Dean Morrison at it again

Blowin wrote:That story is on Swellnet somewhere.
It's called " Toe to Toe " .
All the detail you could ever want .
Maybe try the search thingy , if it's working.
Wait a second ....your glad I was punched in the face ?
Most people wait until they've met me before they make that call *.
* That's not entirely true.
There is surely a couple on here that would like to punch me in the face.
I missed that Im not glad you copped a punch glad you dont drop in..

The Inertia :
Why surf fighting is disgusting.

simba wrote:I think someone like MF that comes across as a good bloke needs to be fronted on the beach and see what he has to say for himself,pretty greedy really,like all the pricks on the dole who surf all day and think they own the place ...fuck em.
I fronted the Hawaiians in Gland with Gmac and Garrett and his kids all doing it. I did it politely if there is such a way and asked why???? Response they have no choice lineups so crowded and they need the clips to get exposure for them. Same at Speedies brazzas dropin just to get their photo burning left right and centre.
It will be the same for DM MF and others I'm assuming.

Rabbits ,"I think you & some others have missed the point of this thread. Anyone suggesting that at Snapper etc it's a case of wait your turn is clearly dreaming, that's not the issue. Your right, not all are equal in any line-up. Where talking about a handful of "locals & pros" who are just relentlessly burning people whenever it suits them & are happy say that they don't give a fuck. To think that this mentality won't spread is pretty naive IMO.
It's interesting that you point out that there are no rules in the surf & yet the act of dropping-in has always been a no no, the great unwritten rule, one that I grew up from the late 70's adhereing to anyway.
I think the whole point of this discussion is to understand that the spread of people burning people will continue if it's allowed to & maybe only when it turns up at your favorite spot you might actually give a fuck. Maybe not...."
therein lies the problem , a rule was made up in the 60's /70's , when there were no crowds , maybe this rule is now obsolete in crowded local breaks where there are a lot of transient surfers?
the current mentality has been present at all crowded surf breaks , so you as a surfer have a choice , to try and catch a wave in the worlds most crowded surf , or go somewhere else !

staitey, another blowin burnt by DM , which all the local guys there seem to do , that's life move on , that's why no-one gives a shit about you .
If you dropped in on them what would they do or all the crowd?

I get your point staitey , but this has been going on since the 60's , wherever crowds were or are present , we seem to have an old rule , that the man on the inside has the right of way , until crowds became a permanent factor .
surf behavior has morphed into , the current state of affairs where there are locals who believe they have priority over blowins , just human behavior , only unwritten old rules , monster crowds , not enough waves , clash of pros and amateurs !
staitey you seem to want to change the behavior of locals , so you are telling them to catch a lot less waves so you can have some , with the other 500. It's just not going to happen!

there also used to be a rule , first man to his feet had right of way , then the man on the inside , but in both instances you can abuse the rule ,stand up early on the shoulder but not really using the critical part of the wave , so man on the inside, snaking became a term , which means you jumped your turn ,haha , how does one get a numbered place in the lineup ??

The problem with Snapper is the local surfers have lost control of the joint, there is no order, no discipline and no respect whatsoever. Do you think if you had someone with the ability of Mick Fanning, 3 world titles etc who lived at your local that he would have to resort to dropping in to get waves? Wouldn't happen anywhere but Snapper.
I've only lived here 10 years but have watched it get steadily worse each of those years, less locals more travelers, a problem that reaches its peak in February/March every year, I wonder why that is? 10 years of surfing here I know who the locals are and give them the courtesy that I learned as a kid surfing 30 years ago. I have no issues out there, don't get burned a lot by locals, no more than I would have back in my small home town. Attitude, positive state of mind and knowing your place, I'm on the wrong side of 40 now and honestly can't be bothered fighting it out with people half my age behind the rock at Snapper so I find a spot further down the line where my standing may be slightly up the order.
There is nowhere in the world where a foreign surfer of dubious ability can paddle straight out to the main takeoff. snake, hassle and get set waves without repercussion like they can at Snapper. It is a joke, I implore the locals to bring it back into order, instill some respect via fear if that's what it takes, because if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.

stunet wrote:Twenty two years ago Lostdoggy! In that time the GC population has risen by 66% (ABS stats). Every single GC Tourism campaign has featured surfing in it, the Quik Pro Snapper Rocks has been running for 15 years as a massively popular internationally webcast franchise, the Superbank has been unanimously proclaimed as a wonder of the world, and pro surfing has evolved from the Dream Tour into its post-Dream Tour iteration where every single country with a coastline watches the WSL and the local hotshots from Portugal or Tahiti or Costa Rica aspire to be Mick guess where they head?
Kirra was crowded in 1994, so it's no surprise that all the above factors have combined to exponentially grow the GC crowds and fill the other spots.
All during the Winston swell we ran still shots of the crowd at Snapper on Facebook. The numbers were absurd but those images and bad press didn't do a single thing to keep people away. It really says something about a surfer's inherent optimism that they can paddle out in that throng and think they're in with a chance.
Just like the swell is always about to come up, or the next board will be the magic one, they see the crowd yet think they'll defy the numbers and jag a drainer. It's not for me but there's something kinda cool about that.

It's probably one of the things that I like the most about surfing Stu, there is always something to look forward to and hope for. A lot of people don't have hope, optimism or enthusiasm in their lives and what a sad existence that must be.

everyones forgetting the part that media be it this site , others less ethical , blokes with herogopro syndrome , the seagulls that line the shore taking footage to sell or freely upload to the wannabe generation has to play in this . If this is the centre of the surfing world 2 months ( it might take a while until the Nth Pac El Nino dispears ) , so this year we've had a let up .
Point being is this the message that goes out to the world . " Come and join the carnage " , and according to who , up until recently was the local held with the highest regard " says that what happens in the water stays there . Then i see no deterent for abhorrent behaviour to continue or get worse . If your the fittest guy you can run rings around others paddling , and or wrestling in the water whilst holding your breath ...... meanwhile if adhered to scorn should be delivered by the masses watching both in and out of the water .
Perhaps if everyone taking a break or just watching the circus from shore was to carry a Whistle and start blowing it when a merciless burning took place .... i'm not talking a run of the mill borderline makeable wave, i'm talking someone getting shutdown or faded . Of course it will probably take one example of mob mentality to enforce the follow through . Should only need one . And make sure its a high profile person , ie no ones above the local law ......

And to be honest if you are going to Snapper thinking it will be a relaxing mellow surfy experience then you've got bigger problems than a few drop ins.

Resources are finite, human desire is infinite.
Dropping-in is not an honourable way to score waves but let me play devil's advocate.
Who is ultimately responsible for this behaviour?
I would argue that it's the surfer who arrives at a break, looks at the line-up, sees that there haven't been any unridden, 'spare waves' the whole time they've been watching and paddles out anyway.
Their attitude is undoubtedly one of " Fuck you lot, I'm coming and I'm taking something from you because I believe I deserve it more".
It doesn't have to be the GC, it can be a little bank in the middle of nowhere with a group of 3 or 4 and only enough waves to allow each of those guys a pleasant session. If you paddle out uninvited, you are basically communicating that you intend to help yourself at someone else's expense.
Would one of the original guys in the water be condemned for burning the interloper?
I surfed Snapper to Cooly on Saturday and Sunday realising it was super packed. It was a choice and although I only got one wave on Saturday (got dropped in on by 2 guys once I got to Rainbow), can only blame myself. Sunday was much better, decent amount of waves and no blatant drop-ins.
When guys like Bruce Lee and Rabbit say that it was the worst they have ever seen it, you can't be surprised when decency goes out the window.
Unless a system similar to queuing at the deli counter is implemented, some people will always push the envelope of what they think they can get away with.
Don't like it? Don't paddle out, in fact, if every wave is being ridden, don't paddle out.
Doing so instantly marks you as a target.

Over those days of swell ... 5.30 am to I wonder how many waves broke per hour ?

The swell was pretty inconsistent with the good sets about 10-15 minutes apart and only 2-3 waves per set.
Everyone wanted the good ones and there just weren't enough. Combined with no sweep to break the pack up, resulted in a scene similar to girls at a wedding trying to catch the bouquet.

This is why I surf with a spear gun. Can't recall any line up issues of late.

This sounds like its contained just to the goldy. Simply due to overcrowding. I live in vic and theres no dramas like this. Sure there are pecking orders and whatnot but never blantant drop ins etc.
Another thing is i like to say "you always remember the red lights, never the green." Theres been nothing but negative remarks about certain pros. Couple years back i was out at one of mexicos many point breaks. Would of been maybe 30 no more than 40 spread out over a 300m plus wave. Out paddles JJF. Humble as fuck. No snaking. No drop ins and just taking a wave if it came to him. That was really good to see something like that as i dont ever come across pros in the water. Not to mention the fucking display of surfing he put on!!
Unrelated p.s Can slats please pass down the crown to JJF. I think its time.

"So sorry mister Professional (?) surfer, but when you dropped in on me I lost control of my surfboard and its nose went straight up your arse/severed your Achilles tendon"
Aside from being dangerous, dropping in shows a lack of respect and an attitude that they have more right to surf a wave than you. A few with talent have that talent developed and their egos so inflated that they perceive themselves to be entitled to act in a manor that questions why they surf.
That's not surfing. Where is the aloha spirit.
How good does it feel to give away a wave and that surfer has the wave of their session?

It's good to acknowledge someones surfing/sporting abilities such as Mick Fanning or Dingo etc but the hero worshipping that comes with the territory of being a professional sportsman other than from a child is nothing short of retarded.
If you look at the alleged offenders in this post you have a bloke who couldn't afford a shoulder op and had to be bailed out after over a decade amongst the sports best another who blew a few hundred thousand investing in an NRL club and someone who's mother managed his personal finances which was the smartest move out of the lot. These blokes were never in the running to be the dux of their school and hero worshipping would have given them more of a sense of entitlement than most.
This sense of entitlement needs to be taken away from such people in the water by showing them the contempt they deserve when they drop in on everyday punters. Overcrowding is an excuse to justify piss poor behaviour from those who feel they can fuck over the average Jo surfer because they get paid to surf.
People are entitled to surf the best available waves if they wish crowded or not and if they manage to get one they should be able to surf that wave without being dropped in on then abused by upstart surfer professional or not.

Wharfjunkie wrote:If you look at the alleged offenders in this post you have a bloke who couldn't afford a shoulder op and had to be bailed out after over a decade amongst the sports best another who blew a few hundred thousand investing in an NRL club and someone who's mother managed his personal finances which was the smartest move out of the lot. These blokes were never in the running to be the dux of their school and hero worshipping would have given them more of a sense of entitlement than most.
Work out how JonJon became so cool then. Do they teach respect better in Hawaii?
He was a prodigy from a younger age than mick/dingo.

Crowds and hassling at high quality, easily accessible waves is not fact it's really fucking old. It's all pretty relative to where you're from (me: Surfcoast in Vicco). Winkipop has been crowded on the good days as far back as I can remember to a grom going out there at the start of the 80's. When I got my licence in 84', me and a mate drove up to Queensland with visions of paddling out at Kirra and getting tubed in boardshorts. After a couple of days on the Gold Coast we went down there and it was pretty bloody good churning out clean 4 foot kegs in bath temperature water. Only was FUCKING PACKED!!!! I got out after a shitful 45 minutes or so of relentless hassling and sat on the groyne counting the punters out there. I stopped at 100 and estimated there must have been about one forty or fitty out there.
Point being, it's not a new thing. It'll still be happening 10 years from now on much the same level........just a bunch of new faces and some older ones pining for the good old days of 2015. Like others have said, if hassling crowded surf aint your thing, go somewhere else with a drop in quality or jump on a plane when you can and fly to places that have A grade waves with manageable numbers out. Plenty of em still out there. This is just recycling an old topic as per Stunets post with people whinging about Kirra crowds in 94'.

lostdoggy wrote:Wharfjunkie wrote:If you look at the alleged offenders in this post you have a bloke who couldn't afford a shoulder op and had to be bailed out after over a decade amongst the sports best another who blew a few hundred thousand investing in an NRL club and someone who's mother managed his personal finances which was the smartest move out of the lot. These blokes were never in the running to be the dux of their school and hero worshipping would have given them more of a sense of entitlement than most.
Work out how JonJon became so cool then. Do they teach respect better in Hawaii?
He was a prodigy from a younger age than mick/dingo.
Different culture different environment.

Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol crap Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same olSame ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol Harden Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same olSame ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol UP Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol Crap Again Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol, Just Drop in on theSame ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol FUCKWITS cause theSame ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same Same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol same ol cunts will do it again?
Just a minute Where is the master StrayGator2, ????
Carry on please and harden the fuck up........

Love the lyrics welly. Where can I hear the music?

At the opening of the Balter brewery

Opening? Brewery? Is the invite in the mail?

yeah everyones invited and you can rub shoulders with Mick and Dean,Parko etc and talk story of how good snapper was that day and how you were lining up the barrel of your life and how some fuk tard on a spono board drops in and fades you into another beating....bottoms up.

Not me simba at the time I was surfing a weird beach break trying to pick the one in ten that threw a section or two.....and having a pretty fine time of it.

For sure Simba, I'll have a drink with you and BB, Udo don't drink but he will be there;), sure I could smuggle a red wine or Pinot Noir into BB.
BB the music to go with that! would probably be some horrible psy trance beat, mixed with "I heard it all before bass line"....???

Sipping a cab sav as we chat welly! Though I need a beer to cleanse the palate first!

Can I come too Welly ... though probably the best for everyone that I don't drink either ;-)

I know BB, my words are a little dirty to say the least.
That's probably why you probably need a beer to cleanse...

Southey haha, I always thought that.!!
You'll be in good hands champ, don't worry BB and me will show you the way.
Sounds like a song already, without the bass line.?

So they are going to make beer now well that makes it pretty easy to boycott and they blow
all there $$$ suck shit and die I say to pro surfers I'm over all of you. I will burn all of them.
Anyway isn't Fanning and Parko borderline alcoholics anyway so I will sit back and watch them
destroy themselves. That will please me.

Yeah, cheers Evo.
Good luck with that mate, you sound so happy yourself.
Maybe you'll smile when they " destroy themselves ".
But seeing as they're fit as fuck maybe you'd better just pull the wings off flies to get your positivity up till that day happens.

I have watch plenty of ex pro surfers destroy themselves. Its not new news.

Anyway lets all share a toast to could be worse.Evo and Blowin can fight it out in one corner and Dean and Mick etc and all the guys they have burnt that day in another corner and Welly ,BB ,Southey and myself and who ever else there is will cleanse our palettes and take in the entertainment........gotta love pro surfing its got something for everyone.

And yeah Welly theres a song in there somewhere...............

And this is why I go and race cars when surfing becomes like this. You piss me off
I will simply put you into that wall.

Yep, similar to Evo, when the surfs crowded I do donuts in the car park, eat my gravel :-)

Can I come too Welly in return at easter I will take Mck, Joel & Dingo to a painters and dockers bar in suburban Melbourne.

Evo needs a hug and to shelve a pinger ASAP.

Geez, this just goes to show nothing has changed over the years. A session or two on the North Shore shows how you can find quality but semi crowded waves and how the locals handle this sort of shit. It's not exactly the same sure but the crowds are there and it's managed ok. Looks like some of heroes of snapper need to eat a bit of humble pie.
Now I know this topic to some may be like complaining about the heat in Alice Springs but here goes anyway.
Was out on the Snapper stretch on Saturday afternoon. Smaller than I thought it was going to be, barely any sweep so crowds were in full force… worries Saturday at snapper what do you expect?
I was paddling around for quite a while looking for any wave to get me down the point when a reform white water came my wave, I was on the inside sweet! Got up, wave began at little marley and grew into this absolute dream race track. Got about 30m down this gorgeous beast and someone with a Mad Huey's sticker decides it was his turn, looking closer I realised it was Dean Morrison. I screamed every world appropriate for such an act, he decided to turn around and yell at me and when the wave began to barrel I got faded and caught inside and he………..well, he probably got shacked of his dial for the 30th time that day whilst I was left floundering on the inside wondering if that could've been one of the best waves I've ever had……
……Ok so suffice to say I had a shocker for the rest of the session and left to go home a little dejected. We've all had this, you either get a few screamers or you get nothing. But I think I was most disappointed at Dean and all the other pros out there. The extent to which they were going to to deprive average joe's like myself waves was out of control!
I saw Fanning, Parko, The Huey's (Deuy and Lewie in tow) snake and drop in on normal punters on nearly every wave they caught. One of Brent Dorrington's tactics was to drop in and stay high, hope the guy would just give up. If he didn't give up he'd bide his time above the wave's true owner and when he spotted a barrel section would pick up speed to get in front and once in the pit the poor bloke on the inside has no chance. I saw the Hazza's do this as well double dropping in on blokes!
But anyway that's my rant. Deano if you're reading (ha, that's a joke course you can't) you are as despicable as every person on other forums has attested to following similar episodes caught on camera.
What can we do???