Wolf creek at Salt creek

The guys 'known to police' 6'6 and solid, good on the nearby fishermen was not afraid to use a hammer he used one on one of the girls & run one over and has guns by his Facebook pictures. Could have been a lot worse by the sounds of things. Might solve a few missing person files Udo thats for sure.

Are you able to post the name, Udo? Or is a illegal? If it is illegal, fair enough man... hate to see you get in the shit....

Udo, I'm trying to figure you out.
Fact 1 : You're on to it .
It ?


I literally don't look at celebrity / current affairs/surf gossip news . Any breaking news or important details are usually broken here by our roving reporter udo . I really think that he's giving himself away here . Most likely a sports reporter or some sort of mainstream journalist that covers surfing for broadsheets ?!?
I reckon I literally have read a dozen things first here .

You reckon white dove at the roadhouse is on wiki ?

Must be something in the water ( Torrens ? ) in Adelaide ... Would had to have the highest per capita sicko's ....
I wouldn't 't be limiting his evilness to SA either , looking at his FB page looks like he's seen a fairbitof of WA too .

Rates a mention here .

Heaps of freaks on the east coast... Short memory.... Anita Cobby.... Ivan Milat.... Port Arthur.... Daniel Morecombe.... Missing NSW toddler William Tyrrell.... It goes on and on and on..... Quite depressing the more you dig...

Don't think foreigners/tourists/backpackers make the distinction between States, its an Australia thing. That said lot of holes round coober pedy.

Udo is the bomb, he found out about me, before I even knew myself on Google;)
"Inspector Udo" to you.

udo wrote:southey wrote:Must be something in the water ( Torrens ? ) in Adelaide ... Would had to have the highest per capita sicko's ....
I wouldn't 't be limiting his evilness to SA either , looking at his FB page looks like he's seen a fairbitof of WA too .Shit yeah.....got some spare time have a read about "The Family"
i always heard a lot of chatter of how many fucking dangerous people were in Adelaide . /SA
Atleast in Melb./VIC you knew who to not cross , until it got pear shaped after 2000.
( glad i spent so much of that period elsewhere ) .
But it was only when my life was openly threatened by a serving SA MP in the middle of a crowded restaurant room that the chatter was confirmed to me ....... ( he was man handling a chick )
" the family " reminded me .......
SD it appears to me you haven't met anyone else in SA from that other " familiar " , let alone all the sickos' who have lost the plot from far too many years of amphetamines usage ...

That whole "family" thing in SA was a media beat up. Read a book by an ex detective Bob O'Brien involved in all the investigations going on around that time. He discredited the entire idea as being invented by the media. http://www.harpercollins.com.au/9780732269135/young-blood-the-story-of-t...
There were basically a couple of real bad cunts like Bevan Spencer Von Einem but they had no links to anyone else. SA does have more than it's share of bizzare serial murders with no real motive, but that's what makes it so quaint.

Adelaide's unusual in that even though it's a city and state capital it's still got the oft talked about country town vibe, like a small town you come across people involved in all sorts quite often when these types are usually off the radar in the big smoke. Only had a few years there myself but met random crew in most things we did. There was this Persian family, the uncle of the guy I worked with moved there in the 80's and set up shop, the rest followed and through a chance encounter with a biker a relationship was formed, he dj'd at the clubhouse, cleaned, errands were run until things escalated. The family now own a well known chain of takeaway pizza places in Adelaide, with a shop in Melbourne and Sydney as well, purely a front for the other business they are involved with. The older generation are still old school, unassuming houses, battered cars, traditional dress, little English but up to their necks in it. Most of the money going overseas. The lad I worked with had let things get out of hand, made a personal guarantee for someone which had come back to haunt him and cost him everything he owned. He was back on the tools trying to prove to his family he wasn't a complete fuckwit and earn back some credit. He was back in the mosque, working in one of the takeaways and doing his best although he had a habit he was struggling with and the most messy personal life I've seen, women coming round to work and phoning him daily. He was also still paying people off and came to work one day with a rucksack full of packs of meth which he submerged in tins of paint before driving to Melbourne with the tins in his boot. Our boss was clueless and just before I left he got the sack for his habit of coming and going. Fuck knows what happened to him but he was treading water and knew it. Another job we were at for a couple of weeks patching the holes up in the walls where this bloke had had his DIY ventilation system. Most mornings we'd get there for 7, he'd still be up off his face with a few others including his son in a similar state. He was a horrible fucker and I hated working there, although he was nice enough to us he was all aggression and it felt like things could kick off at any second. Turned out he was something to do with bikies as well and was one mistake away from going away for a long time, hence the selling of the house and relocating. The brother of a lad I got to know through surfing was a prison guard and used to brag about setting up inmate fights and running a book on the outcome. Could've been making it up but the casual manner in which he described it and the detail he went into made me think he wasn't. Our first landlord in Adelaide was a massive piss head, he had a tinny and we'd go out at 6am, he'd already be into the west end with a couple of dozen floating in the esky. We'd spend the morning using roo meat to net crabs by which time he'd of polished off most of the tins, I'd have a few. Then he'd drive back to his house, I never saw him sober or without a can in his hand but he drove diggers for a living, somehow he never got caught. He drove us down to Goolwa in his troopy to go cockling and drank all the way, his mrs was on esky duty. It was a 40+ day so we just stayed cool down there all day, he must've put away 40 or 50 tins then we drove back, you couldn't see any difference in him. He also owned a load of polytunnels where he grew flowers for sale. He had a little cottage next to it which was empty apart from a load of weed growing in pots, I only saw it when he was showing be a shotgun he had stashed there while complaining about people trying to steal his digger, at the time I took it as a veiled threat about not paying rent but I think he was just showing me his gun. Thinking about it it was an odd few years in that part of the world, not like anywhere else I've been.

most of the weirdest scariest crew live just inland from the best surf coast in sa.
In between the coast and the next inland town.
Take the main rds to the coast. Don't go shortcutting up a dirt track inland is good advice.
Always stop to help broken down crew but park 20 metres off with the lights on and have a good suss.
Only help if you feel safe if not lock the doors wind down window a bit and tell em you will ring for help for them.
Honestly even as a local I travel with a licenced 22 rifle.
It's the 1% of crew that give us a bad name. But it's true to say that that 1% is a lot worse than any other states 1%
Been here all my life. Stopped and helped crew and made life long friends because of it especially older people on hot days etc. also had same help from others when I've had trouble on the road.
Friendliest place on earth ( 99% of the time)

Wow.. Whilst incredible to read, these stories seem to be from another part of South Oz that I obviously haven't been privy to.
And, good work Dove - always one of my favourite surfers to paddle out and see in the lineup when I was back in SA. Have enjoyed his fishing and 4WD yarns from Salt Creek via Facebook over the years but this is another level.

The story last year of guy on here getting shot at on the Eyre Hwy comes to mind as well.

Yeah Udo, all over everything! Don't know how you do it.

Not much other than what's been reported and found with a quick google..

You guys know about websleuths ? Thats where some keyboard detective work takes place

Lol the websleuths....

Snowtown. That movie still freaks me out.

thermalben wrote:Wow.. Whilst incredible to read, these stories seem to be from another part of South Oz that I obviously haven't been privy to.
And, good work Dove - always one of my favourite surfers to paddle out and see in the lineup when I was back in SA. Have enjoyed his fishing and 4WD yarns from Salt Creek via Facebook over the years but this is another level.
Ben I have a theory on this .
When you are involved / emerged in a " good area " of a place , you are often surrounded by like minded indivuals which filters you from such meeting because most of the time you meet people through other friends in which they have passed through their filters . When your new to an area those filters don't exist , and I presume when you moved to a similar area in Sydney you already knew people ( like minded there ) .
Back in SA Traveling alone through these spots you often become a target of " some " people and as chin , DingD and UN Said you need to keep your wits about you . It helps if you've grown up in similar circumstances that you learn how to deal with such individuals or at very least have a plan or several fir such instances .
Anyway I digress . Yeah sure there are dodgier places in Australia . But it seems like so much of it seems to happen with loner's or groups of people in SA that carry out these things by either long term drug induced psychosis , boredom and or no other foreseeable motive ....
It strikes me that if you don't fish or surf in SA , then I'm not sure what you would do there ?thats legal!? Maybe play footy or be into cars .

Southey, have you ever spent time up on Cape York? Makes S.A look like a kumbaya state.... I spent quite a few years on and off in S.A back in late 80s early 90s.... yeah they are a bit clicky.... They were generally friendly to me, being a qlder, but it was quite hard to "break in" beyond the exterior friendliness and be totally accepted... They were totally feral towards Victorian i noticed, a chip on the shoulder.. I think it was due to the vfl taking all their good footballers back then lol.... Think i told you the story about when bought a car in vicco, drove it back to S.A, and got it fully vandalized in the west lakes footy ground car park....
But anyhooooo, some of the sick pedo rings on the east coast, often in schooling establishments were unbelievable... Cover ups... Still happenning now.. There was that brutal sicko down in Frankston/Seaford back in the early 90s - Paul Denyer..... Then there's the bega schoolgirl killer... Melbourne Psychopath Paul Haigh who murdered 6 people including a young boy... It's just that much shit happens on the East coast that one becomes blase' about it.... When it happens in say NT or S.A, it stands out.
Btw, where I am now in S.A, the locals are really friendly.... We came back from shopping, and the old neighbours left a "welcome" bottle of wine at the front door.... Shame I dont drink.... Sure the wife will enjoy it lol

nochaser wrote:The story last year of guy on here getting shot at on the Eyre Hwy comes to mind as well.
Wasn't that nut job from WA?

Just received an email (see below) and therefore have edited out personal details from relevant posts. If everyone could abide by that I would be grateful.
"The discussion posts the identity of the suspect of a recent violent crime. This is of great concern to me as I am in fact a relation of his. This information makes it possible to look up his Facebook profile, which then shows family members and much more. Myself and other family members have even been contacted and asked about this, from people finding such information online. There is also an identity suppression
order on this suspect, and this discussion is not helping that at all."

Sheepdog wrote:Are you able to post the name, Udo? Or is a illegal? If it is illegal, fair enough man... hate to see you get in the shit....
I can't really see the relevance in this . It's not as if he wasn't caught out during such . If these girls hadn't of escaped and there was an investigation of their death and he was a suspect ....
I can understand relatives innocent concerns , but I'm sure it's easy to either defriend or close ones page .....
Anyway I'm glad myself and others didn't use the name too extensively of take it further and pass comment on his associates !?
Ben perhaps your SA circles aren't that benign ... Or are we talking an email, from a stranger ?

I do feel sorry for the family... But I feel more sorry for the two women, and their families..... And I personally do not understand why there is a suppression order...
But that's the way it is.....

I take it personally . Finally there's been some decent skirt travelling along the coastal trail from RAdelaide to Stillbourne . And this fuck stick goes and wrecks it for everyone .

how about you go for a surf udo. you think about too much shit, ask the dumbest questions, recite the plain fucking obvious and have google, wikipedia and news.com in your favourites bar.

South Oz never fails in the 1 degree of separation stakes. If you've surfed for a while, you'd know Dove. As a fellow mate from the same neck of his old stomping grounds said, surprised he didn't recognise the perp from the Morphy Tav back in the daze!
But then another mate just casually told me he actually knows the perp! Seen him round his local traps fishing, and at one of the local dive pubs. Had beers with him on occasion. Just thought he was a typical "wharf-rat hard-nut" (His words. My mate's been part of the thin edge of the artiste gentrifying wedge down them there parts for a fair few years).
Ah, Radelaide! Yawl come back now, y'hear.

"It strikes me that if you don't fish or surf in SA , then I'm not sure what you would do there ?thats legal!? Maybe play footy or be into cars ."
Jeez mate we have the best Food & wine in Australia (maybe the world) some incredible places to visit. The city (this time of year) has so much stuff going on theres no way you could see it all, rated 5th most livable city in the world...could go on & on

yeah , you missed me calling it Radelaide .
I've been there a few times for short stays , and have alot of friends /acquaintances from there .
So maybe you missed the bit where i said SA ..................
So if you leave Radelaide and the Fleurieu Peninsula out ........ maybe you could add waterskiing and caving { diving to me is fishing ) , gem hunting ( which attracts the best people ) ..... yeah plenty to do
oops i forgot sun worshipping ..... i passed through there around the last full eclipse in 2001 ?!?!?
Oh my god what an eye opener . hehehe



you guys changed


Yesterdays latest news

Roman heinze can now be identified
Sean FewsterVerified account @SeanFewster
BREAKING: #SaltCreek suppression LIFTED. The kidnapper can finally be named as ROMAN HEINZE. @theTiser
— Sean Fewster (@SeanFewster) May 11, 2017

Interesting accounts by Dove about off duty cops not getting involved. Poor form.
Cops who refused to help catch Salt Creek attacker 'must live with their mistake'
Nasty stuff happened at Salt Creek, authorities digging deep in to background of this sicko and files of missing persons.