
Well i was at a popular beach around here a few days ago where a young boy had drowned recently and as i passed the flowers layed on the beach in his memory i wondered how could you drown here especially seeing as its been very small surf if any.As i dried off a rip started up and it was really noticeable, exactly if front of the flowers on the beach.So down trot an Asian guy and his girl and straight into the rip,she was still in shallow water but he was caught and started swimming hard against it.......well he did get out unassisted after a while and i was keeping an eye on them But when you see stupidity happen in front of you like that you understand why so many are drowning.They have no idea.

It's like putting me at the top of a snow covered mountain in Alaska. I'd have zero idea of how to negotiate my way to the bottom safely. I'd probably perish . That's how the wild ocean is to people without prior exposure to it.
What we assume is common sense is the pure unknown to them. The fatal unknown.

Ignorance is the big killer.
A fun little rip bowl right out the front of my house served up waves for the boys on the morning high tide and then a drowning, a hospitalisation and two rescues on the run out low tide in the space of a day and a half.
On unpatrolled beaches we are often the only rescuers, but go and learn how to rescue properly and protect yourself, a drowning, panicked person is dangerous.

Simba, not having a go but can i ask a simple question?
If you could see the obvious potential for another tragedy and it was all so obvious to you, did you make any effort to talk to them and offer some friendly advice?
As BB said being a surfer with ocean knowledge carries a certain level of responsibility or at least humanity.

Lj na mate when they were safe i just went but your right i should have .In saying that there's been a few times over the years where i have ,especially seeing families with little kids down near the water and mum and dad no where near them cause shit can happen real quick.Having had my own experience with my own young bloke once which freaked me out so i do point it out when i can.

yep as I thought Simba, you get it. But sadly a lot of surfers do not and at times I have felt like a real goose offering advice but 9/10 the person was just so appreciative of the advice.
Most recent was a lady sitting in carpark while youngish girls went swimming early before any patrol and small onshore so empty beach. Before long they drifted in waist deep water right in mouth of a small weak rip.
I excused myself and asked if she saw they danger and she said she had noticed they had drifted but had no idea about the rip. I gave the ol chat to show her what was going on and she called the girls in and asked me if I would mind telling them. They were all ears.
It was very rewarding knowing that those girls now have a better understanding about the ocean and very appreciative. Made my day.

join a surf club & get your bronze is not a bad thing to do. there are some little tricks in their rescue methods

NEWS: Missing Surfer (Surfboard found at Bilinga Sunday 3:30 pm) No Boardrider.
Can any Swellnetonians account for (Missing?) Surfer...Call > SLSQ / Police.

SLSQ [ATTENTION](Sunday evening)
If you have lost your board please notify SLSQ
Police/SLSQ are currently searching for missing surfers of 4 surfboards.
SLSQ closed @ 5:00... Please Phone Qld Police to verify your safety.

I have assisted a few people out of trouble over the years but most recently I was out at Kirra as this last swell was building and it went from 4to 6ft in a couple of hours that morning.......I noticed a grom about 12-13yo in the line up looking wild eyed and terrified.....I paddled over and asked if he was alright to which he replied he was scared and it was getting bigger and he didnt know how to get in...he was out with his older brother who was nowhere to be seen....I paddled him wide and explained to him to get a smaller one, straighten out and ride the white wash in and then called him into one and watched him go in.......the world would be a better place if we all looked out for eachother....if someone looks out of their depth or comfort zone, ask them if they know what they are doing and if they dont....gently educate them......The one who are out of their depth and dont know it need more firm education hahaha

Yeah! It's pretty hectic inside the WSR you really gotta be involved.
Vital update on missing person's board came from a high rise observer..
Tim: "Saw the guy from my balcony in Kirra swimming to the beach,when he got to shore he looked at his board floating away quickly North.He looked for a while while holding his legrope and simply walked South with his mate towards Kirra Point."
As you all know SLSQ + Police/Chopperz spent Sunday Evening searching...
Easily $10,000 + for selfishly dumping his dangerous marine debris in ocean .
Clearly several laws broken...He just walks away to tie up rescue volunteers.
Lifesavers were too nice about it & couldn't stop saying 'please' enough!
Just on this matter pick up all your stuff as lifeguards are left wondering what if....

nice one kooklife
(and right on the money TBB)

Good work kooklife.

All in Search of Gold Coast Ocean Zone for missing swimmer.
Name was released ...Anthony Schilperoort 54
Separated from Jet Ski @ Seaway yesterday arvo...(29th).
Possibly wearing a Blue rashie + orange fluro vest .
There was also a sighting of a Blue surfboard...(1km out)
Call either call Police link 131444 or SLSQ