Old scars and sea ulcers
Poor ol seal wat happened ? & Hopefully u werent allergic to the tissues for dabbing the tears off your eyes .
Luckily caml, whilst the tissues do cause a stinging sensation while dabbing away the tears, I don't think there is an allergy as such. And I find the the elastoplast usually only causes me a problem if placed on the skin, but if I was a shit load tougher it probably wouldn't happen or would I get sea ulcers either, so therefore wouldn't need to comment on this thread to try and help anybody else.
Silly fukcn me for my input.
Thanks for your valuable input though and hopefully others will find it of as much use as I have.
So is the tea tree oil better for cleaning the wound than hydrogen peroxide?
I reckon. Though hydrogen peroxide bubbles up much nicer in a good gouge.
Nice feeling to fill your ears up with hydrogen peroxide and dissolve the shit and wax as well.
prolly not good for your brain though.
I like to clean the reef cuts with peroxide to get a fresh start. Never used tea tree oil but if it is as good and doesn't hurt as much will try it on the kids they can't handle the peroxide yet. Getting that clean start and going from there is the biggest factor in reducing the overall heal time in my opinion.
Great thread. We all have to deal with this one whether you longboard one footers or paddle 30 footers.
The ultimate method is out there. I am gonna try everything I have read on here
Hey Beagle i used to get a lot of sea ulcers and a couple took forever to heal but my advice is to go on a good diet cause your probably deficient in certain vitamins.Try zinc,vit c and magnesium and check your iron levels cause since i improved my diet i havent had a sea ulcer for 20 years.
Peroxide is the go to kill germs first up and then plastic spray if its not deep,if it is use betadine and a waterproof bandaid.
Condy's crystals work well when you get them sussed, a faint, pink solution kills bacteria, and dries things out really well. Zero pain, so great for little kids and seals. Plus they are easy to carry around, last for ages as you only need a tiny bit of the stuff. Either soak the wound if you can in a bucket etc, or keep washing it with the solution, until it turns from pink to brown, as per soaking in the bucket.
If you are serious and somewhere where you don't want to fuck around, a terramycin stlye of ointment is hard to beat. Like this.
It used to be easy to get here, but these days in Aus, is in a lot of eye ointments, which you need a prescription for though.
Then I use a folded up parrafin bandage, cut a bit bigger than the wound, which waterproofs it. I agree with camsless and use a piece of elastoplast on top, creating literally a custom made/sized waterproof bandaid, which you can cut to perfect size, wrap if you need to, and which won't budge until you want it too. Then you can surf all day, and just put a fresh one on once a day. It heals easily while you surf.
If the elastoplast, tissues, condy's and stuff are still too painfull, or you are a hywper sthenthitivthe tywpe, just take your mummy on all your surfee expeditions.
Good to hear from you Uppy and some of you're remedies but I have to wonder how someone as heavily muscled and as in tune to surfing maxing Blacks as your fine self, could ever be inconvenienced by a sea ulcer, so therefore you'd could only be talking from a hearsay point of view no doubt.
Unfortunately those that do suffer from contact dermatitis caused by the glue in elastoplast (about 18% of the population) should be careful to not leave the dressing on for any length of time especially days in a row, unless of course they eat upwards of a dozen eggs a day in which case they would be so heavily muscled nothing would be of concern .
Now I know that I'm probably being a little sensitive when I say there are other products on the market that don't have the same ingredients in the glue as elastoplast (no doubt shit products hey Uppy), but possibly this information could just be of help to anybody else that might be so girly as to be allergic to something as common as elastoplast.
If all else fails, move to SA and I'm sure Uppy can soon whip you and your pesky sea ulcers into shape with some solid training, a straight egg diet and a good uppercut to the chin.
Now where's the tissues, I feel a good cry coming on.
Beagle...go to a Chinese medicine shop and get Supa concentrate ,"Tieh Ta Yao Gin".....this what you can use in the tropics ...multiple layers forms a waterproof skin.....heals supa quick by stopping water getting in...and disinfects at the same time!!
Fixumol is a less powerful type of sticky bandage that could work if you rather it doesnt stick so well.
Agreed simba that diet is half the recipe for success
brutus wrote:Beagle...go to a Chinese medicine shop and get Supa concentrate ,"Tieh Ta Yao Gin".....this what you can use in the tropics ...multiple layers forms a waterproof skin.....heals supa quick by stopping water getting in...and disinfects at the same time!!
this stuff is the shiz
I allways bring a bottle or2 home from indo.
just don't use on your balls for more than a couple a days.
don't ask
Tieh Ta Yao? whoops wrong stuff but it can cause dermatitis! Sorry about that.
Im a fan of the Chinese medicine, the basic three steps always works for me for new reef cuts in tropics.
1. Wash well with bottled water.
2. Rub with fresh cut lime, the more it hurts the better, and let it dry don't wash it off.
3. Then treat with Chinese medicine, but use a clean cotton bud and don't double dip.
Then keep clean and dry if possible, but if you wash or surf wash with bottled water and apply chinese medicine again once dry.
I only try to use it once a day, i don't know if its true but some guys say if you use it to much it eats away at it? never really had it happen though.
Tea tree oil, personally not a fan seems to irate things i put it on.
Hydrogen peroxide, good shit to clean out cuts etc and year the ear thing, i use to go to a doctor on the Goldie who surfed and when i had ear infections he would put it in my ear, crazy you can do that.
IMO you just have to find what works for yourself, what works for one person might not work for someone else.
blindboy wrote:Tieh Ta Yao is very similar to a product that used to be available in Australia called mercurochrome. It was withdrawn because it contained compounds of mercury which are nerve poisons and accumulate in the body. Given the amount of mercurochrome I applied over the years before it was withdrawn I wouldn't worry too much about occasional use (nervous tremors just caused a slight pause in my typing) but it may be wise to save it for coral cuts and use more standard antiseptics for lesser issues.
Oh no i didn't need to read that :(
Just reading the ingredients of the Tieh Ta yao [online] its got some bizarre resins ? in it, no mention of mercuro chrome like stuff
mercurochrome is still avail in aust- 50ml bottle 2% mercurochrome around $5.
Dr Dave Jenkins of surf aid says save the lime juice for your beer or gin....it does more damage to the wound ?
BWadwell lots info here.
years ago i got one one the top of my toe that started to look like mt. vesuvius .Anyway my mates mum happened to see it and told me it was that bad i might have blood poisoning,and a pain around the groin was a good indicator.bugger me i was just getting that pain that day,but had made no connection.straight to the doctor,some sort of anti bacterial powder ,two weeks out of the water and problem solved.stay vigilant
has anyone round here ever drunk Tieh Ta Yao Gin? It says you can in the instructions. I think I did once at G-Land, but I can't really remember. It has got Gin in the title, I guess...
Thank you....
Beagle wrote:Hey folks, I'm sure all of us have (or are currently having) issues with the dreaded sea ulcer. I think the consensus is that you need to be diligent in treating the bastards and perhaps stay out of the water for a while. I've got a couple of old ones on my toes that just keep re-opening, which means that I have to go through the whole rigmarole of sea-ulcer treatment almost constantly these days. The scar tissue just seems to be really fragile. Is this a thing? I remember hearing Joel Selwood from the Cats saying (in defence of Boomer Harvey) that he's a 'serial bleeder' because the cuts above his eyes open up really easily. I guess gaffer tape is always a good solution!
Few days back my son have also troubled a lot due to foot ulcer issue we have also take him to many doctors but nothing worked to cure that ulcer completely. so I tried to cure it with natural remedies and I found this post. I hope you will also find something useful from it.
Hey folks, I'm sure all of us have (or are currently having) issues with the dreaded sea ulcer. I think the consensus is that you need to be diligent in treating the bastards and perhaps stay out of the water for a while. I've got a couple of old ones on my toes that just keep re-opening, which means that I have to go through the whole rigmarole of sea-ulcer treatment almost constantly these days. The scar tissue just seems to be really fragile. Is this a thing? I remember hearing Joel Selwood from the Cats saying (in defence of Boomer Harvey) that he's a 'serial bleeder' because the cuts above his eyes open up really easily. I guess gaffer tape is always a good solution!