The 10 best waves in the world???


The best wave in the world is the one you score when it happening..... Might be fuckn pumping right now at Mundacca....... But i aint there......
A certain beachie was on the pump here recently..... All time bank..... Fuckn no one around...... For one day, it was my best wave in the world..... lol

Great topic - never a right answer. I'll go with wave your riding now and your just slotted in.

It's a great list Indo but hard to limit to just 10.
you could add/substitute to your list a few others imo-
Honolua Bay
Red Bluff
(just for the sheer perfection on their respective days).
I'm a bit surprised at Shats list, seems a bit lowbrow in contrast to his normal posts.
Have to agree with Rifles, that is a bucket list wave for me, I really want to surf that wave- stunning right.
Totally agree with Sheepy. A few months ago a mate and i jagged this sesh, just the two of us. Everything came together at this one spot, swell, wind, tide, direction and for three hours we just went wave after wave of the longest, most perfect, top-to-bottom, left hand freight trains. It was insane. We're still talking about it. At that point in time, that would have been the best wave in the world.

I got 7/10 on Indo's list. Got to be someone out there who can beat that!

Add p pass to the list IMO

Ha, Blindboy- I got 2.
(bows-deeply ashamed)

There's still time zen!

Ha make that 7/12. Indo can't count!

Ha Classic- didn't even notice.
Nice one Indo, you should work for the ABS.

Got to add Burleigh...on its day the perfect combination of power, barrels, walls to hit and sand bottom warm water...has to be on the list except if you factor in crowds!

Hmm I got 6 on Indos list, plenty of time to get the others!
But you really can't narrow it down to 10. It's impossible!
What about macaronis, green bush, chopes, pasquales in mex, all those points in southern mex, Honolua bay, nias, gnaraloo, the bluff, mundaka as sheepy said, north point... there are soooooo many.
Just thinking about them all is giving me anxiety and making me want to go on holiday.

Sorry zen I named a couple of yours. Doh!

Where is the Hawaiian entry ? Gotta add Sunset, Pipeline. Too hard, really, so many more to add.

Southport supabank.

Indian Ocean island.
East of Africa.

Got a feeling that's on the list I named blowy

No way Goofy, that's a little known island .
Tectonically drifting it's way into greatness.
And this photo brings on such strong physical and emotional memories I get a chubby every time I look at it.
And being the wanker I am , as if I'm not going to give it a run under the flimsiest pretence.
But yeah, top ten......
With the absence of crowds I would trade my right nut to surf -
Super suck
Special guest stars - that wave off WA that I won't name ( probably not the one you're thinking of unless you make your money fishing for crustaceans ) , any of those silky points in mainland Mex, throw in one of the grinder Maldivian numbers on their day and finish with a certain rivermouth that sucks harder than a down on her luck Kardashian sucking for fame, fortune and the jealousy of her peers.
And that would make me a very happy Blowin.

Really? I thought it was the bluff.

I think you're on to it with Honolulu , Goofy.
That joint looks nuts.
Tropical, reef / point , backlit, beautiful backdrop, variety of walls lips and pits.
Looks like the sort of wave you could base your life around.
That's it , I'm going .
Anyone been ?

Never been but have you read the part in Barbarian Days about Honolua?
Now THAT will make you want to pack up and go!

Read it and felt the pull of the place.
Then last years flood of vids showing the big , open bowl....Sweet Jesus.

Well old time swellnutters would know my fave wave in Qld...Reef... Very fickle... Uncrowded quality days are long gone... At 6 foot glass long period swell (for east coast that is lol), a true gem..... Had a few ripper times there with Flex Landers, Troy (R.I.P), and some good mates.... Nasty bit of reef, though.....
As far as tassie goes, well...... I aint a young super hero so I never tackled shippies.... Looks like a nightmare for a goofy at 50yo..... But there are some absolute gems on tassie.... All sorts.... A Cold water velzyland, A mundaka set up, but not as long, A heaving shark island like right, a reefy peeling big left something akin to green Island, rh points that would make a qlder ejaculate, Board snapping a frames, ...Wont even give a hint on where exactly.......
Now I'm on another stretch of coast...... It's pretty average here.... You all best give this region a miss.... Nothing to see here.... Windy, sharks, below average surf..... Just keep driving.

funny that all the spots in here are classic aussie holiday spots (except skeleton bay).
in my opinion, the best waves would be in south aus, tassie or africa becasue i take into consideration crowds. also maybe kumari point when its big enough.
in my opinion, i would say that the wave at the end of this video

Cool vid torquooly. Cheers.
First part of the vid, Anchor or Hash point, Morocco?
No need to answer.

Honoloa Bay looks incredible like mention above. I'm going to the North Shore for the late season. If a good N swell pops up I wonder if it would be worth the time, $ and hassle to hop a flight to island hop for a day of waves there? Anyone done it?
A good question could be what is the worlds top 5 best but most consistent waves???

I second that, zen..... Great vid, torquooly..
ps - no decent surf in S.A.... Not even worth coming here really ;)

nah hash point sucks, anchors is crowded jerome wouldn't surf it.. good but crowded, the further from taghazout the better .. much better, longer, hollower, emptier waves around if you look. with the NW atlantic storms they just turn the whole country into a pointbreak in winter.
yeah agreed s.a. sucks just a big hot desert with sharks.
has anyone been to kumari point ? i feel like it's that much of a mission that i can afford to talk about it here .. i read on the internet that the reef broke cus of boxing day earthquake, but a bud of mine said that he got it. that vid from 2002 looks nuts .. anyone got info ? im gonna be within spitting distance for a while and am wondering if its worth walking in

Probably more of a list of waves I'd love to surf rather than the best. Many the same as you too (guessing you're a regular footer Indo?). In no particular order, with the idea that these waves would be empty but for me and a few others....
J Bay.
Honolua Bay
Treasure Island
Probably quite a few others, but right now all I'd like to do is to be on a seemingly unending right hand point. Telescopes looks like an incredibly fun left, for good measure.

I'd say you could quite easily scratch Madeira and winki off that list if you'd like to surf the best waves available.

10 best I have surfed in no particular order
Anchor Point
Puerto Escondido
.....I could probably list another 10 there are about 50 on the list of places still to visit

It's Monday morning and I feel like making a list, so here are my 10 fave waves, and yes, they are in a particular order.
Cronulla Point
Sandon Point
Sunset Beach
North end Thirroul in a NE swell, mid-morning, weekday when every other bastard is in the office.

And here is mine ;-)

Thommos !!???!!??!!
And I understand your spiritual attachment to Cronulla Point and the fact that the good days there are the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ,but does that truly trump the sublime moments that are regularly possible at the true world class waves out there ?

That wave 2Dogs?
It's rubbish, only works in a nor-easter on a southerly swell and the ocean outfall stinks it up.
Can't believe you even mentioned it.

Ah, it's Monday, I had a fun surf this morning and I'm in an easy-to-please kinda mood. But hey, there's something to be said for paddling out at a place that holds a room full of memories, some of them the strongest in my surfing life, and reuniting with crew I haven't seen for a while. Sentimental sucker that I am.

Digging this set of lists. Starting to ponder a trip for next year so it's great to be reminded of some of these!
Would be my first OS surf trip in years so Cronulla won't be an option, despite its epicness.
stunet, you had a surf this your neck on the mend mate?

Pot of gold days.
Gerry Manion:

Lennox Point
lefthander in Caroline Islands
u bombie (hi Stu)

Yep, since getting the MRIs and receiving the diagnosis I've been extremely diligent about diet and stretching. Was in a funk for a while not knowing what would happen. The waiting list for surfergy was 12-18 months and I'd been told many times to treat that as a last resort, yet I had no idea what else to do. I couldn't surf and was seriously checking out SUPs as an alternative.
A chance conversation with the local osteo, who surfs really well and understands surfer injuries, had me heading in a good direction. "You'll never have a greater motivation to make lifestyle changes," he said. I was already doing a bit of targeted yoga - my partner is an Iyengar teacher - so I stepped that up, removed all sugar from my diet to reduce inflamation, started taking glucosamine sulfate supplements, and necking fish oil like nobodies business. Also ate oily fish once a day, stretched every spare moment, and wore a posture brace that manually corrected my neck.
I expected any improvement to be months away, if at all, yet last Sunday it started coming good. Late in the afternoon I paddled out the point for a test run and all went fine. We had big waves here Monday and Tuesday and I surfed twice a day both days without a hitch, save busting a leggy - a SUP leggy coincidentally, I'm taking that as a sign - and losing my board early on Tuesday morning.
Curiously, my neck wasn't the least bit sore afterwards. And that's following three months out of the water then having five surfs in three days. Lot of paddling too. In the past, if I'd had multiple surfs in a day my neck would really seize up and hurt. I'd have to move it gingerly, brace it during a wipeout, soothe it with a wheatbag afterwards. But it wasn't the case.
I know it's not a muscular issue, the MRIs show my spinal nerve being pushed way out of alignment by C5/C6 disc. So the only things I can attribute the recovery to are the yoga and stretching that perhaps made more space, or the diet that reduced inflamation, and hence made more space.
Either way, I'm fucking thrilled. Ben is bringing down the new 6'1" asymmetrical this week and I had a chat to Phil Myers about a 7'0" ten channel for outside point.
I'm touching wood as I type this but it feels really good and I'm sticking with the program.

Fuck off Steve...I had the flu.

Right - Here is my 5 most memorable surfs.
1/. Solo session at out of season Tombies. No wind , 5-6 ft of swell , utter perfection. Too bad there was a bait school the size of two football fields drifting out the back and even through the take off zone. Trying to keep my mind on the sets and positioning as every predator in the sea went batshit crazy getting stuck in.
I had to go in a couple of times to chill out as the shear amount of wildlife was giving me a bit of anxiety. In other words the sharks made me shit myself.
2/ Solo session at an East Indo right that refused to stop barreling. Pure sheet glass as a Storm front built on the horizon. Only time I've ever been forced out of the water through insufferable heat. Breaking my heart as I rode my bike back along the beach and watched perfect waves going unridden. The sky went black and the fattest raindrops I've ever seen quenched the heat just as I arrived home.
3/ My first surf at a lonely wave on a remote island. A local bloke took me there on his bike , doubling me on the way in and we had a stack knocking out one of his fins. Went out regardless to get mindlessly shacked at the base of a mountain that rose vertically virtually straight out of the ocean . I'd never have even seen this little gem. Still never heard anyone else talk of it.
4/ Rivermouth pits better than I would have dreamed shared with a half dozen legends including a couple of names you'd be familiar with. Maybe the best session of my life for wave quality. First and only time I've ever seen a pro surfer tell someone that if he starts taking photos he'd break his jaw.
5/ Arrived to a sharky ,swell magnet beachie that is often high quality and totally devoid of humans , stoked to see someone else out there . Running up the beach and I realised I recognised the bottom turn of the fella out from a couple of hundred metres away. Turned out to be Tom Curren and his son. Surfed with them for a couple of hours. Nice fella. Surfs pretty good too. Surfed there with a few pros that were travelling Solo over the years but none surfed as well as he did.
I suppose these must be the most memorable as they popped into my head first, but now that I'm thinking the stories just keep flowing.
Actually the Curren memory was prompted by an article I read about him this morning , but fuck it , its there now.

That's unreal stu. Great to hear and props on doing the work. Really cool.
Blowin, thanks I'm no longer interested in this thread. Dead set envy will do that.

that flu is called a hangover Stu..........hahahaha
great to hear the recovery is going so well.

Cheers Fellas. Should also thank the guys that chimed in with the original thread where I mentioned it, especially Mundies. 'Twas some great info there, plus it's reassuring to hear from other guys that have gone through it.
Anyway, back to Blowin's reminisces...

Which might sound narky but it's just the jealousy speaking.
And are most of the best waves in the world lefts?
Sorry if has been done before, i ripped of this topic from another site, but thought it was an interesting topic.
So what do people think the best waves in the world are?.
(In no particular order)
1. Old Kirra
2. Desert point
3. G-Land
4. Skelton bay (One of those
5. Tavaru (cheating here, Cloudbreak and Restaurants)
4. Riffles (IMO best right in the world now)
5. Supersuck
6. HT's (It was either HT's or Nias, Nias is great but it's just too short, not that HT's is much longer)
7. Pipe
9. Purto escondido (need to throw in a beachie)
10. Spot X