Victoria has mad waves.
Good to hear mate. Yeah most of the time I travel through Vicco I'm on my own - usually looking for someone to paddle out with, and/or passing by empty lineups. It's such a fantastic coast.
Ya dreamin mate, Vic is dogs balls!
Not really...
It's coming into the best time of year imo down here. Just need some banks now.
Maybe get a camera with instagram to resolve the lack of crowd issue .
Thing is, NSW is also uncrowded if you're prepared to drive.
You should try surfing in Tassie, so so isolated
Sounds lovely, Boogie.
I'm a big fan of solo sessions, and even here in our capital city they are quite frequent - if you know where to look. I'd say that 50% of my surfs are solo, and another 40% with one or two good friends.
If you want more people in the water then move to byron then you kook and take your boogie with you
So, I've worked and surfed the Victorian coast for the last 25 years. I've lived in Portland, Lorne, Anglesea, the Mornington Peninsula ( where I cut my teeth ), PI, Inverloch and Foster. Sure...PI, Torquay and Mornington Peninsula are well trampled. I'm nearly 38 now. 90% of my surfs are with less than 5 other surfers. Many alone. Nearly always in high quality waves. I study forecasts and apply this to my knowlege of Victorian coastlines. I am happy to drive long hours for good waves. Nelson to the Prom. I have a problem though. I very often arrive at locations where there is no one else within cooee. I love uncrowded surf sessions. I have a young son now. Some places scare the shit out of me. 45 minute solo boat trips to surf a channel between islands. 1 hour walks to isolated beaches. Paddling across heavily tidal bars to surf solo. I wish for other surfers often.