asymms I got from Pato: the tail offset is 1/4 inch less and the fin offset is reduced by the same amount. Only had one surf on it but it felt fantastic.
On another note, I'll never fully get my head around why people buy off the rack models from big name labels. A visit to a surfboard factory is one of surfing's great pleasures, and in the age of computer shapes (almost) anything is possible regarding copying designs or shapes. Scrap the corporations, give the dusty old fellas your custom.