Oui Oui QuickPro!

Yep, should get running today with a new NW swell, although it will be the women rather than the men. They need to finish in the coming days.
Smaller tomorrow and then some good new NW swell for Saturday and Sunday but only 3-4ft or so.
Better outlook for end of the period Friday/Saturday week with a swell to 4-5ft forecast by our models (likely 6ft sets in the mix).

Clarrie, the local photog from down my way, is over there and reports the bank at Les Estagnots as being in tip top shape. "All it needs is swell to fire," he says.

Great spot. frothed on Seignosse that is a great piece of beach!

Can anyone tell me how long a WCT heat is? I thought it was 25mins. I've checked the ASP rule book and it mentions 25mins for WQS - couldn't find anything for WCT.
Now the chicks are on in France and the first heat is 30mins.
Seem to recall the final in Tahiti was 40mins?
Guess it's up to the contest director on the day?

Gonna need 1hr heats for the Siargo comp .....forecast is lame.

If not today, they'll def finish tomorrow! Also the swell for the Mens has been upgraded, looking at 6ft+ clean surf now!

I watched some of the chicks heats yesterday first time in years, got to feel for them, still getting ripped off getting the dud conditions.
The scoring was also very questionable some of the girls surf shit house very lame styles and weak turns while some of the girls surf amazing with solid styles and turns, the scoring seemed very old school not reflecting the better surfer but more ticking boxes.

Pro surfing is so hard to watch sometimes.
One wave kelly gets over scored then his next wave he gets underscored, probably evened out overall but still.
And thats really the best bank on the beach?

Pottz at the start of the JJF, Julian, Jadson heat
"These guys all have an air game that is second to none."

I remember when Kelly did a very similar move at Bells and got a 10 and won the final.
This move was perfect in every way so IMO he deserved at least a 9.

what's with all the claims these days in pro surfing?? reeks of ego, not a good look

Need a Roy and HG solution, surrendered tackle is a penalty. Claim is like an interference.

Yeah claims don't look good, especially in onshore 2-3ft surf! Spitting barrels at chopes is a more exceptable claim venue.
Kelly vs Dane in round two, bound to be a good one ..

Ha yeah Roy and HG solution for sure! bring it on! We need some proper commentary on these comps

evosurfer wrote:I remember when Kelly did a very similar move at Bells and got a 10 and won the final.
This move was perfect in every way so IMO he deserved at least a 9.
True but I'm of the view point that no single turn should ever get scores that high, some of these guys can pull these pretty consistently it would really suck to see guys just going for these every wave to get high scores to get through heats.

Seriously why all the hype about Dane Reynolds he has to be the most over rated high profile surfer in
the known universe has an atrocious style digs rails looks slow and fat and has the personality of a rock.
Nah I dont get it.

evosurfer wrote:Seriously why all the hype about Dane Reynolds he has to be the most over rated high profile surfer in
the known universe has an atrocious style digs rails looks slow and fat and has the personality of a rock.
Nah I dont get it.
Yeah I agree evo, I don't like his style at all either. As far as his personality goes, a rock would be offended to be compared.
I guess with all the hype I'm expecting to see something special still. Not holding my breath though.
But with the world title in mind, Kelly is under pressure. You never know, there could be an upset. It's a must win for Kelly that's for sure

ugh no signal!

John John blowing up perfect tube riding in pretty tricky conditions.

How was John Johns wave a 10 and Kelly only got a 9.1??????????????????????????
Bullshit in my eyes.

john johns was way deeper longer and better turns at the end

islandman wrote:john johns was way deeper longer and better turns at the end
longer yes half the size and half as critical definitely and I don't agree about the turns.
Slater needs to get at least 1 point more too get 1 point less from the judgers.
I guess that's how you change the guard.

That's stupid. They were in different heats and they both still won. No comparison. Kelly's was the first wave of his heat, almost impossible to get a 10 off the bat.

Im a huge fan of Kelly, but i think the scoring was close to spot on yesterday.
Kelly got what he deserved as did John John, Kellys wave was amazing but i think he could have stayed in a little longer, john Johns 10 was perfect apart from falling on his last turn, hence maybe technically he should have got a 9.9.
Was just a pitty there wasn't more waves in Kellys heat.

Today though Kelly totally ripped off, finds a rare perfect barrel gets deep clean exit, then goes left and gets a couple of turns and gets a 6.5
Jordy Smith gets a 7.33 for a couple of turns.
Seems they were scoring the waves size, more than the surfing.

Agree ID. Jordy's turns were soft. Looked like he just wanted to put a score on the board without any risk of critical moves.
I would have much preferred to surf Kelly's wave than Jordy's.

Agree ID. Jordy's turns were soft. Looked like he just wanted to put a score on the board without any risk of critical moves.
I would have much preferred to surf Kelly's wave than Jordy's.

Well there you go Slater gets a fucken 4 for the impossible and jordy get 7.33 for soft turns Slater gets a 3 something for a right barrel and then turns left and smashes it all the way to the beach and you guys say its
fare. Well this is what I say it was embarrassing bullshit for the ASP.
I now say Slater needs to get 2 plus points more and he will still be scored 2 points plus below.
No doubt quicksilver really hate Slater to enforce such low scores in there sponsored event.
Not to mention one would think the ASP would like a close contest for the world title but I guess like
everything else in the world money talks and honesty walks.
Shame on the judging and Slater should just say im out of this debacle.
On a lighter note nobody could of beaten JJ today. Smoked them.

Yeah it was great tube from Double J but he fell off at the end so how can it be a perfect score of 10?
The judges need to keep the scale down a bit so they have room to move when there is a perfect ride instead of being forced there by scoring too highly early on in a heat.

indo-dreaming wrote:Im a huge fan of Kelly, but i think the scoring was close to spot on yesterday.
Kelly got what he deserved as did John John, Kellys wave was amazing but i think he could have stayed in a little longer, john Johns 10 was perfect apart from falling on his last turn, hence maybe technically he should have got a 9.9.
Was just a pitty there wasn't more waves in Kellys heat.
Glad Kelly agrees with me :P
I'm so goddam excited for France... Surging barrels, quick changing tides, deadly shories and the odd titty on the beach.... it's my favorite stop for sure!
Boys in the know, what we looking at forecast wise... we going to be running today? Reckon we see the title wrapped up in France?
Lets get the banter started.