
Here it is, heavy!
Old mate did well to get to him and not get taken out :o

One lucky bastard!!

Big Kudos to the instructor/saviour.

Who let this dude on the plane?
I've had a couple of seizures in some bad places but this would have to be the baddest of them all.

Birthday cakes for the rest of his life to old mate, and bloody big cakes as well

udo how would they have known? once they left the plane the other dudes would have had no idea what was going on !Pretty good work by the instructor to dump the guy out but the student rig he was wearing would of been fitted with an AAD (automatic opening device)not that you should rely on them!

Saw on the news tonight he hadn't had a seizure in 4 years! Of all the times to have another one...
12,000 ft skydive goes wrong.