Whale buried Port Macquarie

Will leach for years ..how many ...christ knows
Unsuccessful attempts to tow it out to sea ? Low swell - surely that huge machine could push a carcass onto a large net ..Bit sad to say but it is deceased...break it up into managable pieces and tow them out to the currents .

They could just blow it up.
What could go wrong ?

Don't worry about it attracting sharks if it's dead and buried. Different living things (animal,fish,shark, bird, bacteria etc) like their food at different stages of alive, just dead, really dead, or rotten and decaying. e.g. Predators like sharks or lions tend to kill and or eat it pretty fresh, where as Komodo dragons and crocodiles kill and then like to eat it a few weeks later. Sharks like it fresh so you won't have to worry about it. They burried a whale carcass at Dickson Park beach, Newcastle a few years ago. Community was also concerned however it worked out fine.
A pretty large whale has been burried in the sand at nobbys beach. Cant believe they would do this. How long do you think it will leak into the ocean for and attract the sharks? Beaches are already closed due to sharks the dead whale has already brought in.