Bintang versus Anchor

Blowin this ones for you

I prefer Anchor, will still taste like a beer after you've downed 24 of them, just find the bintangs to taste watery sometimes

Anchor stout.

Anchor .... away from Bali they are easy to get

I like real Bintangs you buy in Indo very easy to drink, but the stuff they sell in Australia as Bintang taste totally different.
I also sometimes drink Heineken when Indo, believe they own Bintang hence the very similar label.
Bali hai is also okay Anchor probably my last choice.
That said i don't drink much these days and don't drink much in Indo either, i dont get those guys that go on surf trips and get on the piss every night, if i drink it's more just one or two or three to seal off a good day of surfing, and more a treat rather than daily habit.

I'm a big believer of When in Rome .....drink what the Romans drink.
In Indo that means Bintang.
It's pretty hard to beat a post surf glow enhanced with a couple of Bintang Besar as you watch the sun set and the stars come out after another fine day getting pitted in Indonesia....
Can't say I've ever tried to drink it in Australia as it's as much about the location and the atmosphere as the taste.
So it's New or Squires in NSW , Bush chook or Little Creatures in WA ,VB in Vicco , Fji Bitter in Fiji , Cascade or Boags in Tassie and Coopers in ...well Coopers tastes fucking good everywhere doesn't it ?
Of course I'll diversify and allow my taste buds to treat themselves as I wander but I'll keep it local if I can.
Drink like the locals with the locals is my motto.
Anchor ?
Never tried it ?
Any good ?

Nihonshu in Tokyo and of course Chianti when in Rome:)
Yaks milk when in Ulaanbaatar.

Agree Blowin, something about the location. Food is the same for me. No matter how good the cook is, it never seems to taste the same in Oz.
I have a feeling a lot of these beers are brewed under licence to the same company to a standard formula. Tusker (think pig tusks) in Vanuatu, Bintang in Indo, Bababa (333) in Vietnam, Tiger in Singapore etc. etc. all seem very similar and perfect for the occasion on their home turf.
Coopers Ale in SA, a meal in every bottle

When in Rome.............40 deg day - Warm Southwark- loaded chillum -caves carpark = shitfaced

Except when your in American territories .... Bloody Bud should not be called a Beer .
Also when in Micronesia they had this San Miguel Mid strength that was near impossible to get pissed on .
Emptied an entire 70L esky of the stuff on a fishing trip ( almost single handed ) and still caught the most fish ........
The Americans present were horrified .... :-))))

indo-dreaming wrote:I like real Bintangs you buy in Indo very easy to drink, but the stuff they sell in Australia as Bintang taste totally different.
I also sometimes drink Heineken when Indo, believe they own Bintang hence the very similar label.
Bali hai is also okay Anchor probably my last choice.
That said i don't drink much these days and don't drink much in Indo either, i dont get those guys that go on surf trips and get on the piss every night, if i drink it's more just one or two or three to seal off a good day of surfing, and more a treat rather than daily habit.
Id always assumed Bintang was owned by Heineken by the similar Beer taste and bottling, jut googled it seems its true.
BTW. interesting fact, Bali Hai is not produced in Bali but in Java.
And seems Anchor is a China beer.
And seems Heineken Asia Pacific own pretty much all the beers mentioned here including Tiger (which i also don't mind)

Wait up...Southwark??? Sth. Australia's secret shame. For a moment I felt I knew you Udo.

Southwark , puts hair on ya chest .!!!
Have to be up there with Emu export , Abbotts , Castlemaine , and KB for oldshool despo's .

I had a few Bintang the summer just gone, was here in Oz not there in Indo, and it tasted pretty damn good. It's a lager, light and clear and well suited to hot weather drinking. If the situation suited I'd have it again. Might even team it with a 'dang.
As it is, I buy James Squires Golden Ale every other time I'm in the bottlo. I've no idea if it's a wanker beer or not, I'm a little out of the loop in those regards. What I hate though is standing in front of a fridge choc full of beer trying to make a decision based on....something. So it's Squires everytime and I get freedom from choice 'cos I'm a creature of habit not impulse.

Anyone tried a Balter ?
Freeride the Ox pub has it.

udo wrote:Anyone tried a Balter ?
Freeride the Ox pub has it.
Yeah its on at my local, had a couple of quiet schooners with a mate Easter Saturday. For me its an unashamed copy/homage of Stone & Wood Pacific Ale, which isn't all that surprising because the brewer at Balter is ex-Stone & Wood. All in all I thought it was pretty good.

Balter is Full on Fruit Loop Beer, people shout you one...wait till there gone.
Back up to the Bar for a beer...sip the wrong one & your face falls off.
Takes 3 or more beers to flush it out of yer all know what tbb means!
One chick once swore she liked the fruity taste...crew dared her to finish it, all of it!
Rumour of them selling 'Proper beer' but local Brewery beer lover said when!
tbb has tried it too many times...gotta be good for something you'd reckon.
That Stone & Wood is more subtle fruity where as Balter is more like this....
(Congratulations) Mick, Joel, Bede,Ant,Stirls,Aza,(Scotty),Kerrzy,Sean.
Today the lads sold Balter to Carlton & United (Scotty stays as head brewer)
Mick is so happy he'll serve you a brew now...
Balter Beer Tech...
Loveable Oz Surfie beer story breaks the internet...Bonza! Burp!
(WSL are all like, what the hell...wish we could do that?)

I'm more of a Dark/Black Ale kinda guy, but I've always been surprised at Balter's popularity given the price.
Just looked online then, and Dan Murphy's has:
- Lager 375ml cans - $19.49 for a 4-pack or $56.99 for a case of 16
- Strong Pale Ale 375ml cans - $21.49 for a 4-pack or $71.99 for a case of 16
- IPA 375ml cans - $24.49 for a 4-pack or $76.99 for a case of 16
- IIPA 500ml cans - $31.49 for a 4-pack or $101.99 for a case of 16
What constitues "craft beer" these days anyway?

I like the Asian beers. Singha, Chang, San Mig, Bintang, TsingTao, Asahi.
That's mainly because i'm based in Bangkok.
But i still love the Corona and lime.

I’d say anything priced above $20 for 6 long necks constitutes a craft beer.
Went to grab a beer at a transit airport a few days ago and was appalled to discover it was zero alcohol. Closer inspection revealed that ALL the beer was zero alcohol. That’s religious intolerance right there .....
There’s something about drinking a local beer in its home environs that elevates it’s appeal.
Love Buzz !

Mick: ‘it’s like having a big brother help
us get around the playground’
(A big brother that has a thousand bucks in his pocket for the tuck shop)
‘Just people enjoying good beer, good beer is for everyone’ (for everyone that can afford > $20 / 4 pack)

Recently in London saw Fosters on tap, which you dont see in Aus since ???, thought if give it a try. Can now see why its not sold here anymore, as they say in old Blighty Shite!.

I had a can of Forsters once....The End.

Airport elevates pricey craft beer appeal by grounding the alcohol content.
Pure Gold crafty beer joke brewed by Blowin.
Pilot burps..."New religious tolerant beer-line is taking off." [ LOOSEN SEATBELTS ]
Jet setting A-Listers are threatening to cancel all o/s Tours
[Bitchy Air Stewardess Strike announcement] "Sober A-Listers are impossible!"
Mile High Club position hasn't changed since cigarette ban.

Yesterday at the lunch barbie we had a veritable rainbow nation of Coopers tins. Purple, Green, Red, even one bloke recovering on the Orange.
And everyone's got the freebie Coops green eskies from the local bottlo.
Colourful characters.
As for wannabe WA pish...

And here’s me thinking that you’re the type of bloke that does nothing of interest , then you turn around and say that you drank a couple of different beers at lunch ...... you are a mad man !
Living big.

Thomas Cooper for P.M.!Blowin stated earlier Coopers tastes f@#king good everywhere!poetry to my ears.
Southwark stout is superb.A warm suvig bitter+chillum=much respect!!
Bintang i'm sick of but drink em alot when nothing else is available.dont mind an Anchor but my latest favourite is Bali Hai.try one,i reckon they've gotten their act together lately.Storm beer was the best in Bali but they ran the bule out of business.........Arak anyone???

From being a decades-long devotee, I can't drink Coopers anymore. Not since the curtain was pulled back on the family skeletons.
The personal is political, aye comrades, even when I feel the frost on my cheek from the bottlo fridge. These days I'm a swing voter and like to keep things lively: bit of Old, bit of Grifter, bit of the latest craft beer marketed to appeal to my discerning middle-class eye (but without denting my slim working-class wallet)

If it was free, cold and some good conversation was to follow, I wouldn't care if it was brewed by Nazi's.

You fuckers are on fire .
Brewed by Nazis !!
That’s some funny shit.

Balter is over-priced fruity cat piss.
Try a 7Mile Cali Cream Ale....brewed in Ballina. Also worth a visit there at the airport.
They have a mango beer, proper mangoes. That is wanker factor squared but surprisingly good.
doesn't taste like a fermented fruit tingle.

I hear ya, Stu. Been drinking it since my teens. That's a lot of friggin' years and beers. A hard one to deal with. Red, and the new purple is it though.
Southwark Stout is a better drop too in that department. Jeez, back when you could get it in longies. Superb.

Cali Cream Ale, eh? Sounds well 'ard. Though I shouldn't talk myself up as I'm drinking Stone & Wood Pacific Ale and half-expecting Angus and Julia Stone to break into song as a bunch of linen-clad murfers sway gently side to side.
That's what happens up in Byron, right?
Like Steve, I've also been struck by the sudden appearance of fruit in the beer fridge. Watermelon beer. Mango beer. I haven't bought any but I just can't imagine it being a good thing so I'm quite prepared to prejudge it. Expect it'll go the way of other recent hits like booch, brisket, and turmeric lattes.

I bloomin' hate it when you order what you think is a delicious looking craft ale, take a long drink and it tastes of... cloves.
What fuckery is that? Who on Gods green earth thinks that beer and cloves go together? Maybe a dentist or a hippy but no rational person in my eyes.

with father beans of course

They really need to explore even further with their beer / food collaborations.
Who wouldn’t want a pork knuckle pale ale ?

Or a steak'n'kidney lager?

“Balter is over-priced fruity cat piss.” Well according to CUB that cats piss is worth 200Million

Most craft breweries take it too far.....making piss that doesn’t even taste like beer. I’ll stick to my red cans over here in WA.

Two -Bays Gluten free Beer
anyone tried it ?

Nail VPA is a good WA drop. And there's a reason it comes in a 4 pack.

Does it taste like cloves?

It certainly rattles your teeth.


Zen I think the cloves taste you hate so much are really ‘hoppy’ beers. I love them. Only problem is the alcohol content!

Hmmm... Maybe you're right Soli. I don't have the most discerning palate and have been known to eye off the drip trays from time to time.
Having said that, we have some wonderful beer here in Japan. Most people back home will be familiar with Asahi Super Dry or Sapporo Gold Star lager but they're your kinda mid-level beers. Suntory Premium Malts, Yebisu or Grand Kirin are world class. Also there's a flourishing little craft industry here now and it's great fun trying something new to spice things up.
Conversely, i'm off the piss. I used to drink nightly but now only drink on Saturday evenings or special occasions.

Oh yeah Japan makes amazing beers - but known more for their crisp lagers than their fuller bodied ales.
I reckon that hoppy flavour is acquired, once you’re accustomed to the bitterness it’s hard to go back.
That being said I’m not fussy, not many beers I wouldn’t drink.

went to the new Stone and Wood brewery in Byron yesterday. total mob scene. Millions of people.
wonder what CUB would pay for them?

Stuff Asahi / CUB.
Word is they are stopping production of Resch’s.
Imagine a scenario in which you were forced to consume a large quantity of either Anchor or Bintang beer. What is the concensus of opinion? Criteria include all aspects of consumption, from immediate pleasure to future regret.