Is this the greatest dishonor and disgrace in Surf etiquette?

Hmm.......once is an accident but twice ? fuck i would have barked at him badly.

I think Gary G should field this question.
He should have plenty of time now that his duties at Dolly Doctor are winding down.

No. Sounds like the guy was a learner and the surf was a pumping one foot on the killer sets so what did you expect? its the summer holidays after all ... or putting it another way, if you eat at a cafe with hairy waiters expect hair in your soup.

Thats a good day out at snapper to only have been hit twice hahaha.

That's just weird and unfathomable HH. Quite within your rights to give him a gobful. Taking it further would have been overkill though.
You're entitled to be pissed, and his attitude in getting upset being called on it shows him to be a proper turd. When the turd reaper comes, he will be first in the queue.

or you could say he actually physically attacked you which of course means you are entitled to self defense , either verbally or physically , maybe a warning first about , "why did you hit me, twice?"

HH...were you surfing the pass? Rammed by either a Maori looking guy or an older dude with teeth missing? That's standard for them...

HH did the longboarder have a leggie? If not you should of reminded them to use one. Speak slowly and use simple words.

I would've came back with " An accident aye? Welllll...... Decent folk usually apologize when they cause an accident instead of going all passive aggressive...... So where the fucks my apology? Or do you to continue playing the victim?"

This is why there is a Boxing Day test...

This is why there is a Boxing Day test...

hungryhippos wrote:While sitting stationary, during a lull, no waves, something rammed me in the bum, not once, but twice. I looked behind me, and it was a long boarder behind me in a paddling position.
I asked him to try it again a few times, but he started swearing at me and said it was an accident and told me I have an attitude problem.
Its just in my many years of surfing, I have never once paddled into someone while they where sitting stationary, and not into their back or bum.
I dont understand how you can accidentally ram someone in the bum during a lull and clean conditions?
Can someone explain it to me?
Do I have an attitude problem?
What would you do if someone had made contact with your bum from behind during a lull?
Its just there where plenty of families around etc and if I took any form of action it would have been witnessed so I had to keep my cool.
It's just coming from behind kinda seems worse then anything else.
He had a shark shield, he was trying to electrocute you.

"It's just coming from behind kinda seems worse then anything else"
Stop being so selfish, ya sookie.
How does ya girl feel all the time.
You love it ya poof.

Welcome back Welly.
Back with a vengeance I might add.
Line up dramas - https://m.

Dat knife thats a Jbay act

Even though being bumped on the bum by a mal is unpleasant, being bumped on the bum by a pointy short board would be more unpleasant. I think eye for an eye - ram him twice with your board, then abuse him, when he answers back tell him he has an attitude problem. The most important thing though is to sit really close to him for the rest of the surf, I'm sure he will respond positively.
While sitting stationary, during a lull, no waves, something rammed me in the bum, not once, but twice. I looked behind me, and it was a long boarder behind me in a paddling position.
I asked him to try it again a few times, but he started swearing at me and said it was an accident and told me I have an attitude problem.
Its just in my many years of surfing, I have never once paddled into someone while they where sitting stationary, and not into their back or bum.
I dont understand how you can accidentally ram someone in the bum during a lull and clean conditions?
Can someone explain it to me?
Do I have an attitude problem?
What would you do if someone had made contact with your bum from behind during a lull?
Its just there where plenty of families around etc and if I took any form of action it would have been witnessed so I had to keep my cool.
It's just coming from behind kinda seems worse then anything else.