One reason not to look like a dead turtle

No offence Blindboy, but this so is obvious to anyone that has ever spent anytime observing the ocean that it's basically amateurish in its assertions.
Good gig for the scientists that have spent five years watching rooted turtles getting smashed by tigers though...Need any trades assistants fellas ( actually more likely girls in this day and age of the graduate " expert " )

Fucks sake.
You ever been fishing ?
Newsflash....a predator prefers to attack weak , wounded or disabled animals to healthy specimens that could potentially fight back .
Question : Who in the world thought that Sharks were attracted to wounded / weak animals ?
Answer : Everyone.*
* Everyone except Blindboy.

Here's an insight - fish communicate amongst themselves on a level and in a manner not yet comprehended by humans.
Whether it's through an extrapolation of our rudimentary theoretical understanding of body English , chemical agents released or maybe something as unimagined as a form of school inherent telepathy.
Something is definitely going on down there that humans haven't even begun to conceive of.
Spend a bit of time underwater and tell me what you can come up with.
Unless you've got an explanation for the fact of an entire snapper school remaining on a reef but ceasing to feed once an individual has been caught and released or the way every Great white shark will avoid an area that they habitually frequent once one has fallen victim to an orca - even though those avoiding the area weren't present at the time of the attack.
Not too dissimilar to the way an entire continent of birds will be aware of the fact that Lake Eyre is in flood even though they are often times thousands of kilometres removed from the event and have never experienced it in their lives previously.
Theorys ?
Cephalopods obviously communicate with their metachrosic skills.
Maybe snapper are the same.
They too posses little acknowledged abilities to change colour with mood / emotions.
Maybe sharks converse with minute electrical impulses that they are attuned to recieving with their ampullae of lorenzinI ?

I was "employed/chartered" by Richard in the late '90s to teach him to catch large tigers out in the Coral Sea Islands when he first started his research with tagging of tigers. They could catch smaller ones (by way of complete luck), the larger ones would evade him. I would take him onto cays, sit on the sand, talk and show him the behaviours of the tigers as the afternoon wore on and they would come in and stalk the tired turtles after laying their eggs.
Whilst academically, he is a very intelligent man, his real life/ocean knowledge was somewhat lacking. It appears he has come along way since then.
There are others but this is a good one.