Indo - Vaccinations?

Typhoid / Cholera and Tetanus
Doxycycline for Malaria - i think this is still the one ?
Dont know if others do this but i do the full worm treatment soon as i get home.
All the info you need. You'll need a prescription anyway so go to a doc and get advice.
Good first aid kit is important. Plenty of people who bring nothing and rely on everyone around them, don't be one of those people.
Apologies if this has been asked previously.
What vaccinations are:
1) Essential
2) Recommended
Will be heading to Sumbawa + Ments + Nias so I guess some of these areas are dodgier than Bali etc.
Other than that healthwise I've heard I should pick up some first aid supplies (maybe when I get to Bali?) and some malaria tablets...