
Suzki warong balangan 150/ month

Galih homestay Uluwatu. 250 thou a night with a/c

if you're planning to go to Indonesia (other than bali spot) and searching for a new semi-hidden spot, i'll suggest you to Krui, Indonesia. Located on southest Sumatra, the plus point that it has so much surf spot (all level), not a commercial area yet affordable, and located isolate (not crowded). you have to go 6 hours to get there from local airport.
- krui surf
- ujung bocur
- mandiri surf
- tanjung setia
- pugung surf
- etc
do you use whatsapp or line? surely i can inform you to there, my friend's hometown, with best price you can afford (of course you can benchmarking my opts to another from internet). just whatsapp me at +6282225536455 or mail me duata.pacifico@gmail.com
ps: i'm just trying to enlarge tourism, not taking any fee at all

Wow duata is omnipresent
Master of the Internet ....well done

Spam is ordinarily deleted on Swellnet but duata's post is somewhat compelling. I did enjoy the inclusion of listed keywords to reiterate his offering.

I liked the bit of just trying to enlarge tourism and not taking any fees at all....

or krui being a new semi hidden secret spot ha ha

Or "not crowded" ............hahahaha, yeah maybe compared to Bali or the Gold Coast........just.

or the peak at Simeulue, with 3 camps in front, 30 people put first light but Andy won't tell you that...
Hey lads i'm staying in Tuban and looking to move further south nearer to uluwatu. Just wondering if anyone can tell me of somewhere good they have stayed and not to far from the beach down that way? Have budget of $30 max per night.