Camping at Macaronis

Hey Bigred,
Haven't been down there but I recently heard that Maccas resort had bought all the land on the point to prevent people from camping there.

I heard something similar, id doubt you could camp there id expect the resort would kick you out.

Last year at maccas a french guy was staying in the village. He spent about 6 weeks there or something crazy like that. He talked a lot and surfed a lot as i think he felt lonely in the village . He would walk to the point which took half an hour from memory with some nasi goreng dish to last the day. He must have caught so many waves being on the spot so much. Stayed with a family there i think. We had it with 5 to 10 people in the water which is almost unheard of these days. A mix of out of season and luck.. A guy who stayed at the resort earlier in the season said there were 50 people in the water every day and he would never go back . So if you are not super hot keep that in mind.

Last year around July I was there and wandering the point looking for a lost board. Just back, maybe 80 metres or so, from the corner there was a little track running inland. I followed it and came across a Brazilian couple who had set up or were staying in a little hut there. Pretty rough going and they both looked ragged. They said the mozzies were wicked. Humid as all hell too but mate they were camping there. Can be done and I have heard of others doing similar just don't know the details. Find it hard to believe that the camp would buy the land nearby to stop camping. I reckon that would be the last of their problems.

Hey Wbat,
I'd heard the rumour from a couple of guys camping further north in offshore Sumatra. In speaking with IndoD, their focus might not be campers but to try and prevent others from setting up shop in the area.
You can camp anywhere. Just need approval from the landowners and if they happen to be the resort, good luck getting it.

Yep for sure. Plenty of land grabbing going on up there now. Understandable but a bummer.

I was hoping this thread kind of died but seeing its back in the mix.
Ive worked at Maccas resort i know Mark who started it and know some of the staff and locals, and knowing how closely connect the village and resort are and how much they benefit each other, you can guarantee if it starts to become a regular thing the resort will work with the village to stop it, otherwise it will just add more guys to the line up.
So yeah it might be currently possible, but at some stage guys will start getting kicked out so you are always at the risk of being one of these guys that goes all the way there which is a mission only to be kicked out.
Hi All,
Have heard that it is possible to stay in the village near Macaronis and that it is also possible to camp on the point. Thought someone on here might be able to further this info...