Vic Weather Patterns

No, the weather goes in patterns like this, cycling almost weekly at stages through the year, give or take a few days.
I think this was brought up a month or two ago, when every weekend was looking great in Victoria.
I said that when I was at Uni I had Thursday or Tuesday's free (can't remember) and for a couple of months, every offshore day with swell fell on those days. Scored every time!
Summer you see these patterns with a trough moving through weekly swinging winds from SE to the NE, then in the wake of the trough, back to SE. So a couple of days of workable conditions around the same day every week and then back to junky onshore crap until the next trough moves through.

I think there may be a similar cycle on mid north coast nsw. Last year we had a few good days of surf and now nothing worth getting wet since Easter. We are all waiting for the cycle to shift and then no doubt we'll have another few ok days of surf....oh wait it's spring now. Must make it a yearly cycle! Every 5.3 days! Not sure we've had that many this year .
Just wondering that with last weekends conditions, this weekends forecast and next weekends forecast (long range but still) that weather patterns in victoria are some sort of cycle?
Last weekend was N-NE through out the duration, this weekend is looking similar and next weekend (just looking at craigs forecaster notes) winds will be around the easterly mark (better than a northerly here on Morn Pen).
I was theroy crafting in my head and was thinking maybe the cycle for say 5.3 days so that at some point your gonna get consecutive weekends of good surf (and vice versa i guess).
Once again my question probably has a multitude of answers and as per usual its hard for to get the question in my head out in way that people can understand haha.
Cheers anyways!!