Which fins would be best for this 6'9 six channel?

Groundy its all personal preference but the am1, medium size or if your big fella am 2....also the channels will give you a bit of bite and will help in holding in on the face......only my opinion of course and im sure others will have different ideas.Gotta say used to love channels in clean waves with juice.

I like big fins.
Why don't you stick with the shaper and whack in a set af SA's. I use them in my step-up and they go real well.
As a caveat, I'm not really into the technology and terminology too much, I just like the way they feel and they seem to work for me.
Plus the red colour looks cool.

groundswell I have been surfing Simons for a while now and have tried lots of different fins but have settled on AM1s for all my boards. I haven't asked him specifically but the AMs are what his main retailer recommends. Love the board. I will be ordering something of similar dimensions for this year's trip.

Email Big Simon about what fins for that channel bottom see what he recommends he loves feedback from surfers and 100% he will reply.

I'd try some Al byrnes. AB1s probably. Great fins on channel bottoms. The AM1s probably good too, but I reckon it'd be better to put a bigger centre fin in for the juicy stuff.
I just got given a set of Rusty R-2s. Anyone tried them? Heaps of rake.

Groundswell the AB1's are made by shapers.com.au now or you can get them direct from Dale at Byrning Spears
I use futures and this new second handy from a mate at a bargain price looks really nice but has FCS fins..also needs a little turps to clean it up. forgive my dirty pictures :)
Any suggestions of FCS 1 fins suitable for this board please. Waves to be surfed on it- Jakes, red bluff and a couple of other waves maybe telescopes on bigger days.
Not into snaps type moves i could never really do them frontside, just cruise carve and get tubes hopefully.
Dims 6'9 by 19 by 2 1/2
Simon anderson mini gun pintail.
Any tips would be great.