Lift your surfboard using only your vagina!

"By shoving a jade egg attached to a string up her vagina she can walk down to the beach with an unmarked quad swinging between her legs, leaving her arms free to do things such as waving to people or blowing kisses."
Geezuz!! The ladies would wanna be careful doing that with a stiff offshore!!

Problem solved as to where to stash your car keys.

stunet wrote:
The shot with the donuts. Reminds of my young blokes birthday party a few years ago. If only I had of known, all the mums could've been involved........

Gives "spotting someone " a hole ( yes pun intended ) new meaning .

Wonder how the old lips would stand up after a two hour trek to her favourite jungle line up..
And maybe if she traded the jade egg for a block of her favourite wax she could multitask while waiting for sets..wiggle wiggle

Pffft... That's nothing.. What is this? Amateur hour?? For a start her legs are way too skinny.. Old uppsydaisy can carry a triple board bag fully loaded with his vagina!!!

Makes me wish that I had a vagina.

when she can hang upside down from it, then ill be impressed.

According to Ryan Lovelace's instagram it's one of his 'Piggyback' models. The quad setup gives it better hold maybe?
Intimacy coach Kim Adani teaches ‘Vaginal Kung Fu’, a skill that comes in handy for women who surf.
By shoving a jade egg attached to a string up her vagina she can walk down to the beach with an unmarked quad swinging between her legs, leaving her arms free to do things such as waving to people or blowing kisses.
“I aim to lift objects that have an educational component to them and are part of an overall healthy lifestyle," says Adani. “I lifted gluten-free organic doughnuts and cold-pressed juices in Los Angeles, and a surfboard at Venice Beach."
What the educational component of the surfboard isn't explained by Adani, nor the educational component of dumbells and other items photographed hanging from her vagina in a series of Eat Pray Love-style photos.