Escaping backhand tubes

My number 1 trick is to sit to low and get drilled into my board by the lip. I do this a lot.

I do what mk1 does. Also, a lot.
This is a topic dear to me at the moment. Lately I have been surfing a lot of hollow lefts (backhand for me). My backhand tube skills are quite limited. I'd also like tips.
I just got advice to get my inside arm into that wall. This helps square the shoulders. And the front foot I know faces forward. But I am still eating it endlessly and bouncing off the reef endlessly. Not sitting high enough on the face and copping the lip to the head. Then sitting too high and getting sucked over. Then setting up perfectly only to look like a goose as no barrel opens up. Sigh.

too many righthand points surfed when growing up. haha

Put a empty ice cream bucket on ya head eat some oats,and go straight to drop knee and save the arm drag just point to were u want it to end..imop...

I don't know how to do those pullouts you refer to but I have had trouble sometimes with my head either hitting the lip backhand or try to duck forward and it puts too much weight on my front foot or something, causing me to nosedive. I've been working a lot on my backhand since being over here but I'm still a lot worse than forehand. Especially on ledges I find round tails the easiest to ride backhand in tubes. My mayhem mini driver is the best backhand board I've had. Easy to pump and get tubed.
But got a little heavy for that board recently.
That little right at the end of Jakes point is pretty fun to try out new backhand stuff. I might move there.

What borat u cant push your head and your right side through a wave...

Try and kick your board forward and lay back in where the lip hits the water ... the trough.... Sometimes you pop straight out the back of the wave, sometimes you don't and still get worked (I'm ashamed to admit I learnt this trick being a lidder surfing shallow shorebreaks years ago haha) .... if you get rolled a bit and not slammed flipped starfish like a mofo to try and avoid reef

Question or statement could be both i suppose..this is a statement i think.use your heels on your board...

How good is this

Very good.

Being a big fat bastard, depending on the situation A- hang in there till vapourized - the more wave that throws and detonates while u still hanging in there, the less working u get - hard to keep your cool tho.
B either jump off the front or rear ( parallel with the wave) covering up ya head like a ufc fighter about to get beaten and do the best ever bum first bomb dive.
ffs dont jump in front of your board between the wave and the shore, or back plant yourself in the wave in line with your board and the shore. Sure recipe for clashing with board underwater.. You wanna get further down the line AWAY from the board, or your board further down the line. I have sometimes "pretended" to spear an imaginary surfer further down the barrel, and just gone "PLONK" into the floor of the barrel.
Hope that makes sense bahahahaha

That was unreal udo.
Sheepy, yep.

My backside tube riding is not that great but I can punch through out the back of the tube in waves up to about 5ft pretty well when all hope is lost.
Often I turn hard into the face from low down on the wave and bog my bum and shoulder into the wave face losing all speed and becoming like a stationary object the wave breaks over. I let the tail of my board spin out and at the same time my front hand grabs the nose of my board about 2 foot from the nose and I hold it hard and sort of tuck it under the crook of my arm. The board usually just gets pulled out the back with me nose first. Being nose first it penetrates the wave well.
I pop up out the back board under my arm facing shoreward just on the outer edge of the broken wave and frog kick a bit to avoid getting sucked into the white water. Sometimes I punch out and seem to pull my board into position under me and start paddling in one smooth motion.
Might sound complicated but it is really just bottom turn hard into the face and grab the rail near the nose.
It has worked well in so many hairy situations and on shallow bottoms.
Don't do it in chopes type barrels or if you are too high up to do a turn into the face.

Damn the torpedoes ,, full speed ahead. ;)

Imagine the state of mind you'd need to be in to be in that position and think "better slow down actually"

A bloke who knows a thing or two about scary barrels. Some good backhand ejection tips here:

just watching those Nathan Florence videos makes my heart pound.
What's makes me a bit nervous is surfing solid hollow waves on your backhand over shallow reef.
On your forehand if you're in a big hollow tube and its shutting down you can, most of the time, quiet easily pull through the back while you're in the pit.
On your backhand I find it much harder to punch through without getting sucked over.
Anyone got any tips?