Widowmaker fin set ups

Is this the big middle fin and small side fins setup?
I’m keen to hear thoughts on this too

Wayne Lynch also does Widow Makers.

I have got one I did myself, converted a 6'6 round pin tail to one. Haven't ridden it for ages moreso cause of the boards dimensions. And had another one 6'0 which I snapped. . They go good in the barrel- hold a real nice line, and open face carves. Similar feel to a single fin but more grip when you put it on edge, the 6'0 was a box with fcs side bites, so could ride as either single or widowmaker. As example sometimes doing a hard bottom turn as a single could spin out whereas the widow maker will hold in better. Same with a carve, could put more pressure into it. If you don't mind the feel of a single you should enjoy a widowmaker. But yeah best in good waves.

Ive never heard a bad word about a good widowmaker in real barrels

Seen a guy who loves riding them during the last few years, from 6"3 to 9"3 , and he is one of the best surfers ive seen , riding barrells & carving .
World class too that joske !

Thinking about converting a Wayne Lynch 6'8 thruster.
Was thinking maybe 3" sidebites with a 6.5" centre.
Anyone who's played around what is best for you?

Yeh, I know about those. Cheers.
Was thinking a bit smaller fin as those are usually on wider tailed boards. What are they 7.5"?

go big.

Went looking for info on Dave P's website. Fuck that's an entertaining little hobbit hole! Dive in, click around, read his stories, admire his turns of phrase when describing boards. Ideas and opinions everwhere - the way it should be.

Dave P has always floated my boat. A man that discarded the surf industry as easily as it would have done to him.
Another Ozophile.
Power to him.

Sounds good guy.
I already have some side bites but maybe I will go a 7". Probably still a cpl months before I get this one done.
Those alkalis look very similar template to the Wayne Lynch glide 2+1s as well.
What board are you putting them in? And make sure you give us a report.

Who’s the shaper Guy?

You’re in Vic yeah?

Where are you off to ?
As seen on longboards, some mid lengths and good wave boards.