Surf mags

White horses

Surfing World
White horses is good but $20 for a magazine, id rather buy a book.
Makes me feel old to think I use to buy tracks for about $2 and it was like a newspaper

Surfing world for me too. I occasionally buy white horses because its only quarterly I think?
I always seem to buy tracks every month too. And Stab, that has a lot of pretentious bullshit in it but does also have good stories and interviews too. Never really buy the seppo ones I just have a quick flick through in the newsagent. Waves is shithouse

i used to get kicked out of newsagencies .......
although i did get laid once because of it . was staying ( pre easy internet ) in a well known surf town and was going in every day to look at the newspaper synoptics . Generally being a nuisance reading everything when it was onshore .The young chick working in there saw my loitering in a different light and the first friday night in the pub . She pretty much dragged me out of there and had her way with me for 8 hrs . Was pretty tired in the water the next day ;-) That was round one , as i still kept going in as i was really keen on getting a specific rare wave on . After a week it started getting awkward as others working there cottoned on with many a smirk . It all ended abruptly when a week or so later something on the weather map a few hundred k's away caught my eye. I wonder if she eventually worked out why i was there ? !

8hrs?! Turn it up mate

i was young and extremely fit ..... and a little drunk . 4 sessions in 8 hrs isn't unheard of ;-) she was just lingering with a fresh conny , ready to go . i literally had to drag myself out for the dawny . hahah


Bloody purebred Victorian stallion!

No wonder you had back troubles later

i was interstate , i was just trying to rep. Vic as best as possible . Horny bitch started stalking me :-)

Haha well done .I can guess where that other wave was too

so you know of this newsagency / town / young lady ? heheh

I guess its in the west , from your home area . But unfortunately I don't know this actual shop attendant . I can dream up the situation tho because I used to read mags for at least 20 mins in shops then dodge out at the right time

well your correct , and i won't go into details because it could be someones daughter , sister , lover ........
but lets just say it was a win win for a a few rendeavous in a span of a week or two . great chassis .

Geez , good luck to you did u buy any magazine ?

another newsagent reader here.

freeride76 wrote:another newsagent reader here.
Yeah but are you getting any chicks?

I feel like the odd one out, i spend about 50$ or so a month of surf mags/boating mags at my newsagent good bloke. Would piss me off to be a owner and have free/poor readers in a small business.

I buy fishing mags to offset the surf mag reading.

Old fishing mags are the go. The older the better.
The new magazines are product driven advertorial rubbish .
What's with the modern fishos uniform of collared, ventilated button up shirt and team hat ? Not to mention the obligatory face sock even if your fishing an overcast autumn day in Gippsland.
Give me a late 70's early ,80's issue that contains photos of ruddy faced, beer gutted cobbers covered in blood, standing ankle deep in pinkies as a stray testicle pokes out the leg of his stubbies any day.
Or even Ron Calcutt's mate spinning for Spaniards off Hat Head in his body shirt and a pair of flared jeans that wouldn't look out of place in a Greek discotheque.
And when did fishing become an activity that is pursued in spotlessly clean clothes or specially purchased branded fishing clobber ?
With any luck you're going to go home covered in blood, scales , spit, sweat and beer.
Sure it may be brutal but that's fishing. The catches may have been a bit extreme but history ain't always pretty and at least the boys were hurting fish for food rather than thrills.
Same fish eating the same food as today , caught using mostly the same techniques.
Only they were bigger and easier to catch with a shit load more adventure involved in the process.
Get magazines 6 for a dollar at some places.
PS How long since you've seen blood in a modern fishing magazine ?
Sanitised, consumer inspiring shit I tells ya.
PPS - Surf mags ?
Sometimes a Surfing World or White Horses for long flights otherwise the internet's got all the surf media I need. most of the mags at a fraction of the cost

Blowin wrote:Old fishing mags are the go. The older the better.
The new magazines are product driven advertorial rubbish .
What's with the modern fishos uniform of collared, ventilated button up shirt and team hat ? Not to mention the obligatory face sock even if your fishing an overcast autumn day in Gippsland.
Give me a late 70's early ,80's issue that contains photos of ruddy faced, beer gutted cobbers covered in blood, standing ankle deep in pinkies as a stray testicle pokes out the leg of his stubbies any day.
Or even Ron Calcutt's mate spinning for Spaniards off Hat Head in his body shirt and a pair of flared jeans that wouldn't look out of place in a Greek discotheque.
And when did fishing become an activity that is pursued in spotlessly clean clothes or specially purchased branded fishing clobber ?
With any luck you're going to go home covered in blood, scales , spit, sweat and beer.
Sure it may be brutal but that's fishing. The catches may have been a bit extreme but history ain't always pretty and at least the boys were hurting fish for food rather than thrills.
Same fish eating the same food as today , caught using mostly the same techniques.
Only they were bigger and easier to catch with a shit load more adventure involved in the process.
Get magazines 6 for a dollar at some places.
PS How long since you've seen blood in a modern fishing magazine ?
Sanitised, consumer inspiring shit I tells ya.
PPS - Surf mags ?
Sometimes a Surfing World or White Horses for long flights otherwise the internet's got all the surf media I need.
I suggest you get a copy of this if you haven't already mate, its bloody awesome - Ron's words and soft tone were truly magic
I always remember reading the article where he caught a 10kg pig, drummer fishing royalty and something that wouldn't be even remotely possible these days
Also a lot of the old Malcom Florence barrier reef trips are up on youtube
early Rod Harrison is also epic if you can some of them, I've only found them on VHS
A lot of Rexxy's early stuff is also on youtube if you don't mind the chatter coming from his gob

Love the old Rexy stuff and always looked forward to the Steve Starling segment. One in particular catching big Snapper off the rocks somewhere in NZ.
Paul Burt is/was pretty cool too and I enjoyed Phippsy's cooking segment on Coastwatch.
I loved the old fishing mags too and used to read them while waiting for my turn at the barber. I couldn't name anybody in them if I tried though. Thanks for the memories Blowin.
Thinking of forking out and subscribing to a good Ol' Aussie surf mag for a monthly read. Which one do you blokes reckon is best?