Going north

Yeah there are plenty of waves there, beachy options, just keep an eye out for noahs.

I've camped there a few times Jack, and whenever I can I drive home that way from the north coast. If you're heading south take the Bombah Point road from Buladelah and use the car ferry. If heading north just go in through Hawks Nest.
There's great camping at a few spots along there, all of it on the lake side but you don't have to walk far to the beach. As Craig mentioned, it's just beachies and because it is a long beach it can be prone to straight banks, however it's not hard to find a high vantage point and scan for rip bowls.
I dont want to go into too much detail but use Google Earth and some common sense to seek out the best options. If you cop wind then head down to Darks for some protection. No secrets there, it's probably the most popular place on the beach and surfers come up from Hawks Nest regularly.
Also reiterating what Craig said, be VERY careful about noahs. And if you head into the national park north of Mungo tell someone where you're going.

Jeez is it really that sharky?
Sounds like a Sth oz trip

Goofy, it's an open beach where there is a juvey great white nursery.
This gives you an idea,

Exactly. Both Hawks Nest and Mungo house known juvenile shark nurseries. Kent Stannard and his Whitetag crew are discovering that, despite the prevalence of a large shark population, there are very few shark encounters in the region (only two known attacks so far). Kent surmises that sharks don't learn to hunt near their spawning grounds but further afield. Still, with that many sharks in the region you'd better keep your wits about you.

Had a huge sand dune walk down to the waves there once, only to spot a couple of sharks patrolling the line up once at the beach. Turn around, start the long walk back.

And if you're on land, watch out for the Yagon monster. He (or she) has been known to lurk in those parts.

Forget the monster, watch out for dingos.

The men in their grey suits has tended to keep our crew away but the less obvious has been the brown snakes on the walk in. Plenty of the brownies.

Be thankful the browns stay on land down your way TB.
Not like up Forster where the fuckers swim. And between the flags at that.

There was a very large tiger snake living in the garden bed outside the shop at Tidal River in Wilson's Prom. Got moved on by the rangers but kept on returning. 100's would have walked past it every day/night!

Was out surfing a point further north years ago probably 4ft surf when out of no where appears a snake about 3- 4ft or so,cruises around the line up for a while,everyone thought it was a sea snake at first but closer inspection revealed it was a brown and it swam back into the rocks and disappeared.....be almost funny being attacked by a brown snake in the surf.......also saw a black snake down on the beach near the water line one day and tried to help it get back up the beach to safety thinking he was lost...haha no he wanted to go out through the shore dump which he got smashed a few times then made it out and swam along the gutter until i lost sight of him..gotta love nature.

I've never seen a snake in the lineup but emu's don't mind the occasional frolic in the shorebreak from what I've seen?
There's been some nasty ticks around the national park lately and I think the emu's go for a swim to try and get the ticks to fall off. One guy got 16 tick bites camping at Pondie recently.
I took these images the week before Xmas but I've seen them swim out quite a bit further before!

Interesting stuff. Many years ago, camping in Exmouth, we had a pretty strange encounter. We used to leave the tinny on the beach, quick push-off in the morning, and out for a trawl and surf. Well, one morning, same ritual, three of us, out we go, motoring along, when the Captain (as was his nickname) moved his wetty aside to sit on or something, and lo & behold, out jumped a greenish-brown snake! Amid the general hubbub, we eventually turfed the creature overboard, and watched as it nonchalantly swam off. Not being WA natives at the time, we just assumed it was a species of sea-snake...always have...just 'cos we were a fair distance out and the ease and seeming confidence in which it swam away...
But now...? Maybe it was a dugite?!

wait a minute....a dugite...well, i'll be. so it's not just a band with a penchant for roland polyphonic synthesisers.

Different Malcolm, same shite

Trudging along the beach yesterday came across a Dugite coming out from a dip! It was a hot day and the creature looked pretty relaxed. Noice!
Has anyone ever been to Mungo Brush near Newcastle? And would recommend whether to surf/not surf the stretch? Been to seal and treach a shit ton but never really ventured to mungo. Any advice would be gold. Cheers