$6.50 for a block of wax

How much is a block of wax in Oz?
About 300 yen here ($3.50 approx.)
There was some primo Brazillian wax that the pro's were using (there's gotta be a joke in there somewhere) and that was 800 yen but like you I refuse to be reamed on that sort of stuff.

Gecko Grip is gd stuff around $4 or $5 a block.
Free shipping in Aust.

There's a simple remedy for this...buy a new board each month and they give you at least 1 or 2 blocks of wax...so it's free and 1-2 should last a month. You're welcome.

I usually get a bunch of $3 wax from Sideways tweed if I'm in the area. Enough to last me till I'm back in the area.
Sex wax is still $5 there though and is more at local stores.

$5 is my threshold...Cream wax by Robbie Page is the go.
But I remember saying I'll never pay more than $20 for a carton of beer...

Seconds on the Cream.
Hard to get the right season though...I usually stock up when I see it.

coffee and wax, both getting up there

Coffee has increased less than inflation over the years.

Wax is my standard birthday present from anyone that knows me.
I feel like a rich man just looking at the little stacks of it all sorted into different temperatures.
Scrooge mcduck stuff.

Eco Friendly surf wax made in Thirroul..$5 a block....will deliver locally.

Servo tax bro... (Everything bought from a servo is dearer than normal, be it smokes, drinks , pies , fishing gear, car shit,whatever....)

A bloke i helped out who runs a surfshop sent me 3 or 4 blocks of froth or was that frothin surf wax for the effort. Reallly reallly sticky and can be used in any water climate. not sure how much he charges for it though but i highly recomend it. second surf you dont need to rewax, according to the box it lasts a few surfs. But i rewax anyway.

Wax up every surf for peace of mind.
Don't change it till it looks like the floor of Jenolan cave.
Good winter , Groundswell ?
I liked that shot of Marzo you put up the other week.

Its been pumping this week but early winter had a lot of northerlies and as you know unlike a lot of south coast nsw theres not that many nooks and crannies here for northerlies. Thanks for the Marzo comment hes been ripping, so good to watch. Pity he only surfs if theres less than 3 guys out.

Blowin heres a vid my brother filmed last week, its a bit out of focus as the camera needs a service.

Mate , you'll have three quarters of the East coast over there next year if you leave that video up.
Looks fun though.

I only reapply wax every 4 or 5 surfs, is that normal in Vic or am I doing something wrong.
I use Organic surf wax and don't seem to slip off, plus it smells coconutty fresh

Buckshot ..gee mate your wax is cheap !
Anyone used it ?

ben i'll raise you one, got stung $7.25 for a small block of five daughters this morning (at a servo) ...thing was there was no price on it on anywhere or on the shelf, in my haste I hold my paywave card against the machine and bang before you know it I am standing there with my jaw on the floor and shaking my head.

Textured decks and full grips might be a smart investment.

I've been using Stick It wax for a couple of years. Best I've used so far. Costs about $6 a block and lasts forever.

Having a surf is cheap.

that would be a good idea for a forum topic- 'show us ya wax job'.
whether you've got a particularly grimy deck or a pristine white deck regaled with interesting patterns.

Thinking back to the wetsuit tub pics Id put money on it that Brokensha has one of the dirtiest wax jobs out there...

Has anyone tried WaxTrak - stick on Wax up templates ?

Zen that's a great topic. There are so many nuances in design and loving attention/lack thereof

Haha I bet there's a story behind that

But Craig promised us he was going to get a new one.

Hahah, I did as well, and the new ones getting to quite a state at the moment and might need replacing :P

Mines similar to that to that but have just updated to those buckets that you can stand in to get out of your wetty.........big improvement.

If capitalism is so great, why does it need socialism to bail it out every dozen or so years?

Extreme capitalism/neoliberalism has been exposed as a total fraud.

Yeah, spot on andy. Wouldn't it be great if we could only buy one brand of wax...

Better having 40 different brands all at $7 furrrr suuurrrreee aye d rex

Italian capitalism.
You have 4 sheep.
You don't know where they are.
You break for lunch.
Australian capitalism.
You have 4 sheep
You sell 3 and make the remaining one do the work of 4.
You are surprised when it dies.
On topic, how hard would it be to make up a decent wax? Anyone tried?
The $7 coffee marked the end of mining boom 1 in WA - and home coffee machines took off.

"Yeah, spot on andy. Wouldn't it be great if we could only buy one brand of wax..."
Ha ha exactly.
And no not all surf wax is $7 a quick google to buy surf wax shows a range of prices but average price seems to be closer to $5, most expensive per block i could see was one at $8 and as cheap as $2.95
But on a bigger topic Imagine if we only had Telecom like the old days that would now cover landlines, mobile & internet, imagine the lack of choice you would have, man that would suck, i changed mobil providers this weekend because i felt i was getting ripped off and my old provider didn't suit my needs anymore.
I love capitalism, you guys can have your government run capitalism

isn't the buying of wax really just a bit of charity to help keep your local surf shop in business?
i have full deck grip, so maybe i'm just out of touch with the financial strains of keeping a board adequately waxed

Cream. love that gear.
I stockpile it.

Bronz zinc and Mrs Palmers wax have been my go to Birthday / Chrissy present requests for a decade at least. I feel like a rich man when I catch a glimpse of my stash.

Yesterday was the first 40° day of the season and I now have three pleasant smelling lumps in my car, one which fills the centre console.

Sheepdog's perfect world:
1 type of wax (Sexy Wax)
1 type of wetsuit (Target special long-john)
1 type of leggie (Full Bore rubber hose/nylon cord)
1 type of fins (single glass-on)
1 type of surfboard (NSP mid-length)
1 type of car (Lada Niva/Great Wall sedan)
1 type of beer (Beijing Bitter)
etc etc
Ahh, the stuff of dreams..(sigh)

Blowin , give Cream a go.
you'll ditch that Mrs Palmers in a heartbeat.

Why not both, sounds like a perfect combination
Dropped into the local servo enroute to the beach to pick up a couple of blocks of wax. The till showed $13.00.. and when the bloke behind the counter confirmed that yes, wax was $6.50 a block, I declined the transaction and went on my merry way.
$6.50 for a block of wax? I don't consider myself a tightarse, but jeez this is out of hand.