leash durability.

Always rewrap the velcro together as soon as you finish surfing helps sometimes . (Rather than dragging it around open )

Velcro unwrap?
Never had that, don't thi k I've ever seen a rip curl leggie though either

Gf do u put ya leggy under your wetsuit , that helps a bit until the lip lands on the ankle and peels it all off

Yeah I do put it under wetty. Had plenty break, just not unwrap

Yeah I've had a couple of Velcro let goes. Not sure on the exact stats but heard that there is a big difference between good and poor quality Velcro and it starts to lose strength after 300 uses. I used to put it over my wetty but now it goes under after losing a board to the rocks recently.

My sons top of the range leggie unwraps almost immediately after purchase wont use it anymore.
I only buy this brand and its never happened on any other even after months if not years of work.
Go figure was expensive as well.

Even the big companies get ripped off by suppliers selling them shit velcro ? It happened to me recently , a batch had pissweak velcro compared to the usual good stuff

Happened to me on my last Indo trip, I bought two new leggies for the trip (same brand) and after coming off on my first wave, the velcro just unpeeled and my board was dinged upon washing into the reef and rocks. Second one did exactly the same thing, lost me board a second time. I reckon the little flap that joins to the string that you pull it off with didn't do it any favors as the force of the water gets under the velcro and seemed to just peel it off..... My board lost finboxes and got smashed up pretty bad. I called the manufacturer when I got home and they were pretty nonplussed about it and denied a bad batch of velcro. Coincidentally, I snapped a leggei today at the local (its still pumping here), it broke on the bit where the leash meets the ankle swivle. I don't remember as a kid/teenage ever breaking a leggie. I will always give the velcro a good check when buying one now.

Two on the one trip!
Fuck that, name and shame them

i have never had faulty velcro…. what i have noticed is the leg rope thats sits around for six months after winter has gone then you put it back on for the next season the cord goes brittle or something and is not as strong….and "twang" your swimming in!
i only snap 1 a year on average i guess…. most recent broke about 6 inches up from the board end i suspect it got wrapped on the fin a little…and it was tugging hard i was getting flogged!!!

"After Winter has gone"??? O&E were the offending leggies that fucked up my trip. That said though, they are all my local surf shop stocks. O&E asked me to return the busted ones, which I did and they were replaced, I've not had a problem since with that brand. Was pretty gutted on the trip though and the crew staying with us were equally as dirty on them. The one that popped today was a hexagonal Channel Islands one FYI

sorry winter is season with the consistent swell here in victoria.

Piggy if you wash the leggy with fresh water that eliminates the corrosion . Also loop it in a circle for storage when you aren't using them . Simon h I heard that same complaint and we laughed about the advert for o&e being the world's strongest leash but with shit velcro ! The leggys with cheap style urethane welds are going to break easier than the more advanced joining techniques . Famous channel islands are selking these basic leggies that will snap under pressure
Just wondering about what other surfers have noticed about how leashes wear out. So far after 15 years of surfing I have had 4 leashes break at the leg part where cord assembles onto the leg strap. I then decided to be more picky and only bought ones that looked like it was made to last at that part. Now I have noticed that after a small barrelling wipout that the velcro has become weakened on my leash and I had to swim back to the beach and fetch my board. Fortunately the board was ok. I have 3 boards set up and noticed 2 of the leashes have weaker velcro. Although the one that the velcro gave out in the water (Rip Curl brand) hadn't been used that often. So I would like to hear some feedback about what other surfers have noticed regarding the life expectancy on leashes. It seems a waste to throw out unbroken leashes just because the velcro isn't as strong as a new one and I don't really want to sell them because I would feel like a crook. Also I don't want to create extra landfill. Ideally I would like to see stats on velcro wear or cord breakage. Any known brands that are better or worse? Any good ideas on how to fix the velcro?