FCS Knubster

Have noticed lately more quads with the nubbie than without ?

I bought one similar, a darc drive.
Feels a little harder to turn but i only used it once, on a board im too heavy for so my weight could be the reason it was hard to turn on.Also the waves were mushy.
Its meant to prevent side slipping on take off in quads in hollower bigger waves and thats why i bought it.
Will know on the next five finner i have purchased how well it works but i have a few weeks delivery waiting time.
Id say youd lose that nice slidey feeling through the end of cutbacks etc but im not sure.Also lose the deliberate drift on takoff you get with quads.Not sure though.

Before i tried one in theory i thought yeah it makes totally sense, it will be that perfect middle ground between a thruster and a quad.
I got one and put it in an surfed it heaps wanting to beleive it would be good, but for me at least the reality was the opposite it felt like i lost the best aspects of a quad like some speed and looseness and it didn't really gain any benefits of a thruster.

Agreed with indo' only used mine a few times though' tried to get into it - made good waves feel like surfing molasses

These style fins can easily be done at home, with plenty of experimentation.
6mm ply, buy the smallest sheet from bunnings.Cut it out with a jigsaw, foil with a grinder.Its cost you cents at this stage.
do big versions, longer base and deep and small versions.No need to SEAL!Because its just experimental. the ply isn't going to fall apart over night.Marine ply has waterproof glue but the timber still absorbs water.I know its difficult to jump in and out of the water to swap shapes but to gauge the level of resistance the NUB produces then that's necessary.
You might fluke it with the first one!

The Webber ones are one fixed by 1 tab - the front one which allows nubbie to flex

Obviously had too big quads if ya nubster slowed u down . Don't blame the nub , its there to balance things

Ima a dedicated quad man through and through. It suits the way i surf. Ive always been curious as to what the nubster is actaully designed to offer?

Caml did you ever get to try one of Roy Stewarts nubsters ?

Not yet ?

Nick Bone wrote:Ima a dedicated quad man through and through. It suits the way i surf. Ive always been curious as to what the nubster is actaully designed to offer?
Not sure nick ?

Muzza has been designing quads for some time and has done experiments with the 5th fin and quad fin placement. Check it out.

Nice article raku , I see he says dont overdo it with the trailer fins & nubster

tried it with stretch and a few other combos - true though they may have been too large a templates.
like the idea of building yer own might try it .

Stretch rears are big so no need for a nubbo
Anyone used this or similar in their quad set up? It's the little fifth fin keel thing.