Malaysian and Singapore airlines

Singapore airlines : special baggage ,sports equipment.
Economy = 30kgs

I havent traveled Malaysia and would be a little scared too, but have traveled Singapore, Qantas, Jet star, Virgin, Tiger air, Air asia, Garuda
And Singapore airlines are by far the best in ever regard, nice modern planes with heaps of leg room, movies, entertainment, foods fairly good for airlines and the hostess are mostly smoking hot, never any problems with boards or baggage.
If i had a choice id go Singapore airlines any day, only reason i don't is because there normally expensive.

indo-dreaming wrote:I havent traveled Malaysia and would be a little scared too, but have traveled Singapore, Qantas, Jet star, Virgin, Tiger air, Air asia, Garuda
And Singapore airlines are by far the best in ever regard, nice modern planes with heaps of leg room, movies, entertainment, foods fairly good for airlines and the hostess are mostly smoking hot, never any problems with boards or baggage.
If i had a choice id go Singapore airlines any day, only reason i don't is because there normally expensive.
I agree with Indo

I've flown Singapore a few times long haul and they are awesome. Everything Indo says above.

What about Air Asia? Cheaper, but way better than any other budget airline I've used. Although they do use the crappy budget terminal at KL, not the nice international. My wife used Malaysian once, said they were ok. Dunno about boards.

The cheapies ,AirAsia etc - make sure you buy your 20kg baggage online with your ticket around $50 each way I think it at the airport and its closer to $150 each way.

crip wrote:What about Air Asia? Cheaper, but way better than any other budget airline I've used. Although they do use the crappy budget terminal at KL, not the nice international. My wife used Malaysian once, said they were ok. Dunno about boards.
I wouldn't say air Asia are better than any other budget airline. I'd say they're about the same. Similar to jetstar in my experience.

Hey Grufnut
Ive flown with both , from syd to Medan via Singapore on Singapore then I think on Silk air onto Medan no probs except the flight went from Singapore onto india ,therefore lots of Indians in a confined space was quite overwhelming at times. If going on A380 try and get top deck towards the back ,plenty of room,avoid level below if possible.
Also flew with Malaysia two weeks after 370 disappeared,got a pretty cheap ticket and had no probs there either both times with 3boards which I think weighs around 18kg and a largish back pack which is carry on.Goodluck

Hi Grufnet, I have flown both with boards numerous times. I've never had any problems with MAS (Malaysia) or SIA (Singapore). Air Asia is now at the new terminal KLIA2, no longer need to go to the crap budget terminal. KLIA and KLIA2 are on the KLIA Express, around 3 to 5 mins between terminals. Hotel at KLIA if you need to get your head down (available for short stay as well). I flown Air Asia as well, no problems yet but I only limit them to short haul flights. Pre-book your sports equipment. Dont know you flight schedule but maybe you will not have to layover for 5 hrs.

oldgreg wrote:Hey Grufnut
Ive flown with both , from syd to Medan via Singapore on Singapore then I think on Silk air onto Medan no probs except the flight went from Singapore onto india ,therefore lots of Indians in a confined space was quite overwhelming at times. If going on A380 try and get top deck towards the back ,plenty of room,avoid level below if possible.
Also flew with Malaysia two weeks after 370 disappeared,got a pretty cheap ticket and had no probs there either both times with 3boards which I think weighs around 18kg and a largish back pack which is carry on.Goodluck
I'm hearing you about the Indians. I've had the same experience on a long haul flight. By the time we landed there was warpaint and feathers from one end of the plane to the other. And you don't want to know how hard it was pulling those fucking arrows out of my carry on.

Speaking of Silk air it is actually owned by Singapore airlines, hence why often connecting flights.
I bought a ticket in Medan once on Silk airlines then transfer in Singapore onto Singapore airlines back to Oz and they actually had a guy that met me when i got off the Silk airlines flight and took me to the right check in desk thing, then took me to the flight gate..was kinda weird maybe they thought i was stupid, but it felt pretty cool like i was VIP.

F&cking arrows, classic Blowin.bahahaha

Once i arrived 24 hours late for a Singapore airline flight from Melbourne to Medan, they reconnected all my flights, got me on the next plane and didnt charge me a cent . Another time while waiting in Changi airport me and a mate forgot to get boarding passes , by the time we bolted to get them we were told economy was full , we were then bumped up to business class , boarding the plane, after a month in the jungle i looked like shit in an unwashed filthy t shirt ,we were soon drinking red wine and eating cheese platters , to say we were stoked was an understatement . Cut my foot real bad on Nias one year and had no dramas changing flights to get back , they arranged seats with legroom and had an buggy to transport me to the medical centre when i arrived . Never had problems with boards or baggage or charged for being over the baggage limit . I think being super polite to the people behind the counter in these situations is an absolute must though . The ladies in the Polonia hotel, Singapore office in Medan are great for changing tickets etc if your stuck .

Daughter has just flown home from England on Singapore Airlines.
Her case did not make 1 of the connections, so did not arrive at the same time as her.
For 3 days now she has been told it is on the next flight. She has now been promised that she will get it tomorrow, so we will have to cross our fingers. This will be 4 days without her case if it actually turns up
Singapore Airlines have offloaded this aspect of concern to a third party company called Dnata, pressumably because it is cheaper and less hastle than dealing with upset cutomers.
Don't worry Singapore AIrlines, you won't have to deal with us ever again.
Good job my daughter packed a change of clothes in her carry on otherwise we would have had to buy her new clothes
Travelling to Medan later this year and looking at these two airlines, anyone had any experience good or bad? can't find their oversize baggage info on their site.....